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September 23, 2008

JERUSALEM – In spite of Sen. Barack Obama’s claims to the contrary, the Democratic presidential nominee had a close working relationship with former Weathermen terrorist leader William Ayers when the two served alongside each other on a hundred-million-dollar education foundation, according to the group’s own archived records.

The records also show Obama’s and Ayers’ foundation granted money to radical leftist activist causes.

Obama worked closely with terrorist Bill Ayers
Records show collaboration on funding leftists despite claim he’s just ‘a guy’ in neighborhood


Okay here’s a good example of what I mean when it comes to selective use of information. Let me preface this with a disclaimer: I am voting for McCain and not Obama. Now having said that, Curt you have posted to Factcheck.org on two different occassions for debunking of Anti-Palin McCain stuff. So because of your posts I check there regularly. Well I checked there today and they had this:

Keeping Quiet?

September 24, 2008
A McCain-Palin ad claims Obama has been “mum” on the economic crisis. That’s false.
A new McCain-Palin ad says that “McCain and his congressional allies led” on the financial crisis while Obama was “mum.” That’s simply not true:

Obama has in fact made several statements about the crisis on Wall Street in recent days, delivering his most specific remarks on how government regulations should be changed on Sept. 22, a day before this ad was released.

McCain gave his most detailed speech on a response to the crisis on Sept. 19, a few days before Obama did. Obama, however, had been pushing for what he called a “21st century regulatory system” back in March.

The “mum” quote is from a Sept. 20 Washington Times story, which went on to say Obama did “not to divulge details of his recovery plan … fearing it would stir Wall Street jitters.” The ad falsely says that Obama stayed quiet because “no one knows what to do.”

The ad ends by saying: “More taxes. No leadership. A risk your family can’t afford.” Actually, most “families” would pay less taxes under Obama’s tax plan. An independent analysis shows 95.5 percent of households with children would get a tax cut under his tax proposals.

Now this completely flies in the face of logic. You refer to Factcheck.org only when it applies to McCain but then you post an Ad that they say is incorrect. In an earlier thread someone (I can’t remember who) was arguing that Factcheck.org is only partially reliable. So this goes to the question of sourcing. Are they or are they not reliable and if they are, then why would you post a McCain ad that they say is unreliable?

I am genuinely curious. It is confusing sometimes try to follow the logic of some of the posters.

Please explain.
