17 Sept; The War in Iraq

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This morning, like everyone, I checked my email INBOX, and I had an email from a friend that prompted a great deal of thought and reflection on the events that happen every day in Iraq. After a while, I decided to start looking back at my notes and checking out what events have happened on this day, September 17th in the history of the Iraq War (from 1990-today).

Here’s a little of what I’ve found…

9/17/2007 Iraq Baghdad 21 people were killed and 32 people wounded in Ramadan violence, including a car bombing at a mosque. (Religion of Peace.com)

9/17/2006 Iraqi soldiers conduct operations in Diwaniyah (CENTCOM MNF Briefing)

9/17/2006 Iraqis celebrate opening of refurbished operating room at Musayyib Hospital (CENTCOM MNF Briefing)

9/17/2006 INP, MND-B Soldiers seize munitions cache, foil roadside bomb threat (CENTCOM MNF Briefing)

9/17/2006 Over 750,000 Iraqis Benefit from new landfill in Kiruk (US Army Corps of Engineers website)

9/17/2006 Iraq , Baqubah 2 Killed , 3 Injured ; Jihadis attack an electrical plant, killing two guards. (the religion of peace.com)

9/17/2006 Iraq , Kirkuk 21 Killed , 63 Injured ; Two suicide bomb attacks by ‘Holy Warriors’ take the lives of at least twenty-one innocents. (the religion of peace.com)

9/17/2006 Iraq , Baghdad 24 Killed , 0 Injured ; Twenty-four more tortured and executed victims of religious sectarian hatred are found. (the religion of peace.com)

9/17/2006 Sergeant Adam L. Knox Baghdad (north-central part) by small arms fire

9/17/2006 Sergeant David J. Davis Baghdad (Sadr City) in an IED attack

9/17/2005 Iraq , Baghdad 9 Killed 0 Injured Sunni radicals kidnap and torture nine men before killing them exectution style. (religion of peace.com)

9/17/2005 Iraq , Nahrawan 30 Killed 38 Injured al-Qaeda murders thirty Shiites in a street bombing in an industrial area. About forty others are injured in the blast. (religion of peace.com)

9/17/2005 Iraq , Mushahada 3 Killed 1 Injured A Jihad ambush on an Iraqi Parliament member leaves him and two civilians dead. (religion of peace.com)

9/17/2005 Staff Sergeant Regilio E. Nelom Al Asad (near) in al Anbar Province by an IED attack

9/17/2005 Joint raid in Baqubah nets two detainees, weapons (CENTCOM MNF Briefing)

9/17/2005 Joint raid nets suspects, weapons, and several car bombs (CENTCOM MNF Briefing

9/17/2005 Multi-National forces capture key terror leaders in Mosul (CENTCOM MNF Briefing)

9/17/2005 Coalition Forces raid foreign fighter safe house (CENTCOM MNF Briefing)

9/17/2005 Article 32 investigation delayed (CENTCOM MNF)

9/17/2004 Iraq , Baghdad 8 Killed 41 Injured Fedayeen suicide bomber murders eight people in a shopping district. Forty-one others survive with injuries.

9/17/2004 First LadyLaura Bush’s speech at a firehouse in Hamilton, New Jersey is disrupted by anti-war campaigner Sue Niederer. (Wikepedia 2002 to 2004 election timeline)

9/17/2004 Corporal Christopher S. Ebert was killed in Al Anbar Province by hostile fire

9/17/2003 An audio tape message purported to have been recorded by the deposed Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, is aired by Arabic television channel al-Arabiya.

9/17/2003 Six months after the invasion of Iraq retired General Wesley Clark announces his candidacy. His opposition to the Bush Administration’s war in Iraq is the core platform of his candidacy. (Wikepedia 2002 to 2004 election timeline)

9/17/2002 In an effort to avoid invasion and to finally resolve the 11years of conflict between the U.S. and Iraq, President Bush put diplomatic pressure on Iraq, and Saddam’s regime finally allows U.N. inspectors back into Iraq after 4 years of absence.

9/17/2001 “On Sept. 17, 2001, six days after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, President Bush signed a 2½-page document marked “”TOP SECRET”” that outlined the plan for going to war in Afghanistan as part of a global campaign against terrorism. Almost as a footnote, the document also directed the Pentagon to begin planning military options for an invasion of Iraq, senior administration officials said

The Pentagon, while it was fighting the war in Afghanistan, began reviewing its plans for Iraq because of the secret presidential directive on Sept. 17. On Sept. 19 and 20, an advisory group known as the Defense Policy Board met at the Pentagon — with Rumsfeld in attendance — and animatedly discussed the importance of ousting Hussein. (Washington Post) NOTE: At the time, every national leader in the world pledged support and sympathy for the 911 attacks except for Saddam Hussein who-coincidentally-had also shot down an American drone monitoring the terms of the 1991 Cease Fire during the 911 attacks. Since there had been zero human intelligence assets inside Iraq between 12/98 and 9/17/01, there was no evidence gathered to determine if Iraq was directly involved in the 911 attacks or just used as a casus belli by Osama Bin Laden. ”

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