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Obama is asking his followers, the young and the dumb, to get in people’s face and argue on his behalf.

For those lefties that wish to have tips on how to promote Barack Obama when you get in their faces:


Throw Obama away.

He doesn’t need to tell them to do that, they already are. Just look at the violent protests at the RNC.

It’s a very good piece, except luckly was spelled “luckiy.” If it’s how the guy spelled it, then it should be [luckly] with the brackets.

The American dictionary presents at least 8 definitions for taxes.

The primary definition is:
a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services, levied upon incomes, property, sales, etc.

Another definition is:
(verb used with an object)
to lay a burden on; make serious demands on: to tax one’s resources.

Which definition do you think is not consistent with the government powers of taxation, and which do you believe is the correct definition for taxation with representation?

Obama’s plan to do a “transfer of wealth” by means of taxation is not consistent with the defined purpose of government taxation with representation. It is merely a taking of the resources of some and giving it to others.

This is in fact what communist governments do. They take from all that is productive and distribute to all in what would appear to be equal portions — but in fact is not.

Obama’s taxation plan, referred to by Senator Joe Biden as American’s patriotic duty, is socialistic and is nothing more than taxation without representation, for without a say in how the recipients expend the redistributed monies — those being “taxed” according to Obama’s communist agenda are enslaved to the government.

Is taxation slavery what Obama has in mind? Radical despots taking by force of government that to which they are not rightly entitled?

Note that in the first definition above, governments usually take in reasonable taxes to provide specific facilities or services — that’s in a democratic society, of course.

Besides, if in fact it is patriotic, as Mr. Biden has suggested, to pay more than a reasonable amount in taxes — how much more has either Obama or Biden paid in excess due to their overwhelming patriotism?
