I have no doubt Palin can hold her own in the debates and now I wonder why in the world they would agree to a shorter answer period for the VP debates. Biden is a walking gaffe machine:
In an out-of-nowhere attempt to re-assure a southwestern Virginia labor crowd about gun owners’ rights, Biden — who regularly scores “F” ratings from the National Rifle Association — warned Obama that if “he tries to fool with my Beretta, he’s got a problem.”
“I guarantee you Barack Obama ain’t taking my shotguns, so don’t buy that malarkey,” Biden said Saturday at the United Mine Workers of America’s annual fish fry in Castlewood, Virginia. “Don’t buy that malarkey. They’re going to start peddling that to you.”
Biden told the crowd that he himself is a gun owner. “I got two,” Biden said, “if he tries to fool with my Beretta, he’s got a problem. I like that little over and under, you know? I’m not bad with it. So give me a break. Give me a break.
“if he tries to fool with my Beretta, he’s got a problem.”…..Too bad he didn’t say the same about my wallet.
Look, the man gets a solid F rating by the NRA, as does Obama. No one believes that the two have suddenly become friends of the gun crowd. Quite the opposite:
As for Joe Biden, from Delaware, the Brady Campaign sums it up in a straightforward enough fashion, saying, “Senator Biden has been a consistent supporter of the Brady Campaign,” and “Senator Biden was a key player in the fight for the federal assault weapons ban that passed in 1994. He also worked hard for passage of the Brady Law (sic).”
In fact, Biden introduced an “assault weapons” ban in Congress five years before the Clinton gun and magazine ban was imposed. In 1989, Biden’s Senate Bill 1970 proposed to ban the Colt AR-15 and eight similar firearms as “assault weapons,” and authorize the Secretary of the Treasury (in reality, BATF) and the Attorney General to recommend to Congress any other firearms, regardless of type, to be banned as “additional assault weapons.”
As lead sponsor of the Senate crime bill to which the Feinstein gun ban amendment was attached, Biden was instrumental in the passage of the 1994 Clinton gun and magazine ban. Biden reiterated his support for the ban—and, in fact, took credit for authoring it—in response to a question at the CNN/YouTube debate earlier this year (to view the video, please click here).
Biden voted for the ban on a stand-alone vote in 1993, and voted to extend the ban in 2004 as an amendment to the “Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.” He also included a renewal of the ban in his crime bill last year, along with gun show restrictions.
Currently, Biden’s S. 2237 proposes to renew the Clinton ban on roughly 200 makes and models of semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and handguns on the basis of things like the shape of their grips, and on ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, regardless of the kind of firearm in which they are used.
As if that’s not enough, Biden voted against the law that prohibits lawsuits designed to bankrupt law-abiding firearm manufacturers and dealers. He also refused to sign the Congressional brief in Heller, and voted to confirm only one of the five justices who ruled in favor of the Second Amendment in Heller, yet he voted to confirm all four justices who voted against the Second Amendment in that case.

See author page
Who are really those two clowns? Obama and Biden are the greatest flip-floppers of all time. And just to think that so many Americans will be voting for these two idiots scares the hell out of me.
took this random survey thing, you look at 2 quotes and you pick the one that best fits your beliefs. its a blind survey, you have no idea who has said what. at the end it has obama and mccain on a teeter totter going back and forth. then as it tallies up the loser is flipped over the other guys head. when obama went flying i almost wet my pants i laughed so hard. funny thing also was that i had not heard any of these quotes, they were pretty obscure tot he average person. there were 10 or 11 questions. obama and biden talk from both sides of their mouths.
sorry, i double posted.
obiden has to talk out of both side os his mouth since his foot it firmly in the middle of it…
Scares the hell out of me too, not that I don’t know what these two lock-step lefties are going to propose to do, but that whatever they do propose to do will likely be gifted to them on a silver platter by a likely Democrat congress.
Being from way down south in the great state of Jawja, I have my share of firearms, and when Obama/Obiden tells me they only want to restrict certain arms (hell who needs howitzers and ak47’s?) don’t you believe ’em Steve, they want yer gun. They jest have ta git their foots in the door…you let ’em in and they will take yer guns and clean out yer larder to boot…..
Steve you are most certainly correct… they do want our guns…
Here is a good link to send to your “gun control” liberal friends…
The “two greatest flip-floppers” unfortunately have their MSM shield that works overtime to disguise damage control. Biden would have to do more than embarrass Obama’s stance on the 2nd amendment, but this does help. I can’t wait for Sarah to field-dress Biden in the upcoming debate.
Biden is a nut. We live in Alaska, and of course, own guns. They’re for hunting – because wild game is the way to go. Can you actually believe anything this guys says? What an idiot. His selection for VP running mate of Obama still is wwwwaaayyyy out there. To think that the media actually has a problem with Sarah Palin when Joe Biden makes gaffes and a fool of himself all the time…
Why in the Hell did they agree to a shorter debate format?
And if Biden owns a Beretta, I’m the king of Siam!
Reminds me of a T-Shirt I recently saw… Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. It should be a convenience store, not a government agency!
Obama’s home town Chicago has a ban on owing hand guns. Biden could not have his Barreta there.
