Democrat Leader: “Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks”

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Lets see a Republican say something like this and get away with it: (h/t Gateway Pundit)

Rep. Alcee Hastings told an audience of Jewish Democrats Wednesday that they should be wary of Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin because “anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks.”

“If Sarah Palin isn’t enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention,” Rep. Alcee Hastings of Florida said at a panel about the shared agenda of Jewish and African-American Democrats Wednesday.

Hastings, who is African-American, was explaining what he intended to tell his Jewish constituents about the presidential race. “Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through,” Hastings added as the room erupted in laughter and applause


So hunters are now racists…, you just can’t make this stuff up.

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That is just about the most incredible thing I have ever seen uttered in a political race.

Just unbelievable.

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

( Republican vice presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin displays an Israel flag in her office window despite the tiny Jewish population in her state. Republicans say “that says it all” concerning what they charge is Democratic propaganda that she once backed Pat Buchanan, whose name is anathema to most Jews.

The Republican Jewish Coalition has pointed out that an Israeli flag is a fixture on the drapes in her office. “I think it speaks volumes that she keeps an Israeli flag on the wall of her office,” the group’s executive director, Matt Brooks, explained in an e-mail to “It clearly shows what’s in her heart.”


(sorry, I hit return thinking my info was entered) — yonason

A friend of mine has a great grandfather who was a hunter/trapper, and in Alaska of all places (I’ve seen the old pictures he has from back then), who met my friend’s other great grand parents when he came to sell them some of his pelts. The story goes that he showed up with them, and the shop keeper side of the family talked to each other in Yiddish so he wouldn’t understand, saying “how much should we pay him for them?” No sooner had they asked that of each other than he responded in perfect Yiddish, “You’ll pay me top dollar.” One side had a son, the other a daughter, and they made a shidduch (match) – not too many Jews out that way then.

But if your a Democrat, you don’t have to worry. My friend is an accountant, not a hunter. And even if he could field dress a donkey, he knows those donkeys’ pelts are worthless, so he wouldn’t bother. Even so, though, I think the donkeys have a lot more to worry about from him than Jews have from Palin. Just something to keep in mind.

I vote we make a new hunting rule. Open season on democrat idiots 24-7. I’ve hunted my entire life (67 years) and so far haven’t thought of killing a Black or a Jew. Hasting’s is the first idiot that should be listed as fair game in the hunting rules. Any audience that sat and listening to that worthless POS and didn’t kick his a** up around his neck are a worthless bunch of idiots. It would be worth the fine to bust his nose and black his eyes. Knowing the democrats they probably cheered the idiot.

What a stupid, stupid statement! I don’t even know where to began with this idiocy. The people who are laughing I’m sure are liberals who have no clue what they are laughing at.
He has taken something that millions and millions have done through out our history and turned it into an insult.
“So you just think this through.” If Obama is elected, this will only be the beginning of this reprehensible garbage from liberals and jerks like this.

my husband and son hunt every year, my daughter would love to go with them, but its boy time. maybe one day she will be able to hunt. hunting used to be the way that you put food on the table, how you fed not only your family, but also your extended family. they would have big gatherings, spend time together. its very sad to see that moron say something like that. its racism is reverse. good i can’t wait until this election is over, it is going to give me an ulcer.

See Alcee Hastings is proof positive of my argument that Dems will keep crooks in office, where We will remove or unelect ours. Alcee Hastings used to be a Federal judge, but he was impeached for bribery, yet he is voted to the house. I rest my case your Honor.





Amazing utterly amazing

And the dems say that McCain is running a dirty campaign. There is nothing dirtier thant the dems. This dumbo has brought the electins to a new low. Everytime I think the dems have gone as low as they can they surprise me by going even lower.

This is no joke. I cleaned out my apartment this last weekend where I have lived now for 14 years. I found guns I forgotten I had. I found my dad’s old 30.30 from the 1950’s, autograph still on the stock from when he hunted with Fred Bear in Kotzebue, Alaska where he (my dad) lived for four years with his family, I wasn’t born yet (but I was made in Alaska!).

I hunt, I fish, I spend a lot of time in the great outdoors. I care about Jews and blacks. Outside of my family, the woman that is closest to me is black. I am totally offended by this statement and angered by it. I felt my ears turn red, that is how mad I got. Knowing me, I had to let some hours go by before responding, that is how angry I got. Steph saw this too, and went almost as ballistic as I did.

Ignorant elitists have no clue as to the real world and the people in it. I have shown this to my hunting friends who are die-hard Democrats and they are not happy either. Yes Virginia, there really are Democrats who hunt, or should that be, yes Alcee.

Now I go away, muttering to myself.

What is wrong with these people? How can they say, let alone think, this kind of stuff?

A few weeks back – there was a story about Gov. Palin saying something about “Sambo beat the _itch.” Well, right away I told my husband, I know the governor did not say that. To begin with, no one really knows (here in Alaska) who / what was Sambo is. My brother-in-law from South Carolina let us know the children’s story. Having been raised in Alaska, the governor would not have spoken about race (or Sambo) because it is just not done or seen here.

I know P-Diddy (I think that’s how you spell it) went on and on about Alaska and race – basically having no blacks. That’s untrue, Alaska is a state where people live without invoking race every chance that they get. Work – manual work – fishing, mining, crabing, pipeline, etc. is based on the ability of the person to work – not their race. And, yes, there are many races here in Alaska.

So to read this stupid remark from an elected representative is just amazing.

No – race is not the issue. Black, Jewish, Asian, White, Alaska Native. The only time race is an issue is when people cannot debate the real issues of our country without throwing some dumb line in there about a smart, capable woman (who happens to fish and hunt) being a racist or not caring about them because of their race.

Absolutely amazing. Absolutely slimy. Absolutely pitiful.

no surprise considering it is alcee hastings – another freakin’ crook – excuse me demokrat crook….and prejudicial in his own right merely by statements lime the one he just made

I told my wife that ANY and ALL crimes committed by the Dems are really out in the open, because the Dems are always screaming about the Republicans doing something wrong, but the something is always what the screamer is very likely guilty of himself.

C in Alaska,

I am not a hunter, but I do fish. My father was a hunter and outdoorsman. So I don’t understand the comparision to guns and a flag determining whether you are concerned about Jews or African Americans. I don’t believe that Mr Hastings or P Diddy have any reason to make these type of idiotic statements. Personally anyone that would let P Diddy, Lindsey Lohan, Oprah, Chuck Norris or any other celebrity influence their decision for whom to vote for… Probably should not be voting at all.

I am a democrat…I hope that race is not the issue that people focus on most in this election. I plan to vote for Obama simply because I believe that he has the most to offer. Race is not a concern of mine.

I plan to vote for Obama simply because I believe that he has the most to offer.

And that is what, exactly?

Elucidate please.

Is it his time as a Community Organizer or his vast legistation, his Hope and Change, his campaign that follows Alisnky’s Rules for radicals to a tee????

I wan to know. Because it can’t be his time in the Senate. All 140 or so days does not count as experience. What is it that you like about Obama???? I really want to know. What has he done to become President???

All this other crap does not really matter. I really do want to know what he has done to make anyone think he could be President. The only thing I have heard from the Left is why we shoulv not vote for McCain. Not why we should vote for Obama. And do not say his Hope and Change BS, that is all BS and does not say anything of what he will do.

Please I really want to know