The MSM has been letting Obama get away with many falsehoods over his campaign. They’ve ignored his lack of judgment when it came to those he associated with. They ignored his Chicago style politics early in his career and his total lack of experience. They’ve minimized stories that would have been front page news if McCain or Palin’s name were attached.
But with all that you have to give Newsweek a thumbs up for highlighting a Obama outright lie. He told a group of people in Florida yesterday that McCain voted for a plan that would have the Social Security benefits of “elderly women” at risk in today’s turbulent stock market:
And I’ll protect Social Security, while John McCain wants to privatize it. Without Social Security half of elderly women would be living in poverty – half. But if my opponent had his way, the millions of Floridians who rely on it would’ve had their Social Security tied up in the stock market this week. Millions would’ve watched as the market tumbled and their nest egg disappeared before their eyes. Millions of families would’ve been scrambling to figure out how to give their mothers and fathers, their grandmothers and grandfathers, the secure retirement that every American deserves. So I know Senator McCain is talking about a “casino culture” on Wall Street – but the fact is, he’s the one who wants to gamble with your life savings.
But called him out on the outright lie and Newsweek, of all MSM rags, printed the factcheck article which says:
That’s not true. The plan proposed by President Bush and supported by McCain in 2005 would not have allowed anyone born before 1950 to invest any part of their Social Security taxes in private accounts. All current retirees would be covered by the same benefits they are now.
Obama would have been correct to say that many workers under age 58 would have had some portion of their Social Security benefits affected by the current market turmoil – if they had chosen to participate. And market drops would be a worry for those who retire in future decades. But current retirees would not have been affected.
To top it all off Factcheck called him out on another outright lie the day before this latest one:
A new Obama ad characterizes the “Bush-McCain privatization plan” as “cutting Social Security Benefits in half.” This is a falsehood sure to frighten seniors who rely on their Social Security checks. In truth, McCain does not propose to cut those checks at all.
The ad refers to a Bush proposal from 2005 to hold down the growth of benefits for future retirees. Compared to the buying power of benefits paid to today’s retirees, that would not have been a “cut” for anybody. It would have been a “cut” of half only in relation to benefits now promised to retirees who have yet to be born. And for average workers, that “cut” in 2075 was projected by one of Obama’s own economic advisers to be 28 percent, not “half.”
The ad also says McCain voted “in favor of privatizing Social Security.” The term “privatizing” could give the wrong impression. McCain does support creating government-managed accounts that would allow individuals to invest some portion of their Social Security payroll taxes in widely diversified stock or bond funds.
This is the “change” he has been talking about? Trying to scare people with lies?
It’s quite apparent that Obama and his campaign are downright worried about this election, a election they all said would be a cakewalk has now become a race and to ensure his victory he has resorted to his tried and true Chicago style politics.
Ch-ch-change……sure thing.
Funny….now Salon has a article out that’s critical of Obama and the changes he has been making to his website:
the Obama campaign modified his position on a sensitive issue: Social Security. Compare the current “Seniors & Social Security” page with the previous version. Now, tell me why, oh why, would the Obama campaign decide to delete the following sentence: “[Obama] does not believe it is necessary or fair to hardworking seniors to raise the retirement age.” Is he trying to stoke anxiety about his position on Social Security?
The new page includes some reassuring language about “work[ing] with members of Congress from both parties to strengthen Social Security and prevent privatization while protecting middle class families from tax increases or benefit cuts.” Still, for those who pay attention to such things, what the new page leaves out is as important as what it puts in.
AND….The Astute Blogger links to some HuffPo posters who found another Obama campaign official with some ties to this economic mess we are in:
Barack Obama has slammed the banking industry for its predatory use of sub-prime mortgages, which are pushing millions of American homeowners toward foreclosure.
But his campaign’s Finance Chair, Penny Pritzker, owned a failed Chicago thrift that helped pioneer sub-prime financial instruments and faced accusations of abuse.
Superior Bank of Chicago went belly up in 2001 with over $1 billion in insured and uninsured deposits. This collapse came amid harsh criticism of how Superior’s owners promoted sub-prime home mortgages. As part of a settlement, the owners paid $100 million and agreed to pay another $335 million over 15 years at no interest
~~~But this seven-year-old bank failure has relevance in another way today, since the chair of Superior’s board for five years was Penny Pritzker, a member of one of America’s richest families and the current Finance Chair for the presidential campaign of Barack Obama, the same candidate who has lashed out against predatory lending.