“if he tries to fool with my Beretta, he’s got a problem.”
Sounds like a threat! The Secret Service should investigate Biden…..
Figures that rich-boy northeast Liberal Biden would claim to own a Beretta shotgun. I guess an Ithaca or Mossberg is too low brow to admit owning.
I am not a racist. I am a democrat but will vote republican I feel we were cheated out of the best person to represent the democrats by the obama campaign playing the race card as usual.He saw his chance when a woman was picked to be the favorite.He did not pick Hillary for he knew she was better than him. The good old boy system put him in. He has not done anything for America that I have seen.He was only interested in the black people and not all of the Americans of different colors. He is only present when any voting is going on and not capable of making the right decision to vote.
Just for the record, although she’ll never admit it. California Senator Feinstein has a concealed carry permit. In San Francisco. If it’s good enough for her it should be good enough for the rest of us. But, of course, the DIM oc RATS know better, right?
Walter M. Clark
WMC, Liberal hipocracy at its finest!
All of a sudden Biden owns two guns? Why not mention this before? And I’ll bet the second one is a shotgun too, probably not a handgun. If Biden is really about protecting gun rights he should have been stating such from the beginning, not all of a sudden now while talking to a labor group. Gun rights have never been part of his entire political career.
When you are desperate to get votes you will resort to any lie.
Never heard of AHSA, but this is from a blog posted in the sidebar. How do we fool them today?
American Hunters And Shooters Association endorses Obama
I just heard that on our local radio gun show. From the NRA:
American Hunters And Shooters Association: The Ultimate In Political Camouflage:
AHSA was created with the specific intent to provide political cover for anti-gun politicians by allowing them to claim support from a “sportsmen’s” group. In truth, the anti-gun credentials of AHSA’s leadership is well documented. For instance, AHSA president Ray Schoenke has a long history of giving political donations to some of the most anti-gun politicians, including Al Gore, John Kerry, Barbara Boxer, Bill Clinton, Dianne Feinstein and Ted Kennedy. In 2000, Schoenke donated $5,000 to Handgun Control, Inc. (now the Brady Campaign) and the Ray and Holly Schoenke Foundation also made donations to the Brady Campaign. AHSA Board member John Rosenthal remains the leader of Stop Handgun Violence, the Massachusetts anti-gun group. And one of the leading organizers of AHSA is Bob Ricker, who has been a paid expert witness against gun manufacturers in a number of reckless lawsuits.
“I guarantee you Barack Obama ain’t taking my shotguns” (Joe Biden)
He may not take them now, but he might borrow one of your Beretta on november 4th, to blow his mind after losing the elections… lol
Just like O’Bama saying that he “thought” about joining the military, this past week.
Funny, you never mentioned that anywhere before…
Biden’s pandering is completely insulting to the intelligence of gun owners.
Don’t think they’re buying it for one second. Combined with the disingenuous carrying on by Obama and Biden, with the ‘pholksy’ dialects they put on while patronizing everyone on this issue, this issue alone will likely lose them the election.
It is so transparently insincere, it is nauseating.
I confess that I don’t understand the gun-banner’s mindset at all. How can they, ostensibly intelligent, rational people, put their brains on hold, and actually believe that any criminal who would be willing to threaten or kill his fellow man, would give a damn about a law forbidding carry, possession of any kind of lethal weapon.
Second amendment rights notwithstanding, if we think that we would have a snowballs chance of getting weapons “off the streets” let us examine our success in preventing the flow of thousands of tons of illegal drugs, and preventing the crossing of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.
Although Biden and Obama could never likely round up all the guns under their watch, they can and would do serious damage to this right, by relentless, incremental baby steps.
It would start with so-called semi automatic assault weapons, You know, the ones that are used in less than 1/10th of a percent of gun crime. (FBI uniform crime report). They are just ugly enough, and look menacing enough to be excellent target of a gun ban. Fact is, even an M16 fires a cartridge that isn’t nearly as devastating as a typical hunting round like a .308 or 30.06. But the average person doesn’t know this.
The majority opinion in Heller vs D.C. has re-affirmed Miller VS US, in the sense that the 2nd amendment specifically protects weapons that are suited for militia (read military) use, or weapons that are in common use at the time.
AK47s, M16/M4, Beretta 9 mm, etc are the most commonly used weapons of our time, and therefore, ought to be the most protected.
The compromise, in terms of “reasonable restrictions” is already in place: unless registered prior to 1986, civilian versions of these weapons are not fully automatic, requiring the trigger to be pulled once for each round fired.
There is very good reason to protect these weapons in particular. Part of the myriad of reasons our founders created the Second Amendment is so that the People would have an ultimate recourse against future tyranny. Candidates like Obama and Biden, with their cynical though thinly veiled attempts at duping the electorate, serve to highlight the wisdom of the founding fathers.
Sure, we won’t have outright gun confiscation a broad scale . . . right away. But until we draw a permanent line in the sand, and specifically codify the limits of government infringement in our courts and legislatures, we may depend on a relentless chipping away of this fundamental right to keep and bear until one day we will look up, and the right will have ceased to exist.
@Steve Rowland: