This shows us all why the man deserves to be President:
MCCAIN: America this week faces an historic crisis in our financial system. We must pass legislation to address this crisis. If we do not, credit will dry up, with devastating consequences for our economy. People will no longer be able to buy homes and their life savings will be at stake. Businesses will not have enough money to pay their employees. If we do not act, ever corner of our country will be impacted. We cannot allow this to happen.
Last Friday, I laid out my proposal and I have since discussed my priorities and concerns with the bill the Administration has put forward. Senator Obama has expressed his priorities and concerns.This morning, I met with a group of economic advisers to talk about the proposal on the table and the steps that we should take going forward.I have also spoken with members of Congress to hear their perspective.
It has become clear that no consensus has developed to support the Administration’ proposal. I do not believe that the plan on the table will pass as it currently stands, and we are running out of time.
Tomorrow morning, I will suspend my campaign and return to Washington after speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative. I have spoken to Senator Obama and informed him of my decision and have asked him to join me.
I am calling on the President to convene a meeting with the leadership from both houses of Congress, including Senator Obama and myself. It is time for both parties to come together to solve this problem.
We must meet as Americans, not as Democrats or Republicans, and we must meet until this crisis is resolved.I am directing my campaign to work with the Obama campaign and the commission on presidential debates to delay Friday night’s debate until we have taken action to address this crisis.
I am confident that before the markets open on Monday we can achieve consensus on legislation that will stabilize our financial markets, protect taxpayers and homeowners, and earn the confidence of the American people. All we must do to achieve this is temporarily set politics aside, and I am committed to doing so.
Following September 11th, our national leaders came together at a time of crisis. We must show that kind of patriotism now. Americans across our country lament the fact that partisan divisions in Washington have prevented us from addressing our national challenges. Now is our chance to come together to prove that Washington is once again capable of leading this country.
Some are asking if this is a good move. I believe its a move done out of love for his country, not personal ambition. He understands to get a grip on this problem he needs to be in Washington, not on the campaign trail. I’ve never been a McCain fan, but the man deserves respect….most especially now.
If Obama refuses to suspend his campaign it will just prove to us all the man only desires power, instead of the good of this country.
I’m betting he continues to campaign.
Via Ace of Spades HQ:
Coming in through the comments: Obama is claiming it was his idea to suspend campaigning, but also that he’s not suspending campaigning.
I guess he was for the idea before he was against it.
Why does this not surprise me?
And my bet was right on:
However a senior Obama campaign official said Obama “intends to debate. The debate is on.”…
While McCain says he has a job to do so he will suspend his campaign for power Obama says he has a campaign for power to run so my job cannot bother me.
McCain yanking ads:
Aiming to prove how serious he is about addressing the financial crisis, John McCain has instructed his staff to take all his campaign commercials off the air, a spokesman tells Politico.
“As John McCain said, now is the time to put partisanship aside and come together to do the work that the American people expect,” said Tucker Bounds.
McCain aides are now in the process of contacting TV station across the country to get their ads taken down, according to Bounds.
Classy move.
In a shrewd move, Senator McCain has just proposed delaying Friday’s first presidential debate–in order to convene a meeting with Obama, President Bush and other decision-makers from both parties to sort out the financial mess.
It makes McCain look engaged in solving the number one issue on the minds of Americans, right now. It gives him a bigger bully pulpit to fight the Christmas tree of legislation that is winding its way through Congress now (even student and car loans have been added to the bailout).
It minimizes the power of Rep. Barney Frank, who has rolled his Senate counterpart, Chris Dodd, and is leading the congressional effort. Rep. Frank is a key Obama ally.
It also presents a strategic problem for Obama. Until now, the Illinois freshman has been able to coast, saying he supports what Rep. Frank and other Democrats are doing. If Obama and McCain attend a White House summit, each will have to lay out detailed proposals for reform. Obama would have to lock himself in–and take criticism for his ties to Fannie and Freddie.
And if Obama refuses to attend the summit, he effectively announces that he is unready to lead in a crisis.
Obama to refuse cancellation of debate
Obambi’s statement from his campaign:
At 8:30 this morning, Senator Obama called Senator McCain to ask him if he would join in issuing a joint statement outlining their shared principles and conditions for the Treasury proposal and urging Congress and the White House to act in a bipartisan manner to pass such a proposal. At 2:30 this afternoon, Senator McCain returned Senator Obama’s call and agreed to join him in issuing such a statement. The two campaigns are currently working together on the details,” spokesman Bill Burton said.
Earlier in the day, Obama said McCain had been absent on the issue a year ago when the Illinois Democrat introduced Senate legislation to restrict executive compensation.
McCain is suddenly talking like “a hard-charging populist,” Obama said, even though Obama claims McCain’s policies favor the rich.
The McCain campaign responded that Obama incorrectly claimed that he “‘blew the whistle’ on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac CEOs for their golden parachutes, when he actually hired one for a critical job in his campaign and reportedly had his campaign seeking policy advice from another.
“The truth is that while John McCain sounded the alarm on the need to reform Freddie and Fannie to protect American taxpayers, Barack Obama took record amounts of their money and refused to take action to reform and regulate them. If ‘lying’ is saying you did one thing when you actually did the opposite, then Barack Obama just lied,” said McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds
US News and World Report writes about just one of the reasons suspending his campaign is important for the country:
Media reports indicate congressional Democrats and Republicans alike are anxiously looking to Sen. John McCain for cues on his stance on the financial bailout package. Stories suggest the GOP nominee’s stance on the legislation could prove decisive to its passage. ABC World News, for example, reported McCain “may hold the fate of the $700 billion bailout proposal in his hands. Even with Vice President Dick Cheney lobbying hard for the bill today, top congressional Republicans say if McCain does not support the bill, it will likely die”
From Aye in the comments:
“We need the Republican nominee for president to let us know where he stands on what we should do,” Reid told reporters.
“We all understand the seriousness of the financial crisis,” Reid added. “We also understand that it’s the Republican philosophy that has been adhered to totally by Sen. McCain that has gotten us to this Republican crisis that we now find ourselves. We have a Republican proposal they’ve given us. And we now need some Republican votes to help us with this.”
“[I]t would not be helpful at this time to have them come back during these negotiations and risk injecting presidential politics into this process or distract important talks about the future of our nation’s economy. If that changes, we will call upon them. We need leadership; not a campaign photo op.”
I guess Harry was for it before he was against it.
From an emailer:
Obama made a stunning gaffe in his press conference this afternoon, responding to McCain suspending his campaign and the economic crisis. Obama said,
“If they [Congress] need me, call me.”
Wow! There could be no further contrast in leadership between these two men. McCain rolls up his sleeves and says “let’s get something done.” And Obama says “call me if you need me.”
When given an opportunity to serve his nation in a time of severe crisis, Barrack Obama decided that his own personal gain was more important.
Other’s blogging:
Sister Toldjah
Hot Air
Suitably Flip
Musing Minds
Matt Lewis
Atlas Shrugs
Riehl World View
Ankle Biting Pundits
Roger Simon
Theodore’s World
Hugh Hewitt

See author page
Both of these guys are running for President.
One will be elected in less than 50 days.
One will take office in approx 120 days.
If they’re not ready to deal with this type of situation now, then I have no confidence that they will be ready in Jan ’09.
Now is a perfectly good time for them to be involved in an issue of this size.
There are no test runs when you become President.
There is no OTJ training or ramp up time.
“Ready on day one” is the way it works.
Yes I know. I think we are both trying to prove different points, so let’s just agree to disagree 🙂
Maybe Sarah Palin can debate Obama.
He’s been running against her ever since she was added to the ticket.
That’s because everyone knows McCain is about to fall over dead 🙂
*being sarcastic*
“Craig: How is Obama an empty shell?! (Anyone’s America)
This article can explain it better than me.
