Invading a (Republican) Woman’s Right to Privacy

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Sarah Palin’s Private Email Account Hacked!

What lowlifes

Michelle Malkin

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Can’t these people be prosecuted???
These Bolsheviks have no shame…

It is utterly sickening what these assholes will do to get at her.

It’s only an infringement on civil liberties if it happens to a Democrat or an Al Queda terrorist.

If the story is real, and I’m not positive that it is, I wonder what the Secret Service will have to say about it.

Seems to me they take their protection assignments very seriously.

Meanwhile, in Cobra Command HQ…..

BO: Success at last!!!! We’ll get the GI Joes now!!!

Wow…they are that desperate.

Disgusting! Is the USA a democracy or a communist country? I pity you guys if Obama wins this election.

@Aye Chihuahua, it’s real and it’s federal crime punishable by up to 5 years in prison.

FBI spokesman Brian Hale issued following statement earlier today, “The FBI is aware of the alleged hacking incident involving Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and is coordinating with the United States Secret Service on the matter.”

FWIW I wouldn’t expect to hear anything else from them until they kick someones door in. 😀


I’m sorry to hear that it is indeed real.

However, I am not sorry to hear that the FBI and Secret Service are all over this.

I had a feeling that they would be.

I have known a couple of Secret Service agents and you just don’t mess with someone under their protection.

Wait a minute… isn’t it the Dems who are all up in arms about loss of privacy and civil rights??? ‘cos I’m pretty darned sure it wasn’t conservative hackers…..

The party of “love the one you’re with” has sunk to new lows. They have proven themselves to be not only hypocritical, but criminal.

I’m genuinely sorry Palin and her family have to go thru this. But, ya know, I think they are made of tough stock. And the war by liberal progressives waged against her will catapult McCain-Palin to the WH.

that is absolute bullshit. how would anyone else feel? i wonder if obama’s little followers are behind this, you know same friends that have all the lawyers running all over alaska looking for dirt on palin. make sme sick, they keep getting lower and lower. when will they stop? do they have a conscience? are they that screwed up?

Talk Left is advocating google bombing anti-McCain articles.

Oh, and they support Obama for prez. Wanna bet the hackers will also be voting Obama as well?

Is this the “Change” American’s really want??

New Palin Myth:

Palin using personal email to conduct political and state business.

FWIW I’m not sure this was done for political reasons… at least not if what Michelle Malkin is reporting is true.

that is funny, google bombs do not work anymore, google’s algorithms have changed and put a stop to google bombing. Retards

“New Palin Myth: Palin using personal email to conduct political and state business.” (Skye)

Hey! At least they won’t be able to says that Palin can’t e-mail… lol

I think it was a little teenage hacker that has no life.

Still he needs to feel the pain from the Secret Service.

These jerks are playing at being Digital Brown shirts. FBI and Secret Service have probably already gotten search warrants and pulling Google’s cache of 4chan. Rubico is toast and so is anyone who supports the twerp.

My rant on the matter:

Finally a level headed website to attack the leftwing smears! I just stumbled upon it today. I finally fit in online! Keep up the excellent work!

andrew, we all love flopping aces. you fit in more places than you think, trust me. had a new client from california today. she whispered that she was a republican like she was still in cali, i told her it was good because so was i. her daughter is a lib and actually told her to burn in hell with all the other republicans. nice……..

Welcome to the good side o the web Andrew.
There are many out there,
Thanks To Palin is a good one that I post at.
My Blog also. If you look there are many more.

Necesitamos el cambio que podemos creer adentro. Noone puede creer esta mierda del caballo. Obama debe estar avergonzado, pero él es demasiado de un snob a estar avergonzado.

Via a commenter at Hot Air, the guy who hacked it allegedly wrote (but now the page 404s):

“I read though the emails… ALL OF THEM… before I posted, and what I concluded was anticlimactic, there was nothing there, nothing incriminating, nothing that would derail her campaign as I had hoped, all I saw was personal stuff, some clerical stuff from when she was governor…. And pictures of her family”

Word, da man… Malkin has an update with tons of info there in an email from a hacker/watcher there. Supposedly a bored adolescent prank… uh huh. Suppose it could be. But how stupid can one be to hack into a potential Veep’s personal email, who is already under secret service protection??

Hummm… when I put it that way, maybe it is a bored… and VERY stupid… adolescent. :0)

Prosecute The Hacker And Site ASAP !

As a law abiding American what bothers me most is that much of the early discourse is not focusing enough on the fact federal laws have been broken at the felony level. I am confidant that with the Secret Service and FBI now investigating the hacker and the site which disclosed will soon be very sorry. An arrest, booking and jail time should surely soon follow. Why so many are missing this point and alternatively trying to make hay out of the content of the e-mails in an attempt to besmirch Palin and said attempts are misplaced and irresponsible.

Via a commenter at Hot Air, the guy who hacked it allegedly wrote (but now the page 404s):

“I read though the emails… ALL OF THEM… before I posted, and what I concluded was anticlimactic, there was nothing there, nothing incriminating, nothing that would derail her campaign as I had hoped, all I saw was personal stuff, some clerical stuff from when she was governor…. And pictures of her family”

What the frak was Obama doing poking around Sarah’s email? Wait till Michelle finds out!!!

burns my ass

Actually… now that I’ve been mullling…. it was only a week or so ago that the Palin persecutors were accusing her of hiding her political corruption in private email accounts.

Now that a hacker has gotten in there, and has publicly come out disappointed at finding nothing, sorta cures that problem, eh?

This could mean a few things….