Though Superior Bank collapsed years before the current sub-prime turmoil that is rocking the world’s financial markets – and pushing those millions of homeowners toward foreclosure – some banking experts say the Pritzkers and Superior hold a special place in the history of the sub-prime fiasco.
“The [sub-prime] financial engineering that created the Wall Street meltdown was developed by the Pritzkers and Ernst and Young, working with Merrill Lynch to sell bonds securitized by sub-prime mortgages,” Timothy J. Anderson, a whistleblower on financial and bank fraud, told me in an interview.
“The sub-prime mortgages,” Anderson said, “were provided to Merrill Lynch, by a nation-wide Pritzker origination system, using Superior as the cash cow, with many millions in FDIC insured deposits. Superior’s owners were to sub-prime lending, what Michael Milken was to junk bonds.”
In other words, if you traced today’s sub-prime crisis back to its origins, you would come upon the role of the Pritzkers and Superior Bank of Chicago.
Why is this not surprising?

See author page
Lies, scandals, and scare tactics, oh my. This is what the Democrats have reduced themselves to doing because they have nothing truthful to use against McCain and Palin.
This country is in real trouble if the Democrats take the White House.
The country is in real trouble and the Republicans have been in the White House for 8 years.
The housing markets is down.
Wall Street is down.
Oil prices are up.
Electricity price will raise 30 % or better thanks to “deregulation”.
Food prices are up.
Too much of our goods and service production has been shipped overseas.
And we have a war that seems endless.
Please explain.
Oh yes…please don’t call me an idiot or unpatriotic …just explain to me why we should have 4
more years of republican control.
I am a veteran and a taxpayer, a father of five, a husband of 31 years and a Scoutmaster !
Thank you
In shock: For decades Democrats have blocked expanded oil and gas drilling in the United States. And yet you blame Republicans for high gas prices? Both food and electricity increases are tied to the price of oil.
For years Republicans have been proposing legislative reforms of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which had they past might have averted the current financial crisis. Democrats blocked those reforms and DEMCRATS took huge amounts of money from both firms (In all McCain’s years in the Senate and House he couldn’t even match one year of the money that Obama took in from Fannie and Freddie)
That war that seems endless is being won. And it might have been won a lot sooner if Obama and the Democrats had not done their best to signal defeat to our enemies.
When Democrats took control of Congress after the 2006 election they promised a new age of civility and bipartisanship. All we’ve seen from Democrat leaders in the House and Senat is an endless torrent of abuse directed at President Bush and the Republicans.
I have no desire to question your patriotism, though I do note that so many on your side, including most recently, Joe Biden, question ours.
What I do question is your judgement and ask whether you are proud of the Democrats whose first and only concern is the acquisition of political power even at the expense of our national interest.
in shock,
It seems Mike’s America explained it pretty well.
Iraq? I look at it as one battle in a larger war, just as Vietnam was one battle in a greater struggle (international communism).
The problem is one of perception. It’d be nice if the war against Islamic terror could be wrapped up, nice and tidy, in 3 short weeks or 8 “long” years; but that’s wishful thinking.
The Bush Administration isn’t the cause of the difficulties we face today; but in difficult times, I’m glad he is the one sitting in the Oval Office to deal with it, and not Gore or Kerry; Clinton was blessed with administering us through a “holiday from history” (as Krauthammer describes the 90’s in his current article).
To sum it up Rumsfeldianly: “Stuff happens.”
In shock
Here are a few answers to your questions:
– The housing markets is down.
– Wall Street is down.
Thanks for the Democrats for that mess.
See this video, it will explain it and answer all your questions:
– Oil prices are up.
Democrats are against oil drilling.
See this video:
– Electricity price will raise 30 % or better thanks to “deregulation”.
It will rise because of OIL, everything is related to OIL.
– Food prices are up.
This is also relate to OIL. Thanks to Al Gore and all his ecocatrastophists idiots. As fuel prices rise, demand for biofuel also rises, increasing the cost of feeding livestock and poultry, pushing up meat, egg, and dairy consumer prices. And the transportation of goods rises also beacause of OIL prices. So let’s start drilling off-shore NOW.
– Too much of our goods and service production has been shipped overseas.
