-Senator Obama answering Steve Kroft in his 60 Minutes interview.
So Obama is a “new kind of politician”, representing hope and change; setting a new tone for Washington that rises above lipstick smears and the dirty tactics of character defamation?
From the Jawa Report:
Extensive research was conducted by the Jawa Report to determine the source of smears directed toward Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Those smears included false allegations that she belonged to a secessionist political party and that she has radical anti-American views.
Our research suggests that a subdivision of one of the largest public relations firms in the world most likely started and promulgated rumors about Sarah Palin that were known to be false. These rumors were spread in a surreptitious manner to avoid exposure.
It is also likely that the PR firm was paid by outside sources to run the smear campaign. While not conclusive, evidence suggests a link to the Barack Obama campaign. Namely:
- Evidence suggests that a YouTube video with false claims about Palin was uploaded and promoted by members of a professional PR firm.
- The family that runs the PR firm has extensive ties to the Democratic Party, the netroots, and are staunch Obama supporters.
- Evidence suggests that the firm engaged in a concerted effort to distribute the video in such a way that it would appear to have gone viral on its own. Yet this effort took place on company time.
- Evidence suggests that these distribution efforts included actions by at least one employee of the firm who is unconnected with the family running the company.
- The voice-over artist used in this supposedly amateur video is a professional.
- This same voice-over artist has worked extensively with David Axelrod’s firm, which has a history of engaging in phony grassroots efforts, otherwise known as “astroturfing.”
- David Axelrod is Barack Obama’s chief media strategist.
- The same voice-over artist has worked directly for the Barack Obama campaign.
This suggests that false rumors and outright lies about Sarah Palin and John McCain being spread on the internet are being orchestrated by political partisans and are not an organic grassroots phenomenon led by the left wing fringe. Our findings follow.
Read the rest of Dr. Rusty Shackleford’s extensive research at The Jawa Report
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Brutally Honest
Confederate Yankee
Old War Dogs
The Anchoress
The Radio Patriot
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
Yes, my grandma wrote a book of our ancestry. So I do know a lotofwhatour family did and who we are related to. I am distantly relatedto Linda Tripp, T.S. Elliott, and Warren G Harding.
My closefamilyareall conservative toa varying degree. My dad think Rush Limbaughis too far to the Left. And both brothers are conservative also, one pretty close to mydadand the other clser to Ron Paul without the nuttiness. My mom is conservative but closer to the middle. Iam pretty much in between them all.
And my mom anddad aredivorced also.
Mymom’s familyhas 3 conservative and liberals And it is funny.My mom is conservative, the next one is liberal and so on.
Yes really all this going back and forth really is notgoing to change that many minds. I just try and get the truth out there,when someone is lieing or misrepresentng someone.
It really does not matter that mcuh who itis for most people, it is the philosophyofthe parties that people tend to go after. And thatis why McCain was not energizing theconservatives, because he is not really that conservative on all issues. But he is alot betterthan Obama which is the farleft in this country. he is runninghis campaign straight down Alinski’s method, socialist to the core. But heis trying to hide it from thecountry, but it is getting out more and more each day.
At least that is my 2 cents
stix..I gotta go after this. Limbaugh to far too the left? Wow!
I understand your point. I was more referring to how funny it us when a liberal goes to a Conservative sight and tries to change the minds of the people who post on that sight. I’m saying even if Obama was 100% honest and a really nice fellow, Conservatives wouldn’t vote for him because his political ideologies are different from a conservatives. I told my very liberal aunt that the other day. I said there will always be liberals, and there will always be Conservatives and that we should quit trying to make others believe what we believe. I asked her if I could talk her out of voting for Obama and she said no way! So I said well then don’t try and talk me out of voting for McCain. She agreed and we moved on to another topic. It was a nice moment (sorry to sound all mushy…but she is a cancer survivor so I have a certain affinity for her).
Maybe tomorrow we can all hold hands and sing Kumbaya!
Take care
The man continues his travels to a barren wasteland in South Dakota. There he encounters a passerby and asks are you American?
The passerby’s eyes sink and a tear trickles down his cheek. “I am a native American. The white Americans slaughtered my fathers and grandfathers, carved up my country and forced my brothers and sisters to live in these horrible camps.” He gathers his composure and says of the white man…
They work and they toil and cut down my trees
And thicken my skies, and yes even the seas.
They pray to their gods of inked paper bills
Then give them away to buy up short-lived thrills.
They take and they take and they over consume.
They laugh when the days grow hot and impugn –
They say with a smirk that we men are too small
And that earth is too big, there’s no impact at all.
They boast of their knowledge and conquest of facts
Yet they know of their family two hundred years max.
Oh how they slave for the great here-and-now
Only to find on their death beds somehow
That life is worth more than the dollars they earned
And the bombs that they dropped and the forests they burned
So welcome, my friend, to this greatest of lands
Beware of the product of work by white hands.