Byron York reports on a conference call with McCain campaign staffers and were they right on in their assessment of the NYT’s and the MSM:
Let me first say we are First Amendment absolutists on this campaign. The press and anybody who wishes to cover this race from a blogosphere perspective or from a media perspective is of course constitutionally protected with regard to writing whatever they want to write.
But let’s be clear and be honest with each other about something fundamental to this race, which is this: Whatever the New York Times once was, it is today not by an standard a journalistic organization. It is a pro-Obama advocacy organization that every day attacks the McCain campaign, attacks Sen. McCain, attacks Gov. Palin, and excuses Sen. Obama. There is no level of public vetting with regard to Sen. Obama’s record, his background, his past statements. There is no level of outrage directed at his deceitful ads. This is an organization that is completely, totally, 150 percent in the tank for the Democratic candidate, which is their prerogative to be, but let’s not be dishonest and call it something other than what it is. Everything that is read in the New York Times that attacks this campaign should be evaluated by the American people from that perspective, that it is an organization that has made a decision to cast aside its journalistic integrity and tradition to advocate for the defeat of one candidate, in this case John McCain, and advocate for the election of the other candidate, Barack Obama.
The public sees this also, except for the Obama supporters who swear there is no media bias towards Obama.
The wholesale descent into Swift Boat campaigning has been blocked — for now — by a federal judge in Virginia. But voters should not rest easy. A group calling itself The Real Truth About Obama is appealing the ruling.
The group aims to block federal regulations so it can spend unlimited money on a commercial smearing the Democratic nominee as a zealous proponent of any and all abortion on demand —“at any time during pregnancy, as many times as a woman wants one.”
If the group were to win on appeal, it would signal open season for countless stealth groups to flood the remaining weeks of the campaign with underhanded attack ads. The courts must uphold the law, heeding the Federal Election Commission’s warning of “serious harm to the public” if the attack group prevails.
Posing as a mere “issue advocacy” operation, the group’s ad attacks Mr. Obama’s character and accuses him of “lying” about his abortion record. In truth, it trashes the candidate’s nuanced position. It even employs an Obama-like voice pledging to make taxpayers pay for abortions, help minors conceal abortions from their parents, and legalize late-term abortions.
The first thing I’d do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act.
Read the bill and you will find that it gets rid of restrictions on public funding for abortions, gets rid of any laws requiring parental notifications and gets rid of the Partial-birth Abortion Ban Act.
Lied indeed….by the MSM.

See author page
How dare they point out that Rick Davis was a deregulation lobbyist for Freddie and Fannie!
How dare they lieabout Obama’s stance on abortion.
Fit Fit. You need to get another line or start reading anything other than Obama’s talking points, it is getting tiring to hear you say the same things over and over along with all the other trolls.
Well, that’s one survey. It depends on many things.
First of all you stated, “The public sees this also.” Nope. The survey you linked to is of ‘likely voters’, not the public at large.
Here’s a poll of the public at large:
Secondly, the poll you make note of is a comparative poll, not a open query of liberal media bias; your posited poll investigates a problematic: which is more problematic, campaign contributions or media bias in the campaign race?
Therefore, it’s not engineered with the task of locating MSM bias for Obama.
Regarding The NYT piece, yesterday, in an interview with McCain, CNBC’s John Harwood said he’d be “glad to have [Davis’s] record examined:”
HARWOOD: [Sen. McCain, you] mentioned cronyism and corruption on Wall Street and in Washington. … How do you square that with the fact that your campaign manager, Rick Davis, was involved in some lobbying activities on behalf of Fannie Mae? […]
MCCAIN: My campaign manager has stopped that, has had nothing to do with it since, and I’ll be glad to have his record examined by anybody who wants to look at it.
That’s probably why the NYTs looked at it and now it’s out there. The now public-presence of Davis on McCain’s campaign now taints the transparency of McCain’s argument that he’s exempt from the associations of F&F being a lobbying bread basket. It’s why they are angry.
Finally, regarding the VA “swiftboating”. I told you several times that this year was going to be very different. Each swing state has almost a million a day they can spend from here on out. I’m betting they will start going _very_ negative, full throttle this weekend.
