But first, I have to give credit to the Lucianne staff for the below.

They post some great photos and captions daily to start your news surf off with a smile. But this one seems to go hand in hand with this ABC news blog article…
Apparently not only was Hillary not overly enthused about being the Veep (not a surprise to most of us…), but Mr. Bill confirms it publicly.
ABC News’ Russell Goldman Reports: Despite saying she would accept the offer to be vice president, Hillary Clinton never really wanted to be Barack Obama’s running mate, her husband former President Bill Clinton told ABC’s The View.
“Not really, she didn’t,” Clinton said in response to a question from host Barbara Walters about whether Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y. wanted to join her one-time opponent on the Democratic ticket.
~~~President Clinton told The View that had Obama chosen his wife instead of Delaware Sen. Joe Biden it would have been “the best politically,” and that his wife would have likely taken the job though she didn’t want it.
“It’s a very personal decision who should be vice president. I like Sen. Biden a lot. I think he was a good choice. [Hillary Clinton] would have been the best politically at least in the short run because of her enormous support in the country,” he said.
President Clinton said Sen. Clinton would have felt duty-bound to accept the offer, but that she enjoys being a senator.
“She said, ‘if [Obama] asks, I’ll do it, because it’s my duty.’ She loves being a senator for New York and has more freedom to develop her positions on the issues and her things,” the former president said.
So much for that Oct 5th rumor of Hillary replacing Biden… Never believed it myself, but I suspect that Hillary would never accept being an after thought…. a “2nd choice”.
But I’d have to say Bill’s appearance on “The View” cinches that rumor as false. He’s openly announcing to the world that Hillary didn’t really want the Veep slot, but would take it as a “duty”. For Obama to be planning on an October switch, he’d have to be in negotiations with Hillary even now. If that were happening behind the scenes, Bill’s public confessions strike me as extremely counterproductive.
This puts a proud and arrogant Obama in the position to bite the bullet, and beg Hillary to do her “duty” to the country and run with him. Personally, I can’t see him doing that… unless he was very very desperate.
And since that’s not in his make up – to admit desperation – I’m going to say a Hillary October surprise is a dead rumor.
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
Bill states that Hillary “would do it out of duty”. That would be duty to the Democratic Party.
McCain and Palin do it out of duty for the Country. Big Difference
Oh how I hope you are right, I must say when Bill and Obama had the pow-wow lunch on Sept. 11th that was my first thought, Hilary stepping in when Biden has a sudden personal situation and must step down. I just hope that if it does happen the american public will be smart enough to see through this desperate move.
But in early October, after the VP debates are over and Obama is dropping like a rock in the polls, Joe Biden will step down as VP because of his “recently discovered personal health problems”. So Obama is forced to find a fill-in and Hillary will override her personal disgust for the VP job and AGREE TO BE VP for the good of the USA!!!!
This will be replay of the Dem “bait & switch” strategy that the Dems played years ago in New Jersey Senate race in which they forced “The Torch” out because of his growing bribery scandal and in the last few weeks of the election, the Dem party replaced the Torch’s name on the ballot with the “retired” Senator Lautenberg…. Even though the name substitution occured too late in the race and was in violation of NJ State Law!!!
But now Lautenburg is back in the Senate and because the Dems control the state, no Dem ever stood up for the NJ law as written to force out Lautenburg in his illegal reelection!!!
Expect tons more of similar Machiavellian crap out of Obama’s camp before this election is over!!!
Hillary doesn’t want to be a VP, she wants to be a President… remember that!