Extracts from:
… Even after more than a year of vigorous campaigning, it is impossible to know what he would actually do if elected. Not that he hasn’t told us, he has told us plenty, but he keeps telling us different, contradictory stuff. So what are people supposed to believe? Does he even know himself what he believes?
… Is he for unconditional talks with Iran, anywhere, anytime, or not? Does he want to pull out of Iraq regardless of what happens, or does it depend on circumstances? Is he for Nafta (North American Free Trade Agreement) or against it, or indeed free trade in general? Does he love business or hate it? Is Jerusalem to be undivided or separated? Does he respect the white grandma who raised him or despise her as a racist?
… Over the long campaigning months, his uplifting speeches and (rarer) debates and interviews have at different times adopted both sides of these questions, and many others, in what almost amounts to Orwellian doublespeak.
… Extraordinary oratory; flip-flopping policies; accomplishment-free; dodgy company. That to me is Obama. A handsome but empty shell which makes a pleasing noise, along the lines described by Saint Paul.
Read the complete article:
haha… that might count if I gave a crap about that guy’s article more so than what I have seen for my own eyes. That article is completely bias, so in my opinion doesn’t hold much for facts.
Anyway, McCain has flip flopped enormously on many issues. You could substitute his name in that article, and it really wouldn’t be any different.
Tell us what you’ve seen with your own eyes.
Obama has been on every side of every issue.
He has offered nothing of substance whatsoever in his entire campaign.
Zero. Zip. Zilch.
Hussein O decided a long time ago that making a tough decision, or even an easy one was ‘above his pay grade’. His record of ‘here’ votes prove there’s no man to him. He’s a tool of Islam and Soros. Fall for it and pay dearly and condemn your family to a mere existance the rest of their lives, the ones who bow to Islam that is, those that refuse will lose their heads. Democrats busted ego’s will be the end of freedom in this country. Educated elitest my a**, they are the most stupid group of humans to ever exist on this planet.
I’m absolutely stunned at some believing neither candidate should be present for this abomination Financial Rescue Plan. Are you forgetting your US Constitution?
Article I, Sect 9: no money can be drawn from the Treasury for this BS bailout except by lawful appropriations by the Congress. That’s why there has to be a vote to approve this in both chambers.
And some of you don’t want sitting Congressmen there because they’re campaigning for a new gig??
The whole thing is “political”. Their presence or absence will not change that. However this is one vote that a future POTUS can not afford to miss.
Anyone’s America: McCain has over two decades of a record in Congress to assess. Obama has the CAC, his IL Senate career… of which his records are not available as they’ve either destroyed them or make them unavailable… and 143 days in the Senate before he hit the road for a promotion.
He can speak for 5 minutes, wow you with his baritone, but say nothing. He straddles both sides of the fence at every opportunity in order not to take a firm stand.
He’s a broken clock… right a couple times out of a 24 hour period.
His judgment in associates, personal and business are all nefarious and shrouded in questionable ethics. But that’s okay… he just discards them.
His foundations lie in groups like ACORN… a branch of which is a housing organization that is part of the economic problem we had today.
He takes credit for bills passed that were wide bipartisan support, and had 1/4 of the Senate as co-sponsors. And he gets away with it because no one back checks the press anymore.
But I’ll agree… Obama’s no empty suit. It’s filled with secrets and Chicago political machine ethics. That suit espouses affirmative action policies at every turn, and wants to limit just how successful anyone can be. He is a candidate for POTUS in a socialist/Marxist suit…. hardly empty.
Some video from yesterday:
Projected price of the bailout: $700 billion
McCain’s plane trip back to DC to assume a leadership role: $10,000
Harry Reid’s look of complete shellshocked helplessness: Priceless.
Someone should get Harry some Pepto.
I think he’s going to need it before this thing is through:
Congressional Democrats: Consistently Inconsistent.