Mabe this article will help you understand better:
1. Globalization costs jobs.
2. The United States is an island of free trade in a world of protectionism.
3. Americans are hurt by imports.
4. U.S. companies are running away, especially to low-cost areas overseas.
5. American companies doing business overseas take advantage of local people, especially in poor countries. They also pollute their environments.
6. The trade deficit is hurting our economy and we should eliminate it.
7. It’s not fair to run such large trade deficits with China or Japan.
8. Sanctions work. So do export controls.
9. Trade agreements should be used to raise environmental and labor standards around the world.
10. America’s manufacturing base is eroding in the face of unfair global competition.
That’s an impressive array of frequently heard charges and they are polluting our political environment. Worse yet, these widely held myths fly in the face of the facts. I’d like to take up each of them and knock them down.
Read the rest at:
– And we have a war that seems endless.
A war that you are winning, thanks to the Surge.
– more years of republican control.
McCain and Palin are mavericks. The way they think has nothing to do with any party. They will put the country and the people first. They are the one who will bring change, not Obama.
Thanks for that link.
Very informative.
Unfortunate that all this mess occurred during the Republican administration.
in shock,
It’s unfortunate that your partisan blinders are strapped on so tightly that you cannot or will not even look at the facts of the situation.
I voted for Bush on 2000. I’ve been disappointed with this government ever since.
in shock,
What would Gore or Kerry have done better?
And in this election, who will you be voting for?
Like I said.
Partisan blinders.
“I am a veteran and a taxpayer, a father of five, a husband of 31 years and a Scoutmaster!” — “in shock”
(Scoutmaster my @$$! — I’ll bet it’s an unmarried disgruntled community organizer, one of Obama’s “truth” squad), …
…and so utterly clueless about who is REALLY at fault here!
Bush Called For Reform of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac 17 Times in 2008 Alone… Dems Ignored Warnings. And McCain did, too.
in shock: You haven’t voted since 2000? That’s not a good example for a Scoutmaster to set!
“Unfortunate that all this mess occurred during the Republican administration.” — “in shock”
Just because you can’t connect the dots doesn’t mean we can’t. I REPEAT (you’ll see when my other comment comes out of spam filter). Bush tried for 8 year to fix it, and for 8 years the Dems blocked him. And McCain tried, as well.
Obama has the ring leaders of the disaster as his financial advisers.
Go out and actually learn what’s really going on, “in shock,” and stop trying to give us a snow job.
Heh, it’s just occurred to me. If Obama is in bed with the Clinton Mafia, then as badly as he has dissed the godbubba and his family, Obama better be careful when he loses, because once he drops off the public radar, he might just find he would have been safer in the middle of a civil war in Kenya than at the top of the Arkansa BillHilly’s hit list.
Awesome link, that “allbusiness” list of myths and their debunking.
Must we fight dirty? The only ones to disparage the Boy Scouts of America were the gays. Et tu?
I’m a Woodbadger. Go find out what that is. NE-IV-186
I’m don’t mind if we have open disagreement, we are a democracy after all. You should be able
to discern what is opinion and what is fact.
Did the Dems have control for all 8 years of the Bush Administration??
To Mike..of course I have voted in every election. I fought for that right. And I respect your
right to disagree. I voted for Richard Milhouse before my ship went to Viet Nam.
“Thanks for that link. Very informative.
Unfortunate that all this mess occurred during the Republican administration”. (In Shock)
My pleasure! I did not understand all those myths a few years ago, but then I read Milton Friedman and it became so clear. So I am please to fill in others on the matter.
And you are so right, IT IS UNFORTUNATE THAT ALL THIS MESS OCCURED DURING THE REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION. You see, you plant a seed and it doesn’t grow right away. The Democrats planted those bad seeds and they came to maturity in the Bush administration. People do not realize that. This is why ignorant people tends to put the blame on the Republican administration. But educated people, know better, they know who really is in fault here, and it is not the Republicans, it is the Democrats. I hope that my links made you see this very clearly.
If you are still doubting, take a second look at the video I put in my #6 comment:
I’m not disparaging the boy scouts, I’m disparaging you. You aren’t fit to be a Scoutmaster.
Stop your childish free associations, and go and read the references craig and others have provided, and supplement them with mine, AND STOP MAKING THINGS UP!
“Did the Dems have control for all 8 years of the Bush Administration??”
Along with the RINOs, they had enough clout to stop Bush’s NUMEROUS attempts to fix the problem.