Mike, have you been paying attention to Silver’s projections recently?
well doug i am not sure where you live, but i see it very clearly where i live. the papers here are so overwhelmingly bias you would think obama is the only person in the race. several people i have talked to have expressed concern about the fact that you only hear about obama’s campaign stops and very little about mccain unless its about how bristol palin’s baby could also be her brother. i know there is the my side, your side then the trueth in the middle thing, well there really is no middle, its all about obama. when i was in newspaper class in school we weren’t allowed to be bias, we were to report. guess everyone has their own agenda.
The New York Democrat Times now must show that it isn’t an organ of the Democratic Party or face sanctions for “illegal” in-kind campaign contributions.
All you have to do is look at what is on the front page of the local newspapers. Almost all will have Obama all the time on the front page, there are a few exceptions.
See there is no such thing as an unbiased newspaper. Never was and never will be. But now that they are all owned by a few corporations, they all say the same thing throughout the country. Before every city had at least 2 papers, one conservative and one liberal. But now there is usually only one large paper that is liberal and maybe a few others. It is hard to find the conservative papers now, since the Journalism schools are mostly Liberal indoctrination centers looking to stick it to the man
“Let me first say we are First Amendment absolutists on this campaign.” Maybe I am looking into it too much, but does that line seem like it is intended to put McCain on the moral high ground?
After all, Obama seems to be quite thin-skinned and heavy handed when it comes to criticism.
Hence forth the New York Times is now retitled to:
Jason Blair Times
It is the NY Slimes. And Al-Reuters
Oh, my Lord, what a bunch of wheedling, whiny malcontents…on both sides. Dare I say, lest I display some un-American bias, but it is a given amongst our Old World friends that newspapers are inherently biased. In Great Britain, the Guardian is left, the London Times conservative. A thoughtful person entertains, ruminates, and learns from the ‘opinions’ of others. Only in my beloved country is there such an immature demand for ultimate and intractable truth. No such thing exists, especially when it comes to politics.
Our Revolution was founded upon the power of pamphlets and newspapers to incite and inspire on both the Loyalist and Republican sides. As Thomas Paine wrote: “I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense…” Of Paine’s Common Sense, another founding father, and Second President, John Adams called it a ‘crapulous mess’. Without either man we wouldn’t have the country we occupy.
Give me liberty, or give me death.
Suffer the crapulous mess. It’s what makes us exceptional.
I never said that there is anything wrong with the New York Times being left. And yes we need to know what the other side is saying. I really do not think that any of said anything different. But we do take the New York Slimes on when they publish Top Secret Documents and tell the enemies what we are doing to catch them. Or when they portray themselves as middle of the road.
But since the Liberal Elite have taken over the Journalism schools and teach the students to find everything wrong with what the US does, it does make me mad. But they have every right to do what they do, except I think the NYT and some others shold be charged with treason for publishing Top Secret documents, but other than that they can be as biased as they want.
We just do not have to read it also, freedom of choice.
Hear hear !
Good point . We can all agree to disagree and we can all thank God that in this
country we have that right.
Love it, ol’money…. You gave me quite the grin. I can only add to your Brit newspaper line up that the Independent is anything *but* indy… LOL
I can assume you are no supporter of that “fairness doctrine” then, eh?
From Politico’s Ben Smith:
Not only the above, but Schmidt never contested any of the allegations the NYT’s piece regarding McCain’s campaign manager, Rick Davis, to lobbying a group set up by troubled mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Schmidt attacked the NYTs, he didn’t attack the facts of the story in the NYTs. That’s how…
In other words, the NYTs did their homework, the McCain camp gambled no one would fact-check Davis’s connections to F&F, and they lost.
And I am supposed to take Politico’s word for it. Yes right.
The NYT times is in bed with the DNC and Obama campaign. There is no denying that.
NYT did their homework, now there is a laugh.
… don’t forget ‘in bed with’ the right leaning Politico, too!
yeah right. Politico in bed with the right. That is a good one, got any more jokes
What are you babbling about, Doug??
Rick Davis was paid as VP of the Homeownership Alliance, an advocacy group of 20 some odd organizations. As of July 1st, members were:
They did things like polls on housing, prices, etal.
They also worked pre-Katrina to create emergency preparation guides. Also done in conjunction with the Dept of Homeland Security.
