Sarah Palin’s Gaffes Prove She’s Not Ready To Be President

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Three HUGE gaffes about simple American history all in as many sentences:

“When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed,” …He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.’”

Hot Air did a nice job of showing the magic…

How ignorant is this statement? Let me count the ways:
1) Franklin Roosevelt didn’t become president in 1929 during the crash. He won the 1932 election and took office in 1933, largely because of the 1929 crash and the incompetent protectionist policies that transformed it into a Great Depression.

2) If FDR and President Herbert Hoover didn’t talk about the “princes of greed” in 1929, by the time FDR took over, that kind of populist rhetoric had certainly taken root. FDR greatly escalated the scope of federal government to institute the kind of redistributionism that Obama and Biden now champion.

3) If Hoover or FDR appeared on television in 1929 or even 1933, only a few hundred people would have seen it. Television was still an experimental medium and wouldn’t be introduced to the public for at least another decade.

Of course, the REAL problem with this is that it’s really veteran Senator Joe Biden who made the gaffes-not Sarah Palin, and if she HAD said it…there’d be a media frenzy. Why?
Is it because he’s a Democrat, and she’s a Republican?
Is it becuse he’s a “veteran senator” and she’s a Governor?
Is it because he’s a he, and she’s a she?
Is it because she’s new to the media spotlight, and he’s so exposed to it he’s got sunburn from the lights?

I dunno, but in the meantime….
This has been a test of the Palin Derangement Syndrome. Had this actually been an example of Palinophobia your computer would be smoking right now. Wolf Blitzer would be on the floor in convulsions. Chris Matthews would be on MSNBC with his leg twitching, and Keith Olbermann would have peeled off his mask to reveal that he’s really Christopher Lowell.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

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Exit question …

Q: Why was Herbert Hoover was President in 1929 ?

A: Apparently because the Governor of New York, FDR, was lost looking for a non-existent TV station.

Don’t scare me like that! I thought Palin really said that. Now that I know it was Biden I still can’t believe that someone that knows so little about the History of this country thinks they should be running it. I would’ve thought the same thing had it been Palin, and like I said I did for a sec.

he is a moron……….

Well….as the political insiders say: “Biden is a walking gaffe machine.” He makes Charles Barkley and Bob Uecker look good.

I don’t think that article was a very good idea. Many people only read one or two paragraphs. The title and the first two paragraphs are very misleading. New Conservative and myself got scared just looking at the Title.

One should ask ‘the one’ some questions about the history of America or world history. He’ll give an answer similar or worse than Slow Joe. Hussein O doesn’t know squat about the country or anything other than how to run a con job on the feeble minded. I now believe an employment interview will have to have the question, democrat or republican? Anyone who answers democrat is going to cost you far more in the long run than they will ever produce and it takes months to teach them to bag groceries and similar simple tasks.

Biden has become SUCH an embarrasment to Obama. Did you guys see where Obama had to correct him on a few things?

For whatever it’s worth and if memory serves me correctly, Great Britain was airing programs on TV a good bit earlier than the U.S. I cannot recall what year it was, but it predated American TV by at least a few years.

Wouldn’t it be great if Sarah Palin records that she will be making a gaffe to the media. Then later in the day she makes the gaffe. The MSM goes ballistic, she then reveals the recording made earlier in the day to show how they ignore the Dems and rake the Republicans over the coals. I guess that is just wishing and dreaming.

The gift that keeps on giving. Thank God Obama picked the Gaffemeister. I think that Biden took a huge lead in the Gaffe Olympics with the last few days, but I have faith that Obama can make a good comeback and take the lead. I wonder what the spread is now????

“One should ask ‘the one’ some questions about the history of America or world history.” (Scrapiron)

How about this one: How many States does the USA have? Uh… 58 or 59… lol

Here is the VIDEO on his 59 States:

Amazing, isn’t it. Gov. Palin is human and does make mistakes at times, however, Biden is completely a walking gaffe machine, but yet gets excused all the time by the media. Just goes to show you how much the MSM will do to get Obama / Biden elected.

Go McCain / Palin. You have to be twice or three times as good just to get noted and then, you may still not get coverage despite have 60,000 people show up (in Republican country – FL retirement area). The MSM never ceases to amaze me…

Biden is just ‘gaffetastic’, ain’t he? What an ignoramous. I like the one where he tells the guy in the wheelchair to stand up. What a douche.

The first tv I saw was in Pittsburgh in 1946. It was a small round screen maybe 7″ and a very bad picture due to reception in Pittsburgh. Two years later tvs were more widespread but black and white of course.

I knew when Obama picked Biden it would be a gaffe every day from one or both of them. Joe has lived up to my expectations. The MSN just ignores all this and pounces on Palin. They act like she is just some dumb bimbo airhead completely ignoring her years in politics and her accomplishments. They are openly contempuous of her. The breakdown of the MSN in trashing her and her family just brings more voters to the republican side so just keep it up dummies. I hope the whole industry goes down in flames. Maybe then these companies could be resurrected and these journalist would get a clue and start reporting the news instead of their biased opinions.

I’ll never forget Wolf Blitzer practically begging Lady Rothchild to come back to the democrat party. They don’t even try to hide it any onger. Or the openly contemptuous manner in which Campbell Brown treated Lady Rothchild.

What we should remember is that the McCain campaign baited Obama into taking someone like Biden. They hammered the inexperience issue to no end in the weeks leading up to the announcement.
Obama was afraid the meme would take root, and swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker. He is stuck with Slo’ Joe now. It may be the best move the McCain campaign made.
Biden is a bigger buffoon than I ever realized.

well, for what it’s worth, and I don’t understand it, Obama is well ahead in all the polls today, specifically due to this financial mess. Looks like the Democratic message that they don’t have anything do to with creating the mess is persuading enough ignorant voters that its the Republicans fault.

If there is a SINGLE LESSON to be learned from this Presidential campaign…it’s:

There’s a LOT that’s gonna happen in the next month.
Presidential debates
VP debates
Iran’s getting interesting as IAEA announced that they could be hiding a nuke
…(even Barack Obama’s issuing tough rhetoric to them now)
North Korea’s gone back on their word AGAIN re their nukes
Pakistan is shooting at Americans who are hunting Al Queda
Iraq’s very fragile
We’re (right or wrong) led to believe that the economy could collapse next week
We’re (right or wrong) led to believe that the Earth is doomed from Global Warming caused by imperialist corporations

Look, the list goes on and on. There’s a lot gonna happen in the next 40+days (not the least if which is likely HUNDREDS more gaffes from Senator Biden). This morning we awoke to his claim that it’s unions and trial lawyers who “keep the barbarians at the gate” (not the US military that’s actually fighting suicidal death cult barbarians?).

Don’t trust the polls
Remember Iowa
Remember New Hampshire
Remember Super-duper Tuesday

“Mr. Impudent” Biden needs to take some lessons from Barry, on nuance.
What he really should have said is: “uh…uh…uh…uh…uh…uh”

Joe Biden is the gift that just keeps on giving!

Some one should start a journal for Biden called “The Daily Gaffe”. It would be fun reading.

Did Joe watched FDR’s depression speeches on a color TV or black-n-white?

Did you notice the spike in hits on this article?

Can you tell where they come from???

Might be interesting….!!

Scared me to death too.