And why don’t you address that? Because you deliberately don’t want others to see it as a problem, so you attempt to redirect to debate non-issues, where Leftists are most skilled, arguing the nuances of nothing important.
Well, you are wrong, you’re deceptive, and I still don’t believe you are any of what you claim to be. But even if you are, they don’t make you right or wrong, so why even bring them up at all, if not to distract.
Just stick to the facts, and give references that support your assertions, if you want people to take you seriously.
Sounds like WD-40 and roseburner to me.
“I voted for Richard Milhouse before my ship went to Viet Nam.” — “in shock”
What ship? And what year? What port did you leave from, and what port did you arrive at? How long were you there, and when did you leave? If you really were there, you won’t have to think too hard to remember any of that.
USCGC Half Moon, Operation Market Time, 1967..look it up.
And why the attack brother. We are all Americans, despite what you are trying to prove.
How have you served your country recently / Just by voicing your opinion doesn’t count !
What have you done recently….other than spout off ?
Picked up trash ? Taught Sunday School ? Worked on a planning commission or a school board ?
I didn’t think so !!
Elaborate please.
“I voted for Richard Milhouse before my ship went to Viet Nam.” — “in shock”
USCGC Half Moon, Operation Market Time, 1967..look it up — “in shock”
OK, I will…
USCGC Half Moon deployment… “Waters off South Viet Nam [Departed] Apr 1 1967 [Returned] Jan 22 1968”
But there’s a little problem. Nixon wasn’t even nominated until August 8, 1968, over 6 months after the Half Moon returned for Nam (IN JANUARY OF 1968), never to go again.
Now, get your lying “winter-soldier” tail out of here!
And he would appear from his other disclosures that he has voted Democrat since 2000.
No “shock” there.
Now the conventions are over, these anarchist hacks have to find something useless to do.
To conclude on Free-Trade and Nafta (even if it is not the subject of this thread), here are 3 videos. Everybody should view them, because most people do not understand Free-Trade and NAFTA.
Please, watch them and enjoy! They are really well done and the videos are all in ENGLISH.:
Thanks, Craig, nice links!
In Shock,
I totally agree with you. I have heard so many lies and saw so many deceitful tatics coming out of the McCain camp over the past few months… That I don’t know what to believe. McCain claimed today in Baltimore that he came up with a plan to save our economy. For someone that admitted that the economy is not his strong suit. It surprised me that he suddenly figured out how to save folks from losing their homes, and keep businesses from going belly up. Less that a week ago he said that the fundamentals of our economy is strong.. Now that he finally has seen that Iraq is not the most important thing in this election. He is talking about the things that are important to everyday people. I’m not saying that Iraq is not important. But our economy should have been both canidates number one issue considering how families are suffering rightnow.
Pipe down there, Johnnyikins. If you hadn’t noticed, you guys got BUSTED!
Very good video Yonathan (comment #27). I have so many more on the subject. I will post them when the thread is more related to economy.
“McCain claimed today in Baltimore that he came up with a plan to save our economy. For someone that admitted that the economy is not his strong suit. It surprised me that he suddenly figured out how to save folks from losing their homes, and keep businesses from going belly up.” (Johnny)
He had indeed a very good plan in 2005, but it was stop by the Democrats in 2006. When he said that economy was not is strong suit, he meant he had stronger skills in other fields. By no way did he mean that he had no skill in economy. He surely has more skill on the matter than Obama. Except that McCain’s ego is not as big as Obama, he doesn’t go around bragging he’s a champion in economy… Obama does, even if he has prouved that he doesn’t understand the simple basic of economy. Obama IS A FRAUD!
Sorry, I meant Yonason and not Yonathan.
“I will post them when the thread is more related to economy.”
I look for ward to it. Thanks.
Oh fer heavens sakes, guys… post the video, Craig. It’s not like we’re talking about social security and all the sudden interjecting the Pakistan embassy bombing, ya know… LOL
You’ve got some really good vid links, Craig.
in shock and Johnny? Dunno about you two. And that’s quite the top ten whining list you got there, in shock.
You either don’t get into history, or you just really want to believe that the world fell apart because George W. Bush was sworn into office. Funny… does that explain the foreign governments that are also having economic problems? Do you think it’s only the US having an economic decline? Did you not notice that the UK has had their housing problems too? And they aren’t the only ones either.