They were not formed to lobby Congress, but as a public education organization to concentrate on public advocacy. Most of the organizations above have their own lobbyists firms. Strikes me that in desperation, ya’ll progressives are trying to slander yer own buds here. Don’t let Jimmah hear you bashing the Alliance and Habitat for Humanity, eh?
And if… on the weird or unlikely chance… they *did* lobby Congress (which I see absolutely no record of that as a fact) they were paying your bud, Obama, and friends off… already documented here.
And I see Stix already nailed you on your Politico/right leaning gaffe. But it did give me a good guffaw…
Rasmussen has conducted a series of polls on consumer attitudes on the media, and the results show a widespread conclusion that the American media has a LIBERAL BIAS. Not only do the major networks have a bias, according to the American news consumer, but so do most of the major newspapers and cable-news outlets.
Data taken FROM self-identified moderates:
– CNN: 36% objective, 29% liberal bias
– NPR: 43% objective, 24% liberal bias
– Local paper: 33% objective, 27% liberal bias
– New York Times: 37% liberal bias, 20% objective
– Washington Post: 24% liberal bias, 23% objective, 34% not sure
– Fox: 35% objective, 34% conservative bias
Davis said only that he was involved in an effort to promote the cause of home-ownership(… for minorities, too, Mike. ; ))
“I never lobbied a single day,” Davis said. I find this claim in full abrasion with a Fannie exec’s claim to the NYTs piece that they were giving Davis huge amounts of money on the chance that McCain might become president. I mean what do you guys do with that; ignore it, of course, ’cause it doesn’t fix your preconception of how facts are supposed to be arranged.
A Fannie exec speaks and you all go mute and attack the paper. $30,000 a month fits the profile of a lobbist, whereas ‘working’ for an “advocacy group” at 30,ooo a month! That’s as much of a reach as Palin’s outsider meme on the ‘Bridge to Nowhere’. (What are we now on the 7th day she hasn’t mentioned it, as the press was just about to stomp it to death).
First of all, Doug, *I* didn’t attack the paper. But I will dispute their language as they are making up facts.
Yes, he had a salary. But according to the NY Slimes which you linked:
That was not the purpose of the Homeownership Alliance at all. Nor was Fannie/Freddie the only members in that Alliance.
$30K monthly, or $360K a year. Enough to be one of Obama’s “wealthy”, but hardly in the big business CEO category. And way shy of Obama’s annual earnings…
You obviously know jack sheeeet about the Alliance itself. Now if you have some documentation other than the NYTs suggesting the Alliance is a lobby group when it’s not, then do let us know.
See the article and video:
Amazing: Timmons, $260,000, Davis over 300,000. Who else is there?
Hey Doug,
Just to give you a heads up…anything said or posted here that might cast aspersions on McCain or Appaling could only be said by a “pinko commie fag”.
George Will must now be on their hate list for what he said !!
I tend to agree with a lot of what George Will says, but I am not to the point to be willing to let a far left wing socialist into the White House.
As I have been saying all along, I am not really for McCain as much as I am against Obama. Palin helped out a lot, but McCain has and always will be a thorn in the side of conservatives.
Hey “in shock” why don’t you regale us with more about your time off the coast of Viet Nam aboard the USCG Half Moon after you voted for Nixon even though Nixon was not nominated until later.
Enquiring minds want to know.
Doug, you persist in spreading media lies, guy. It’s really getting annoying, ya know. Just because you keep posting some research lazy journalist’s misstatement doesn’t make it more true.
Why don’t you show us specifics where Homeownership Alliance was a lobbying firm, and that Rick Davis was doing that lobbying… when their stated intent does not have them as lobbying Congress.
As far as Timmons, he is a lobbyist. However neither you nor I know if what those unnamed “Republicans” say (INRE Timmons is heading up a transitional team) is true. So you and Bloomberg are reporting rumors as “news”. Sign of the times. All speculation/scandals/opinions… 24/7. And you’re buying it hook line and sinker.
If Timmons is in that position, I agree it’s a poor choice. But then, I’m with Stix. I’m less a McCain fan than I am a no socialist/Marxist in the WH voter. McCain’s done some things I like, and many I don’t. I suspection that’s true with most pols… heavier on the “don’t”, tho.