MH: McCain’s experience doesn’t really do anything for me. Experience in corrupt politics doesn’t make you the right choice for president, because you simply have more so called “experience.” Besides, plenty of “experienced” politicians have run this country into the ground.
As far as Obama’s lack of experience goes, it doesn’t scare me. The entire experience argument is a waste of time.
I could pick out an equal amount of corrupt decisions made by McCain as you gave for Obama, and then some. Again, McCain has flip flopped on issues more than I have ever seen a candidate do before.
Can you find any more cliche bias statements to include, which other people wrote that you obviously cited?
Everything you pointed out is an endless argument with no right answer from either party.
Back to your first argument: no I don’t want two congressmen to sit in on that situation, whom have been campaigning for the last 19 – 20 months and not heavily involved in regular decision making. It would be like cramming for a major exam for them. Anyway, you know where I stand on that issue: I’m done with it.
Didn’t you state earlier they are both elected congressmen who should be continuing their day jobs since our tax dollars are paying for it? McCain even said in his speech at the RNC that both parties need to stand tough on important issues.
I honestly wish there was a system in place in this country which made the public understand all of the issues and who stands for what, and pass a test before they can vote. 50% of the people who will vote don’t really have a clue about the truths: they simply vote Rep or Dem, or who cuts more taxes for their social class. It’s absolutely retarded.
Yes, I did say that they should be continuing with their day jobs. Especially on an issue like the one that is currently before them.
Harry Reid wanted Obama in the Senate and congratulated him when it was politically expedient. Hence the quote in #63.
However, when it isn’t in his political interests for McCain to be there, he tells him to stay away.
Slippery slope territory there AA.
When you open that door you allow the possibility of all sorts of discrimination and bias on the part of who is creating / administering the tests.
You’re absolutely right.
Some people actually believe that Obama has laid out his plans for the future of our country.
Some people believe that McCain has been involved in corrupt politics.
Some people believe that the two candidates for POTUS, who are both Senators, should stay away from DC even though our country is currently facing a financial crisis on the scale of what we saw in 1929.
Sadly misled they are.
Let me get this Straight! There is someone on this blog that says Two U.S. Senators should stay away from their constitutional elected duties, because of their running for President. They would just be in the way? Now I’m scared, this country allows some one that uneducated and opinionated to ACTUALLY cast a ballot, Dear Lord come soon because were doomed, we can no longer even think that we are deep thinking people. We are more like sheepal following a phony shepherd.
It appears Obama has flip-flopped again. He has agreed to meet with Bush, McCain and House and Senate leaders tomorrow.
It’s shaping up just as I thought that it would.
Obie is a follower.
McCain is a leader, an old warrior, and a master at strategy.
Suspend the campaign.
Return to Washington DC and assume a role of leadership.
Check mate.
Anyone’s America said:
LOL! Oh yup.. that’s me. The Flopping Aces author with not an original thought in her head, who never provides links in her posts, and always borrows others’ “cliches”….
Well, guys. I guess I’ll have to yield that recently bestowed Flopping Aces “resident fact checker” title since, according to Anyone’s America… I’m just a parrot. :0)
I’d provide links to all my posts, comments about specific events that formed my “cliche biased statements”. But frankly, tisn’t worth the effort. Sorry group. This “encyclopedia” is going to listen to Bush try to sell us down the road. ick..
You’ve still got the “Thread Nanny” title and the yardstick that came with it.
Aye Chi,
I wonder how many polls the Obama campaign had to take?
Thank goodnes, Aye…. I already mounted that gilded stick on the wall!
That link is a hoot, Udder. “Breaking News!” Obama shows up for work….
lol…. funny…
fine, i’ll just leave everything at that then
It’s even better than I thought.
McCain is the one who called President Bush to get the ball rolling on their meeting tomorrow:
McCain: The Courage to Lead
If you’re suspending a campaign “for the good of the country”, you really should be careful not to accidently leak your campaign talking points.