How about a few more pesky details…. like that our manufacturing and industry have been declining and moving over seas since the 70s, starting with the steel mills closing. This “outsourcing” bit isn’t new. Perhaps many of you only woke up to it in the past 7.5 years. But that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been going on under your nose decades before that. ‘cus it sure didn’t happen overnight.
Whining about oil prices, which affects food, transportation, the cost of manufacturing and our export revenue? Another ditty…. Despite our increased demand and growth, refineries have been blocked, nuclear power thwarted, and drilling opposed for decades. So now we are even more dependent upon foreign oil. And so is the rest of the developing world, who’s demands are increasing just like ours. When nations modernize, they demand more energy, more products that are petroleum based like plastics, rubber, etal.
Yet this all supposedly happened in 7.5 years? Pshaw…
Only a history deficient fool will attempt that argument… and hopefully, for his sake, only in a circle of those more foolish than he.
There is ample blame for both parties… all making up Congress, most of whom have been entrenched in their seats of power for term after term. How are they never held accountable? Just like they are doing now. They point their fingers of blame at the WH and the revolving door of presidents…. because they *know* they can make the fools who vote believe that all the ills of the world happened in the last 7.5 years of whatever POTUS’s term.
Being a few years away SS, I can see the hopes of getting back even a pittance of all the cash the government has been taking from me since I was 16 is going down the toilet. And I tell you, I am livid. Obama wants to play the political talking points game that because stocks are down, it’s proof positive that the government should be holding our retirement cash for us. The government who, by their inept interference in the free market, are the central figures of blame.
Good thing I didn’t keep my own money all these years? I’ll buy the wisdom of that notion as soon as I see that pig with lipstick flying by my window…
In shock= Mark Davis (son of Frank Marshall Davis or so he says) Same style.
Just to let you all know, in shock appears to be his own person. Not Johnny, and not Mark Davis (who hasn’t visited here since the last post involving his father).
Thanks, Mata-#35, but I don’t really care, because whoever he is, he’s a liar as I showed here…
…just like Obama, and just like those “winter soldiers” who testified with Kerry to all that horrible stuff they never witnessed.
(Sorry, I have once again posted this comment on the wrong thread… so here it is one more time)
Thank you Mata for the OK on posting videos here.
You people have the best country in the World, and there is a good reason for this. You are following Milton Friedman theories and you should be proud of it. Wacht the 3 videos below and you will see why you should never, NEVER let Obama run your country.
These are the best videos I have watched on Economy. It is a series of 3.
Part 1:
Part 2:
PROBLEMES AMÉRICAINS? (American’s Problems?)
Part 3:
Thanks for sharing your library with us Craig. Enjoy your stuff!
Here’s a couple of things I want to add to the discussion. McCain’s comment “the fundamentals of the economy are strong,” is being truncated just as his “100 year war” remark was. Here’s the complete comment:
Our economy, I think, is still — the fundamentals of our economy are strong, but these are very, very difficult times,” McCain said. “I promise you, we will never put America in this position again. We will clean up Wall Street.”
This is bolstered by this article I saved last week by Donald Luskin, I guess now is the time to post it as he discusses Obama’s misrepresentation of the economy.
Luskin is on McCain’s team and discloses that in the article, but has yet to advise him.
Quit Doling Out That Bad Economy Line
Dag gum, you guys are a tough crowd. LOL
First, no one needs my “permission” to post stuff. I’ve only removed one post in my history here. That was a post and thread about Trooper’gate, and Charles Keating came in out of the blue with some off the wall, aimless rant about casualties in Iraq. Totally unrelated.
I know we all seque into tangents, and that’s how cyber conversation goes. But Keating was about to highjack a thread with the 2nd or 3rd post about something completely unrelated… and nary a link as to why he went there from the original post subject matter . Had he posted it in an Iraq subject thread, I wouldn’t have touched it.
I also removed a line from another post that was slandering Aye Chi personally with an unfounded, and despicable charge. The rest of the post was left intact.
That’s it for my “censorship”… Other than that, I’m not the thread nanny… really, you guys. So no need to tip toe around me. Post away with what you feel is appropriate info to pass on.
Don’t let her fool ya.
We all know her as “Thread Nanny” when she’s not lookin’ or listnin’.
Grandma’s got a yard stick and she a’int ‘fraid to use it neither.
Ducking and running now.