My first reaction when I heard the rumor that Congress is already looking to adjourn was, “You have GOT to be kidding me?!” Earlier in the year, they screamed, “RECESSION! RECESSION” when there was none, and then they went on recess. No sooner have they come back, and they’re telling us they’ll adjourn and go home. I was outraged. I was frustrated. I was actually shocked that the Democrats’ Congress could surprise me with yet another level of incompetence, dishonor, arrogance, and ignorance. They’ve successfully escaped any sort of accountability for their failures and the lies that they campaigned on in 2006.
Now, before anyone echoes my, “You have GOT to be kidding me?!” stop and take a breath, and realize that this is perhaps the smartest thing Speaker Pelosi and Sen Harry Reid have done since they were elected to control of both Houses of Congress. What America needs now…is NOT a Democratic Party controlled Congress doing something. They need to be stopped, and it’s actually come to the point where Congress realizes their own incompetence.
Senator Johnny Isakson, a Georgia Republican active on housing issues, scoffed at suggestions that lawmakers postpone adjournment to rewrite laws governing the financial markets.
“The last thing you need,” he said, “are 535 people, not many of whom are that well-versed in financial markets, trying to do quick fixes to a market correction that’s one of the more significant that we’ve ever seen.”
Please, don’t let the door hit ya on the way out.
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Books
Doesn’t surprise me they cut and run…. LOL
Especially since they just passed a hoax of an energy bill… not allowing for states to share in oil revenues (like Alaska does…), allowing drilling where there is no oil. HA
As Rush said this AM (paraphrased) “This is not an energy bill. This is an IQ test for the media”.
But frankly, the last thing I want them to do is stick around and “fix” the economy… they will just slow down the works.
The tale of the plumber…..(a funny tale on how it relates to the current financial crisis)
A plumber wanted to increase his business, but the current pickings are slim.
Everyone has good pipes & drains, and the system is clean. Standards in
city drainage are good making repairs few and far in-between.
So, our dear plumber thinks up of a scheme:
1. Propose a gimmick
2. Propagate the gimmick
3. Oversee the gimmick
4. Let the standards dip
5. Make a crisis
6. Come in as the “savior” and propose a solution (for a price)
The plumber says that the plumbing prices are way too high and prevents
new home owners from having new and better water systems. He proposes
that every home in the town have a new whiz-bang device called a
“flush-o-matic 3000”. The device would make plumbing far more
efficient, save water, and be more environmentally friendly.
The plumber then spreads the word that those without means of paying
for the FOM3000 should have the option of government assistance in the
form of low interest loans. It’s only fair that all citizens,
especially those from “certain neighborhoods”, have them. If
not, then whispers of “racism” begin to circulate.
Of course those who do have the means want something better than a
lowly FOM3000, they want the pricier FOM5000 (the type found in the
houses of “McMansions” in the gated communities). Surely, aren’t
THEY entitled to something better…even thought such devices are
dangerously overpriced. The word spreads that “free” FOM are
available and more-and-more people get into the act.
The plumber, flushed with success, gets a job overseeing the FOM
project. He makes a lot of sweetheart deals and retires with a golden
parachute. In the meanwhile, so many FOM are circulating they every
plumber shop is pushing them out like drunken sailors on shore leave.
Times are sweet and everyone is fat. The plumbers are making money, the
politicians are expanding their influence, and the public gets all the
FOMs to their heart’s content.
Hey, even better, foreign investors are now buying FOM bonds to help
finance the project. No down side to that boyos. Surely, they’ll
NEVER call those bonds in.
Well, all good times must come to an end. So many FOM have been
circulated that people are raising questions about the value of their
devices. People have been flipping their FOMs and the accounting has
been loose and questionable at times. “Is there a problem?” The
citizens would ask? “NAAHHHHHH” say the politicos…“here ya
go…some more FOM at newer, cheaper rates.
Then one day the people overseeing the books began to talk. First at
whispers, then more openly. The financial news nets pick up the chatter
and a firestorm commences.
“What….the FOMs are overpriced? What…the FOMs are defective?
What….the accounts have been drained with bad FOM loans?”
Then, overnight, the FOM market collapses. Citizens are left holding
the bag and businesses scramble to avoid bankruptcy. Things are in the
The plumber, smiling, comes back and says “Well, well, well….what do
we have here? I can solve your problem. Just give me some additional
congressional oversight and a newer, BIGGER, FOM regulatory board.
It’s obvious that we need more FOM regulation.”
So you see, the circle completes itself.
All Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008
Name Office State Party Grand Total Total from
PACs Total from Individuals
Dodd, Christopher J S CT D $165,400 $48,500 $116,900
Obama, Barack S IL D $126,349 $6,000 $120,349
Kerry, John S MA D $111,000 $2,000 $109,000
Bennett, Robert F S UT R $107,999 $71,499 $36,500
Bachus, Spencer H AL R $103,300 $70,500 $32,800
Blunt, Roy H MO R $96,950 $78,500 $18,450
Kanjorski, Paul E H PA D $96,000 $57,500 $38,500
Bond, Christopher S ‘Kit’ S MO R $95,400 $64,000 $31,400
Shelby, Richard C S AL R $80,000 $23,000 $57,000
Reed, Jack S RI D $78,250 $43,500 $34,750
Reid, Harry S NV D $77,000 $60,500 $16,500
Clinton, Hillary S NY D $76,050 $8,000 $68,050
Davis, Tom H VA R $75,499 $13,999 $61,500
Boehner, John H OH R $67,750 $60,500 $7,250
Conrad, Kent S ND D $64,491 $22,000 $42,491
Reynolds, Tom H NY R $62,200 $53,000 $9,200
Johnson, Tim S SD D $61,000 $20,000 $41,000
Pelosi, Nancy H CA D $56,250 $47,000 $9,250
Carper, Tom S DE D $55,889 $31,350 $24,539
Hoyer, Steny H H MD D $55,500 $51,500 $4,000
Pryce, Deborah H OH R $55,500 $45,000 $10,500
Emanuel, Rahm H IL D $51,750 $16,000 $35,750
Isakson, Johnny S GA R $49,200 $35,500 $13,700
Cantor, Eric H VA R $48,500 $46,500 $2,000
Crapo, Mike S ID R $47,250 $40,500 $6,750
Frank, Barney H MA D $42,350 $30,500 $11,850
Bean, Melissa H IL D $41,249 $34,999 $6,250
Bayh, Evan S IN D $41,100 $16,500 $24,600
McConnell, Mitch S KY R $41,000 $40,000 $1,000
Maloney, Carolyn B H NY D $39,750 $16,500 $23,250
Dorgan, Byron L S ND D $38,750 $30,500 $8,250
Miller, Gary H CA R $38,000 $31,500 $6,500
Rangel, Charles B H NY D $38,000 $14,750 $23,250
Tiberi, Patrick J H OH R $35,700 $32,600 $3,100
Bunning, Jim S KY R $33,802 $29,650 $4,152
Stabenow, Debbie S MI D $33,450 $32,000 $1,450
Chambliss, Saxby S GA R $33,250 $22,500 $10,750
Menendez, Robert S NJ D $31,250 $30,500 $750
Enzi, Mike S WY R $31,000 $27,500 $3,500
Van Hollen, Chris H MD D $30,700 $11,000 $19,700
Landrieu, Mary L S LA D $30,600 $20,000 $10,600
Murray, Patty S WA D $30,000 $23,000 $7,000
Clyburn, James E H SC D $29,750 $26,000 $3,750
Crowley, Joseph H NY D $29,700 $25,500 $4,200
Sessions, Pete H TX R $29,472 $24,000 $5,472
McCrery, Jim H LA R $29,000 $26,000 $3,000
Hooley, Darlene H OR D $28,750 $19,500 $9,250
Royce, Ed H CA R $28,600 $4,000 $24,600
Renzi, Rick H AZ R $28,250 $28,000 $250
Lieberman, Joe S CT I $28,250 $11,500 $16,750
Baucus, Max S MT D $27,500 $21,000 $6,500
Moore, Dennis H KS D $26,550 $25,500 $1,050
Coleman, Norm S MN R $24,690 $12,000 $12,690
Matheson, Jim H UT D $24,500 $24,000 $500
Schumer, Charles E S NY D $24,250 $1,500 $22,750
Durbin, Dick S IL D $23,750 $14,000 $9,750
Rogers, Mike H MI R $22,750 $21,000 $1,750
Lynch, Stephen F H MA D $22,500 $13,500 $9,000
Rockefeller, Jay S WV D $22,250 $5,000 $17,250
Smith, Gordon H S OR R $22,000 $20,000 $2,000
Mikulski, Barbara A S MD D $21,750 $16,500 $5,250
McCain, John S AZ R $21,550 $0 $21,550
Now now, Timothy… we’re talking about the economy here… not Al Gore! LOL And you nailed him to a tee.
Yo, Skye… what’s up with #4, girl? Feline got your tongue?
I’ve a video of Congressman Burgess discussing the number of days left till Congress adjourns. This was filmed in the press room of the RNC convention.
He makes some interesting observations about the Columbia Free Trade Agreement.
We need to add at least two more to your list…
7 – Blame the Republican
8 – If all else fails,… RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!
Yonason, that is at least the POST OF THE DAY, if not the week imo. You hit the nail on the head!
Thanks, but I can’t take the credit, because it really is so obvious, I mean it’s as plain as the nose on their face
does congress ever really work. seems to me that they take way to much time off as it is. i know tha they are incapable of fixing this mess, but they look like chickens.
Unfortunately Isakson AND Chambliss are my Senators, and are members of the gang of 10-20-??. Chambliss is up for reelection and pretty well liked.
I was as amazed that the Dems would just shut down the CONgress like that. Amazing.
I’ve been watching the news and the Dems think they are totally blameless.
Nancy Pelosi is the new “Cleopatra” because she is the “queen of De-Nial”
ahh, another lame post. the white house and the admin economic advisers support the recess as they want to make sure no hasty legislation is passed that ends up creating more problems than it creates. cooler heads will prevail.
Sobbering ..
Seems like somebody has an idea of what to do.
“The Bush administration is urgently preparing a massive intervention to revive the U.S. financial system”
Why do I have a bad feeling about this?
The Fanny/Freddie scam was a piggy bank for Democrats. To save it seems even more foolish than investing in it in the first place. If you drop a diamond into a toilet that’s flushing, do you throw in the rest of your jewelry in hopes you’ll plug the toilet and save the diamond?
Maybe we have no other choice, because of the way the Dems’ financial scam has infiltrated every other market, but it’s still a long shot, and if we don’t get Dems out of there, the problem not only won’t get fixed, but will get worse and end very badly, imo.
When historians write about the downfall of America, the Democrats will figure prominantly in their tale. I can hear the Dem victory cry echoing down the halls of time, “Hey, look, their writing about me. I’m famous!.”