As for Obama, can’t say he’s done much oif anything. The Congressional accomplishments he claims are merely co-sponsors… like being another elected official on the bus, along for the ride. The only times he’s “led”, he’s spent tons of money with nothing to show… ala the CAC and no educational improvement; and his own campaign… where he’s still in a virtual tie with McCain, despite outspending him by millions.,8816,1840722,00.html
The story appears to be that to be Timmons is a key power house player in the Washington lobbying industry. Visitors to his company’s Web site are told that “Timmons and Company pioneered the concept and the industry standard for Washington representation.”
Timmons is said to have founded the company in 1975 after leaving the administration of President Ford, and has worked to elect every Republican presidential nominee since.
What it comes down to is Timmons has been a lobbyist longer than McCain has been as Senator!
I think he’ll be dropped before Sunday.
To address two birds with one stone, and by that I mean MataHarley and Stix1972
Perhaps we do need a ‘re-assertion’ of the ‘Fairness Doctrine’. Right now we have a journalism which kow-tows to focus groups, polls, pr companies, and corporate masters. The total effect is to sublimate the ‘fringe’ to a homogenized product which comforts, soothes, and primes the consumer for prime-time fare. This is a big, messy democracy which needs the major news organizations to present ‘inconvenient truths’ to all sides of the political spectrum. Perhaps devoting an hour to opposing, legitimate viewpoints would lead to greater civility in our national debates. Perhaps political campaigns would not need to hire pr and advertising agencies to hone their messages to target voters. Perhaps even Politicians would not need to primp and preen for the TV cameras. Perhaps J.Q. Public could actually decide that a particular candidate seems like he /she knows what she is talking about, though I don’t actually agree with his particular views on…. Perhaps the public would have to read the Constitution and make it their own. Because right now the only people who have to read the entire Constitution are immigrants who want to be citizens.
An illustrative aside: Rupert Murdoch was an ardent communist while at Oxford. As an old man, he owns the ‘arch-conservative’ Fox network. He has also publicly stated that he ‘wants’ Barack Obama to be the next President after initially supporting Hillary. Slimy? Maybe or perhaps the ol’ man just has an open and lively mind. Or, perhaps in our misguided Republic making a buck and what you believe are two very distinct things.
Live Free or Die
Okay, Doug… you just keep going on, don’t you?
Richard Davis is a political consultant by trade, and has been in the campaign business since 1980. The consulting arm, from what I gather, is Davis, Manafort & Freedman in Alexandria, Virginia.
Paul. J. Manafort is a professional lobbyist, and had (and may still have) Manafort , Stone & Kelly in Wash DC, and was founder of Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly.
Davis started working with Manafort in 1996 for the GOP convention. Together for their services they formed Davis Manafort, Inc. He can be an owner of more than one business, ya know…
He then joined Bob Dole’s campaign team as a political consultant. Then moved on to McCain’s 1999 POTUS bid.
Inbetween the 2000 campaign and now, he was VP of Homeownership Alliance (not a lobbying firm), and also McCain’s Reform Institute, which was formed to promote McCain’s now infamous campaign reform agenda.
Manafort is the lobbyist. Davis is the political consultant. They have a joint business. However the money that all these idiot jerk offs that call themselves “journalists” from Fannie/Freddie was not for lobbying services.
OpenSecrets has records all of the lobbying money for Davis Manafort during their active lobbying era. As Davis says, he’s (his business) has not been involved in clientele for lobbying services since 2005.
Their clientele?
Funny… I’m missing that Fannie/Freddie client in all this, eh?
I suggest that Fannie/Freddie’s payments were to Davis as his political consulting tasks for Homeownership Alliance, as has been noted in my post #18.
It’s like you’re getting a barrel supposedly filled with apples from your liberal media buds, only to dig down and find that apple barrel has peaches, plus, oranges and kumquats in it too. You’re just passing it off as all apples by the top layer.
We do not need the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” . There are plenty of other places to get information other the the MSM. And the Fairness Doctrine would not effect the MSM anyway, it would only apply to the Radio to shut Rush, Hannity and Savage up. The Newspaper and TV stations would not have the “Fairness Doctrine” applied to them.
Do not think that us making fun of and being upset at the NY and LA Slimes and the rest of the MSM as there is nowhere else to go to. There are many other avenues. It is just the way the MSM and NY, LA slimes call themselves non-biased and think the rest of the country thinks like them. They do not know what is going on in Flyover country. They think we are all knuckle dragging rubes. But it far from the truth.