1: It was a bored adolescent cyber vandalist

2: It was politically motivated to find out if there was political dirt (which the self-confessed hacker said he was looking for)

3: And just for our friendly conspiracy buffs out there, it was planned to be hacked by that out-of-touch, low-tech McCain campaign in order to prove there was nothing to the world.

Weird when we all start “mulling” at the same time, eh?

… altho when I think of that email to Michelle Malkin, the source of the info explained that the hacker appeared to be going solo, then trying to kick it to the Anonymous group until he got panicky. That would indicate the original lone hacker was not politically motivated.

Dunno… but what we do know is that there’s nothing there. Which is why the conspiracy theory should emerge soon enuf, right?

This is amazing – I hope the FBI or Secret Service really nail those invovled, including those with the AP. Supposedly, they are protecting the criminals.

If this had happened to Obama, all hell would be breaking loose and there would be charges of racism and conspiracy by the MSM.

Gov. Palin is a wonderful governor here in Alaska, an honest woman and would make a great addition in DC. It is amazing to me, that the liberal machine want to destroy her so desparately, no matter what. I just pray she and her family are sustained until the election and that the country sees through the BS of Obama/Biden and vote in McCain/Palin.

The DUmmies already are convinced Darth Rove is behind this.
Darth Rove is into everything.

Mike’s America:

It’s only an infringement on civil liberties if it happens to a Democrat or an Al Queda terrorist.

Well said.

It’s funny how there is no story on about VP Palin’s e-mail getting hacked. There is a story though, dealing with her supposed lack of credentials….do I sense a double standard?
As C in Alaska pointed out…this would be everywhere had it happened to the big O. I’m simply dumbfounded that liberals either choose not to care about the double standard, deny it, or even worse, don’t see it! There has to be a psychology term dealing with their denial and mental blindness.

Ad remember Lt Gov Steele hadthe samethinghappen to him in 2006. And noone wasupset about that,but if it was the Obamassiah, it would be front page news for weeks

I’m glad someone hacked her and exposed what she was doing. Do it to the democrats too if they refuse to cooperate with an investigation. Sometimes disobedience is helpful, it definitely was here.

I’m glad someone hacked her and exposed what she was doing.

Exposed what exactly?

Do it to the democrats too if they refuse to cooperate with an investigation.

We have the rule of law in this country. Perhaps you would like Russia or Cuba better than America.

Sometimes disobedience is helpful, it definitely was here.

There is never any acceptable excuse for the commission of a felony.

Typical hypocritical liberal progressive. Okay to bash Palin’s civil rights and privacy, but don’t be listening to suspected terrorist activities. And for heavens sake, make sure the terrorists are read their miranda rights on the battle field.

You further demonstrate your utter ignorance, Dan. Palin is not refusing to cooperate in an investigation. She is fully cooperating with the investigation under Alaskan law for ethics violations in the Executive Branch, as done before the Personnel Board.

And before you can switch feet in your mouth, the Personnel Board is yes, appointed by the Governor for a term of 6 years. And those that are manning the Personnel Board in charge of this legal investigation by Alaskan Constitution and law are all appointed by her predecessor, Frank Murkowski… and no friend of Palin.

Had you read even one snippet of the Trooper’gate series here, you’d know that there are two investigations.

You may have luck spreading your lies elsewhere, but most on this forum are quite well informed. So you may want to lower your bar and seek a more conductive audience for your pointless dissertations.



Seems that the hacker may have has been found.

Son of Tennessee State Representative?

…..guess which party

Name? David Kernell

He’s 20.

He’s been contacted by the FEDS.

He’s probably looking for some clean underwear about now.

Now I’m in the SPAM filter again!




The hacker has been identified, located, and contacted by the FEDS.

He’s the 20 year old son of a Tennessee State Representative.

You guess which party.

My original post with all the great links is now in the SPAM trap.

Eventually it will surface.

Umm, whoa, slowdown everybody… All we know at this point is that investigators contacted someone in connection with the probe into the hacking of Sarah Palin’s personal e-mail account. To the best of my knowledge that person has not been arrested or charged with any crime. I would urge everyone to tread lightly until we know more.

It always surprises me how young people (men or women) are characterized as “boys” or girls” or “just a colledge kid”. This young man knew exactly what he was doing. He read the emails, determined them to be non-politically threatening but still published them to embarrass Sarah Palin and her family. This young boy is a man. He could enlist in the military or be in college (like he is) or be in a trade school. He has chosen this felony path and is a criminal. He is not a child. I don’t care if he is a career student. Grow up.

The Trooper (actually Commissioner) gate “scandal” is a non-story. Yes, you can read on the Anchorage Daily News blog that Alaskans are “so upset over this.” BS. The majority of Alaskans support the governor. She has done a fantastic job. The Commissioner-gate is really about a disgruntled employee who told a disgruntled loser (Halcro), who has a purpose in life – destroy Sarah Palin for winning the governor’s race (he ran as an indepedent). Add to that a democrat hack (French) and and a few upset republicans — and you have a conspiracy that Sarah Palin abused her power as governor. Get real.

The charges have been bogus from the beginning. Bottom line. She fired an “at will” employee (totally within her rights – as these commissioners work at govrnors pleasure). To spend $100,000 to look at trumped up charges is crazy (though our state does have a surplus so why not?). I work in an industry where it is so hard to fire someone – whether they can do the job or not. It is refreshing to have someone in office who actually fires people who do not do their jobb.

Sarah Palin is the real deal. Yes, she has upset the apple cart here (more than once) and has enemies. But the people of her state know that she works for them. I don’t agree with her on all the issues, but know that she is the type of person we need in DC. Go McCain / Palin.