Studying the comment section at No Quarter, some of the 42 % of the 18 million Hillary voters are saying that Obama is having a My Pet Goat moment. Ironic?
Obama won’t suspend running his ads and campaign. He has all that money he looted from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Sherson Lehman brothers he has to spend before they ask for it back.
P.S. Anyone’s America( interesting name, clearly a derivative of mine, do you wish to include communists, terrorists and other assorted enemies that would kill Americans?)
Anyone’s America,
I have pick-up this video just for you. Maybe you will see the light after listening to it.
Fit #74… gawd, are we up to 74 on this already???
So what’s your point about the talking points email? I read it. No subterfuge. Pretty much says the same thing McCain outlined in his campaign statement.
What were you and AP expecting… that it would be an inside email that said “my PR guy said to race back because it’s best politically”??
Straws, straws, straws….
After reading the talking points from Fit fit’s source, I’m a bit confused. Please explain why they are so sinister as to warrant a blog entry anywhere. Fit fit?
One question…
Who were the individuals who were saying something needed to be done about Fannie and Freddy a few years ago (2005 i think)?
I think it is a good idea for John McCain to go back to Washington and work on this bill. He is a senator first and foremost. It really doesn’t matter to me one way or the other what his political motivations are as long as in the end, he does the “right” thing. The right thing is for him to honor first his obligations as a senator, and if the senators don’t believe that they are needed there, then why is the public paying them. And besides, I don’t think the public will be harmed if they postponed the debates for a week or so. After all, it can be said that “absence makes the heart go fonder.”
The debate cannot be rescheduled in a week or so. The town that is hosting it has been planning it for a year and have spent 5 million dollars in preparation. The entire town has basically shut down for this event.
Anyway, it doesn’t matter much because the debate is going forward from what I understand.
Anon, what you say makes no sense whatsoever… for many reasons.
1: The univ chancellor, Robert Khayat, said last year the costs were estimated to be between $2 and 2.5 mil. Now those costs have doubled?? And frankly, I’m having a hard time wondering why the costs are so high, unless it’s city law enforcement on overtime for security.
2: The Curb Event Center is a venue that seats 5900 people. This is peanuts when you consider huge concerts in 20-60K venues that are delayed and cancelled quite often during tours.
3: There is a big difference between “delay” and “cancel”. Most of the services are not paid in full up front… catering within the venue itself, parking, security, etal. What can be done is to move the event to another day if the venue schedule permits. Since most these venues are not booked 7 days a week, and a debate can easily occur on a weekday than a weekend, it’s unlikely this will be a problem.
4: The city is hardly “shut down” for a 5900 person event. Absurd. The Belmont Univ campus may shut down that day, but they can shut down another day instead. It’s impossible that a city the size of Nashville will “shut down” for an event this size. Hang… their local country stars will draw a bigger audience.
This is all must media hype to make it appear that McCain is insensitive to scheduling details of the debate. There will be very little money lost, and far larger events have been rescheduled in the real world.
Mata: that is what he said last year. Obviously they went over budget. Here is what Andrew Mullins said about it:
I’m just going on what information I have seen from people whom live in that town. I have a few people I keep in touch with through the interwebz, that happen to live in Oxford and they say the town is basically focusing everything on this event, and they don’t want to reschedule. It would be too demanding.
I’m not trying to attack you. I’m not trying to make McCain look bad either. I was merely posting information I saw from people in Oxford. And for a town that size, 5 million is a serious deal: not something you can just blow off. Yes I know larger things have been rescheduled, but that doesn’t make it right.
Anyway, peace out
Nope… didn’t think you were “attacking” me, Anon. Just don’t think what everyone is saying makes sense.
And my mea culpa here… picked up the “dateline” of Nashville as opposed to Oxford where Belmont is located. Oxford is a small town of about 19,000 people… not the size of Nashville. Duh…
But businesses will be open, taking advantage of the traffic for the event. And the event won’t be “blown off”, but rescheduled. Hopefully, anyway. There will be far more to “debate” once this financial rescue package is finalized.
