Talk about being off the reservation. Doesn’t Bill know he is supposed to be behind the Democrats? Oh, thats right….that was before they railroaded his wife:
Mr Clinton, acclaimed even by his enemies as one of the most consummate American politicians in recent history, said he did not agree with Republican vice presidential pick Mrs Palin on politics, but warned fellow Democrats not to underestimate her.
“She’s an instinctively effective candidate and with a compelling story,” Mr Clinton said in an interview with CNBC.
“I think it was exciting to some that she was a woman,” said Mr Clinton.
“I think she, I get why she’s done so well. It’s a mistake to underestimate her. She’s got good intuitive skills. They’re significant.”
Mr Clinton said he thought Republican presidential candidate John McCain, a Vietnam war hero and veteran lawmaker, was a “great man” and that the election on November 4 would be close, but he predicted Democrat Barack Obama would emerge triumphant.
The guy knows politics. He was a horrible leader who governed by the flow of the polls but he knows a winner when he see’s one. After the last month of Democrat attacks against Palin, denigrating her as some kind of country hick with no integrity and barely any intelligence we get Bill telling his side that they better not underestimate her….she is not what they are trying to paint her as. Add on the fact that she has more governing experience then Obama and you have the making of a tough opponent.

See author page
He also said Kerry and Gore would win. Also he said Obama couldn’t win the General election and that his wife would win the primary.
A thought on the actions of SICK WILLIE. Anger, intense anger, over the failure of democrats to anoint hillary and not obama will not die easily. The rules set in place, with deep involvement by hillary, were designed to ensure that the nomination went to hillary. It was hers, she was to be automatically anointed. Because this did not occur, both bill and hillary are more than furious. Although both have said they were campaigning for “The Anointed One”, how they do so, as indicated by the above, is still up for interpretation. What makes this even more untenable for the clinton’s is the emergence of Gov. Palin.
Consider if you will, McCain serves only one term. Palin as the GOP VP will almost certainly get the nomination in ’12. hillary has generated an huge number of “no more hillary” members of the dnc. Thus, the probability of her gaining he dnc nomination is very questionable. Thus, she is facing the very real probability of seeing Palin as the first female President, a position that she dared to claim as due to her. Thus, her anger at loosing the ’08 nomination and now the possibility of neither gaining the ’12 nomination and seeing the ’12 election going to Palin, her support, and that of bill, for “The Anointed One” will be lip service at best.
Just a thought. If the MSM had gone after SICK WILLIE with the same effort and zeal upon which they’ve attacked Gov. Palin, bill and hillary would both still be in Arkansas. Well, maybe not, hillary would have probably filed for divorce soon after he lost the ’92 election, but she’d definitely not be a US Senator.
Think of the changes that would now be realized. In addition to no need to impeach the vile example of humanity, no expanse of the carter mortgage package, thus this weeks financial crisis would have never occurred. The barrier between the FBI and the CIA would have not been created, and thus, 9/11 may have never occurred. democrats may not have regained control of Congress. These, along with a multitude of other problems now facing this nation due to the arrogance and incompetence of SICK WILLIE and the dnc would never have occurred. Very probably, no harry reid controlling the Senate and no pelosi controlling the House.
I dare to suggest that more time and money have been expended by the MSM trying to destroy Gov. Palin in the few weeks she’s been a VP candidate selection than the MSM spent honestly checking the charges against SICK WILLIE during his entire first term of occupying the White House.
The Dems are so afraid of Palin. This explains all the dirt they have tried to lay on her.
Hey… take a look at this:
To see the graphic, go to:
Slick Willie, while being an astute politician, is also a womanizer. My advice to Sara Palin is to move the podium a little further back from the front of the stage as old Slick is hunkered down in the front row, dressed in drag, trying mightily to get a glimpse.
On a more serious note, El Rushbo stated within an hour after Biden was chosen over Hillary that the Dems would pull a switch where Biden is replaced by Hillary. Supposedly the DNC is actively considering this. Does it take a rocket scientist? Biden got about 35 votes in all his runs for president, Hillary received millions…the DNC simply is not going to let these votes get away.
I cannot confirm this , and there is nothing but scuttlebutt as of yet, but the DNC boardroom, according to attributed leaks, is supposedly bantering about this issue and supposedly something is planned for October 5 when Biden withdraws his name due to “failing health”…….and guess who steps into the void….this is supposed to be the ‘slam dunk’ the Republicans had when McCain chose Palin.
Let’s hope not.
No way Steve! Hillary would never go that low as being the second choice VP. Besides, Obama and Hillary hate each other guts. That would be a very bad combination and it would prove to the World that Obama has no judgment whatsoever, flip flopping all the time… can’t even make a right choice for his VP… lol
Craig: I tend to agree with you, and hope you are correct. One pertinent point however, is what difference would it make if Obama proved to the world he has no judgment? He already has, or maybe the DNC has, done so in his selection of Biden as far as I am concerned.
These kind of rumors come up regularly so it is likely that: a rumor. It is curious that this socialist Obama, who is promising $1000 to every American family (and likely millions also to non-Americans from south of the border) if they will get him elected, is preceded by another socialist back in 1972, George McGovern who promised exactly the same thing (Obama should be offering more though, due to inflation, whats a thousand dollars these days?sic)) McGovern also changed running mates shortly after the convention. You probably recall the results.
Yes, Obama and Hillary hate each others guts, but the Billary is a cunning duo. I would not put anything at all beyond them and if the DNC comes calling with a good enough deal, I think it might just fly. No doubt such would be a bad combination and Obama would have to get extra Secret Service protection from his own Vice-President who will be actively trying to cash in on that ‘heartbeat.’
Only thing I disagree with you on is that , I believe, Oh, yes, Hillary WOULD stoop that low. Trust me, she’s gone lower…….
Thanks for your comment.
I know this comment is OFF subject, but I can’t find any place else to put it. A few minutes ago, I read in a sports story that two gold-medalists in the Beijing Oympics might be stripped of their medals because traces of testosterone was found in their tests. Uh HELLO! Newsflash! Both are male. 2nd newsflash, even females produce a little testosterone. Yaaaaaaawwwwwnnnn !!! Next, I suppose we’ll hear they are going to be disqualified because it was found that they are both (gasp!) human.
you could tell just saying obamas name left a bad taste in his mouth. its not like we didn’t expect this from bill. he knows his shit, he knows what he can get away with saying. if they do switch to hillary from biden, it will be interesting, but i would hope she has enough balls left to tell him to kiss off. they screwed her good and he all know how obama did it, he is really crazy.