Murdoch and atch0-conservative??? Hmm that is interesting. He may be a little to the right, but an arch-conservative, no. ANd he is not even an American, he is Australian.
Oh no my comment went into the unknown.
We do not need the “Fairness Doctrine” there is many other avenues to get information. The “Fairness Doctrine” as the way it would be used would only effect the radio anyway. That is why it is called the “Flush Rush” bill. It would try to shut up talk radio which is more conservative than the MSM. And the Left does not like that there is other sources to get news other than the MSM
Oh, now you ‘suggest’. What happened to “Doug, you persist in spreading media lies, guy. It’s really getting annoying, ya know. Just because you keep posting some research lazy journalist’s misstatement doesn’t make it more true.”
Now it’s not just one one ‘lazy journalist’s misstatement’. We now have four stories. Here’s a fifth from tomorrow’s WP:
Here’s the McCain campaign response:
From the same WP story.
Wow. She really killed the story! —she sent it into the state of a elderly man’s subjective beliefism.
How do you know Open Secrets has all the records of the lobbying money for Davis Manafor???
Doug, they are all spreading the same story… they just pick it up from each other. One composes a brief two or three sentences that tell you nothing… the next guy picks it up and parrots it… rather like the child’s game of gossip. They are mixing up their companies. Davis himself received cash from Fannie/Freddie as a consultant related to Homeownership Alliance. That company is NOT a lobby group.
I gave you the link to all the lobby money records of Davis Monafort from Open Secrets. Fannie Freddie is not their client. Now how can Fannie/Freddie be paying a retainer for a lobbyist when they were never their clients? But the consulting part of that same firm DID dow work for Fannie/Freddie. How plain can that be?
I say I”suggest” because I don’t know the breakdown of his paycheck… for what services rendered. Part could have been speaker fees at PAC meetings, consultant fees, whatever.
But I can tell you this… it wasn’t for lobbying.
Now, you can follow the money trail via lobbying records and the nature of the companies, and be an independent thinker who doesn’t depend on MSM to form your opinions.
Or you can continue to be the gullible guppy, and believe your liberal/progressive agenda driven news spots. None of which didn’t give you the links or material I did to original source data.
Now if you want to prove to me that Rick Davis took money as a lobbyist for Fannie/Freddie, then you’d better show me just when in his career of Davis Monafort that Fannie/Freddie was a client for their lobbying services. And I don’t want to hear it from some reporter who doesn’t provide their source material for their off the wall statements. Just because they say it, idoesn’t make it true.
So knock it off with the BS WaPo, Political, Huffpo or wherever else you go to obtain your news, and start pouring thru some government records. Or else peddle your stuff to Daily KOs where they will appreciate it.
Doug you are not going to fool the resident fact checker. Give it up before you look even more like a fool than you already do.
What I *know* is that Fannie May is not their client.
Again Fannie Mae’s lobbying funds disclosures to Open Secrets….
First of all, they have an in house lobby firm. Second, they hire multiple indy lobby firms and spent to the tune of $4-10 mil annually from 1998 to 2006. Less in 2007, and even less this year. Since they were going under, of course.
Why don’t you get off the Daily KOs/Huffpo/Politico site, open the damn links I send you, and look thru every one of those lobbying companies Fannie used. Tell me if you can find Davis Monafort in there…. anywhere.
Or are you going to be conspiratorial and decide that out of all those companies, for all those years, they decided to hide Davis Monafort in the outside chance that Davis would be under media scrutiny this year for working on McCain’s campaign…. for the third time….
First, the NYT article does say that Davis was hired as a “consultant”, not a lobbyist. So if he says that he didn’t do any “lobbying work”, this may be true, both in a technical sense and broader sense, in that he doesn’t seem to have done much work of any kind. It isn’t exactly “straight talk”, though.
Second, Newsweek writes:
“Davis also said he “had a severed leave of absence” from his lobbying and consulting firm, and “I’ve taken no compensation from my firm for 18 months.” (A campaign spokesman said that Davis receives no partnership distribution under his arrangement).”
I don’t know how partnerships work, and they are probably different from case to case, but in the Davis’ arrangement it could mean that all the money from Freddie Mac was distributed among the other partners, which would include him. But it does not have to be cash. Certainly, if Freddie Mac made some asset of mine more valuable, the fact that I did not actually convert that added value into cash and move it into my checking account would not show that I had not profited from the deal.