And I must disagree… it is “right” to postpone and reschedule. So we’ll leave it at that.
If Mr McCain was so concerned about the financial crisis, why hasn’t he been in Congress for the past 6 months? I am a supporter, but I just don’t understand his rationale for not showing up for a debate on his strongest quality, foreign policy. It makes him look very weak!!!
Here’s the problem McCain has:
He has been impulsive and reactive the last month. If I were looking for a leader, I want someone who knows when to react and when to consult with people who know more. McCain has admitted that Economics isn’t his strong point. Which is fine, I’d rather have someone around who knows the limits of their knowledge. Sorry, being decisive on things that you don’t have a good understanding of strikes me as playing with fire at best, and Russian Roulette with all chambers but one loaded at worst.
Pivoting from the Fundamentals of the Economy are sound to this being such a disaster that only his personal Intervention can solve the problem will ring hollow with a number of people.
Choosing to not appear on Letterman because you have to get back to DC, then appearing on a news show a few blocks away at the exact same time he was to be taping on Letterman. That’s a serious unforced error.
I could go on and on. but the issue with McCain isn’t the base. It’s with the Independents. And his actions this week have alienated a lot of the independent voter, who are absolutely vital for McCain.
That’s the problem with Gambits. Sometimes you get nothing for the pawn.
Can you tell me which foreign policy issue was debated in the Senate in the last six months?
Deb, regardless the debate is still on so it doesn’t really matter
Who is Obama going to debate?
He will be alone.
I suggest Biden
Ok, I stand corrected. It isn’t official McCain will be there, but it isn’t official he won’t be there either. At least that’s what I’m reading.
Anon… INRE your comment:
You can forget about the money loss to the town of Oxford. It is all donated private funds.
As you can see, the town is already enjoying an economic boost with the press moving in, supporting local businesses such as restaurants and hotels.
The financial crisis didn’t come to a head until two weeks ago. We are in a financial crisis.
McCain needs to be there for several reasons. One, back in 2005 he had studied the mortgage subprime situation, especially with regards to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. He tried to get legislation passed to confront the problems that Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and other similar subprime lenders posed. Unfortunately he was not successful. However, I believe that he is especially needed at this juncture because he has familiarity with the issue. He has researched it and studied it. He has the notes, he has the details, the facts and the figures. We may not have the time at this point to research the subject again and bring people up to speed.
The second reason we need him there is that he might be able to work with some of the Republicans who have real concerns about bailing out these companies again. History has shown that bailouts are only a temporary fix, but a temporary fix is what we need now until we can come up with a fair solution. Remember the Savings and Loans fiasco of the 80s. We don’t want to keep repeating the mistake.
Taking six months off to campaign for office is perfectly acceptable in normal times when things are going well. For critical legislation, he still has a job to do.
Good for Oxford.
Anywho.. maybe Obama can debate against John McClane! I know that’s who I’m voting for!!
Change you can trust, a slogan that could turn around McCain’s campaign?
Change you can trust contrasts beautifully with change you can believe in.
Everyone wants change, only with a team that we can trust to implement it.
If you’re in a tough spot, you want someone to come to help you that you can trust, not someone you believe may want to help you.
John McCain, polls show, is rated as highly qualified and highly trusted. This slogan, change you can trust, reinforces this message.
It can even be added on to John McCain’s current slogan. Country first, change you can trust. Or perhaps Change you can trust that puts Country first. Or how about Change you can trust that puts America first
It implies without directly saying it that the other side is perhaps a little less trustworthy.
It also reinforces the message that in a time we were facing battle with Al Qaeda worldwide and two conventional wars, John McCain is a commander in chief you can trust to lead us to victory.
There are 30 days left before Election Day. Sarah Palin’s debate performance was good, but it’s really up to John McCain to win.
John, are you listening???