Third, if the NYTs and Newsweek sources are correct relating to us that they never saw Davis work for Freddie Mac, it makes the story worse not better for Davis. McCain complains endlessly in his read speeches that “lobbyists, politicians, and bureaucrats who succeeded in persuading Congress and the administration to ignore the festering problems at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac” are the villians. In essence, throwing cash or favors to someone who does nothing, never worked. It’s the same thing here, because of his “close ties to Mr. McCain, when he was the Republican presidential nominee, is a clear an example influence peddling.
This brings McCain back again into hypocrisy. I’m not saying Obama is exempt for it, I’m saying here McCain has been claiming here he is a reformer and exempt, he’s not.
Fourth, they are not “all spreading the same story… they [are not] just picking it up from each other.” You not reading the stories close enough:
Here are the NYT, Hotline, and WP, 3 accounts.
Doug give up before you even look like more a fool You are making a big ass of yourself so far, do not dig deeper.
Doug, every one of these stories makes it sound like Rick Davis was taking money from Fannie and/or Freddy for lobbying.
Now that you’ve maybe finished running the gambit from the idiots who draw paychecks as supposed “journalists” from NYTs, Wapo, Roll Call and SF Gate, you might want to again wander back to back to Open Secrets and look thru the past 10 years of lobby firms used by Freddie Mac, other than their in house lobbyists.
DOH! *NO* Davis Manafort there either…. I repeat, there is not one year in the past 10 that Fannie or Freddie has paid Davis Manafort for lobbying services on record.
But RollCalls says:
WaPo says
SFGate says
Only the NYTs was slight more honest, but still made it sound like a sinister cover up.
Don’t you see what they are doing? They are misrepresenting all of the services of Davis Manafort by only naming and/or emphasizing the lobbying aspect. Then they casually toss in the Fannie/Freddie payments… insinuating to the reader that those payments were for lobbyist services.
Now either they didn’t do 10 minutes of homework, and are dumber than dirt on what that money was actually for – or they are deliberately lying to mislead you… which they managed successfully to do.
Either way, they are an embarrassment to what the 4th unofficial branch of power was meant to be.
For the last time, Doug… then I’m done repeating things to you that you’re just not picking up. You’re like a soaked sponge… unable to absorb any more.
No, no and no. It does not make it worse. Just because the NYTs and Newsweek never saw any of the consulting work that Davis did in conjunction with the Homeownership Alliance, PAC meetings, or other public promotions that company did doesn’t mean he didn’t perform tasks outside the media’s attention.
Obviously they are oblivious to the fact that the Alliance… along the DHS… created emergency pamphlets and instructions for Katrina.
And we’ve already proved the Rick Davis is not a “villian” lobbyist. And well McCain should complain about those villians. This crap started with Carter, Clinton dug it in deep (CRA changes commencing Jan 1st, 1995… coincidently a great legacy for the DNC Congress’s exit in 1994) and the Barney Franks/Chuck Schumer’s etal made sure that easy money and Fannie/Freddie cooked books stayed in high gear ’til we are where we are today.
Now that you’ve finished with all this bulls#*t about McCain and Davis, why don’t you go make a donation to that genuine villian politician who *was* on the take from Fannie Freddie… It’s the same guy who was working with ACORN to make sure the money for the low budget housing stayed flowing like a flat out faucet. I believe his name’s Obama. He’s got another big campaign party to throw, and needs your cash.
Panic is setting in, huh guys?
I’d be getting pretty shrill too, if I were backing McCain, that is.
I had a cousin who would always scream at the refs whenever his team was losing. “They’re just against us, that’s all!!!”
Can’t believe that a black man with progressive views is going to win, can you? Cry, whine and slander all you want. It won’t work this year. Atwater is dead. Rove is a has been. And this Steve what’s his name is living in the past. You’re done. This is going to happen.
Ha ha.
Um, no Jim that is you on th Left spouting out lies about Palin and McCain.
I sure hope that it does not happen. We do not need someone farther to the left than Carter to send the economy over the edge. We are still trying to get out of Carter’s mess today
What does his skin color have to do with anything? Are you a racist, Jim?
Keep waterboarding SpongeDoug, Mata…when it comes to facts, oversaturation is a beautiful thing.
Besides, you have a reputation to live up to.
I have no idea what Capatelli is talking about. Strikes me that the panicked ones are those that slide thru here, taunting and parroted talking points heavy, and facts light.
SpongeDoug… LOL Good one, Word.
I guess I have the last word since MH tells us this is her ‘last time repeating’ herself.
MH has given her best effort in attempting to prevent Davis looking as tho’ he lobbied Freddie Mac, but the McCain campaign’s retorts are so poor to be beneath embarrassing countering the multiple claims that Davis’ lobbying firm was picking up $15,000 a month from Freddie Mac, right up until it was taken over by the feds, despite it not being on ‘Open Secrets’ list of clients (as if Open Secrets holds the God-sent touch of who’s who in lobbyists). As Romano explains it:
That’s right, it’s about influence pedaling.
So let’s step back and look at what we learned. McCain has been passing the claim that the credit crunch on Wall Street “started in the Washington culture of lobbying and influence pedaling.” In a interview with Harwood last week McCain said about Davis:
“My campaign manager has stopped that, has nothing to do with it since and I’ll be glad to have his record examined by anybody who wants to look at it.”
(In a conference call with the NYTs Davis use a similar argument with the reporters stating he’s now completely detached from F&F.)
So the NYTs examined McCain’s statement, and Davis’; which leads us to Curt’s post here that claims the NYTs is a biased news organization and is supporting Obama, and plus the new revelation that Davis was, until the fed stepped in, getting 15,000 a month from Freddie.
As everyone recalls, McCain told the public last week that Obama had “associations” with former officials at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is a scandal, that he can’t be trusted and put out attack ads to that affect. So this has only heightened the story, if true, that McCain’s campaign Manager is one of those Washington insiders milking F&F.
Now it’s possible McCain didn’t really know Davis was secretly dipping from Freddie, that could be a defense. He could argue he was simply mislead by Davis.
Would McCain, you may say, be pushed to such dramatic levels??? Yes, now I believe so.
Here’s why:
“Serious stones,” indeed.
Obviously what happened is the advertisements pissed off current and former executives of the two companies, they started coming forward to the press and wanted to discuss Davis’ role with F&F. Some who came forward were Democrats, but Republicans, speaking on the condition of anonymity, confirmed their statements.
Whether the story is true or not is now front and center, it’s boiling in the MSM, ready to spill over, creating a hot toxic soup, and finally an awkward position for McCain campaign. The story is not going to go away now, even when Davis ducks from under the spotlight, skipping a Wednesday lunch with reporters sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor. If avoidance of the press doesn’t work for this week, what then? If one can’t just let it air out, dry, and become a forgetfulness, as the press doesn’t seem to believe Davis, will ducking the press help? The MSM thinks it is true, whether or not MH’s ‘suggestion’ is that it is not true.
Therefore, what is the next move McCain campaign to do? Will McCain let go of Davis, with just over a month left until the election? Or, will he keep him on, hold him to his chest as his campaign manager, hoping the press will ease off, not spot lighting the hypocrisy?
This is where the story has led us, and i find it couldn’t be more appropriate state for such a lobbyishly laden campaign.
I am a former obama suporter for the first time in my life I will vote a complete republican ticket obama is the most unqualified most unknown candidate he has the shady history with ayers that he has lied about from just a guy in the neighborhood to I thought he was reformed farricon wright resco how any one could accept these relationships and not question them is beyond me if it were Mcain or Palin the press would be all over it how can you accept the press and media shoving this down your throat are you all drinking the koolaid they did in jones town and look what happened there the FACTS he has voted to raise taxes 95 times 75% of his votes were present not yea or nay what the hell is that Palin has much more practical experience than obama ever has she has actually run something please take off the blinders think for your self do not let the media do it for you look at this link the last 30 seconds says it all
Thanks Ric. I had not seen the video.
“I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage. If I help him [Obama] he’s going to help me.”
If these Obamatons really believe Obama will take care of every problem in their lives, even the mundane things like gassing up the car, then they are in for a disappointment.
But come to think o fit, Obama might be qualified to pump gas:
I see Fit’s still running around spreading the lies of Rick Davis’ relationship to Fannie Freddie…. Some just don’t give up, eh?
For those curious, Doug and I already ran this gambit. Start reading the conversations about Rick Davis being a “lobbyist”… right.