Here are McCain’s words on the situation:
“Today we are seeing tremendous upheaval on Wall Street. The American economy is in crisis. Unemployment is on the rise and our financial markets are in turmoil. People are concerned about our economic future. But let me say something: this economic crisis is not the fault of the American people. Our workers are the most innovative, the hardest working, the best skilled, most productive, most competitive in the world. My opponents may disagree, but those fundamentals of America are strong. No one can match an American worker. Our workers sell more goods to more markets than any other on earth. Our workers have always been the strength of our economy, and they remain the strength of our economy today.
“But their efforts are not being matched at the top. From Washington to Wall Street, the top of our economy is broken. We have seen self interest, greed, irresponsibility and corruption undermine the hard work of the American people.
“It’s time to set things right. When I am President, we’re going to put an end to the abuses in Washington and on Wall Street that have resulted in the crisis we are seeing unfold today.
“Enough is enough. We are going to reform the way Wall Street does business and put an end to the greed that has driven our markets into chaos. We will stop multimillion dollar payouts to CEO’s who have broken the public trust. We will put an end to running Wall Street like a casino. We will make businesses work for the benefit of their shareholders and employees. And we will make sure that your savings, IRA, 401k and pension accounts are protected.”

See author page
More regulation? Golden parchutes? These two sound like liberals. You guys will vote for anyone with an “R” by their name.
You’re voting for Obama.
So, what’s your point?
Aye Chihuahua:
I had to post on a different thread because I can’t get my computer to show the entire comments page as well as the rest of this webite. So if there are too many comments after mine, I can’t respond.
It’s weird. Can you help?
What browser are you using Ron?
I vote for guys with “R”s by their names too. My point it seems too many are willing to look the other way when it comes to conservative principles.
To Aye:
Internet explorer. I appreciate your help.
If is a tool of the left, than why would they also factcheck Obama, Hilary etc.?
Also, you sighted a link to WrldNet daily, which should be suspect as well. They actually printed an article by a man claiming that Homosexuality stems from too ingesting too much soy. Come on. You can’t have it both ways. You have legitimate points about Obama that I can’t dispute (I am not an Obama supporter by the way) but you can’t throw the liberal bias at every piece of Journalism you disagree with. That only makes you look biased. Wher excactly do you get your info from. Oh and I rewad this website daily to GET info so plaese spare me the Liberal, troll nonsense. I have questions I am trying to answer for myself. Questioning aperson’s views or statements is who one gleens information.
Ease up on the insults.
I apologize for the bad spelling. I usually spellcheck.
Scroll all the way to the bottom right hand corner where you will see a “Theme Switcher” box.
Try changing that.
Then clear your cache and see if it helps.
To Aye:
I still can’t get it to work. I guess I’m stuck.
Thanks again. The downside is I will very rarely be able to respond to someone in the midst of one of the numerous debates. I’m a one response guy with no follow up! Yes..that’s like a liberal trying to explain a tax hike!
Does that mean I get a handicap like you do in golf?
I am able to respond now because the thread isn’t too long yet. Once it is I’m SOL.
You do realize that this disqualifies you from being able to run for President right?
I mean, unless you have some sort of war injury or physical inability that actually prevents you from being able post responses on a forum.
So, when a thread gets long, what do you see on the screen?
“Yonasen: If is a tool of the left, than why would they also factcheck Obama, Hilary etc.?
Ron, that’s from the other thread. And now I think I know how you started that discussion that got Mata in a huff because it had nothing to do with the thread you started it on.
At best they are very sloppy, and at worst they are highly biased, based on who they consistently favor. But I explained ALL that in my posts, if you could understand what I wrote, or the many links I provided.
Now, since this isn’t appropriate to this thread either, I’m going to drop it and avoid the wrath of Mata, on who’s good side I would prefer to remain.
To Aye
When the thread gets too long it stops midway through a post. Meaning Mata might have a long post and my screen will only allow me to see half of it. It looks like a peice of paper that’s been chopped off at the bottom. It’s weird because it’s not doing it now but if I go to other articles posted by the authors and then to the comments section, I can only see about half of the comments. Or if it does go to the end, I can see the send button at the bottom of the comment box so I can’t respond.
The many skeletons in my closet disqualifies me from being president. Talk about scandals!
I would be a sitting duck!
Thanks agian Aye! You’re one of the good ones.
I think I’ll give my fingers a break for a while and just read withoout comment.
That happens to me sometimes on only a couple of websites. I don’t know if it’s a browser issue, or memory or a combination, but it is annoying.
Also, we all make mistakes and mispost sometimes, but try to pay more attention, and when you quote someone, give the source.
To Yonason:
Yes you are correct sir. my computer is placing restrictions on me so I cannot read certain things at tiumes and I can’t post a response at certain times. So I end up jumping threads just to get a word in. You’re also right about me being off topic. So I too will stop so as not to further disrupt the flow of these threads.
And thanks for not calling me names this time. I knew you had it in you. I mean that sincerely and not in a sarcastic way.
Take care fellas
I wonder if George Soros had anything to do with this? Methinks me smells a rat?
Thanks for the explanation. Been there done that, before I got a comp that could handle the load. It can be very frustrating. Still, you have to do what you can without being disruptive, or expect to get smacked a bit occasionally for that.
And the blame goes…………?
LOL! Truly, guys… that’s not even close to my “wrath”… Just have to laugh when we all get sidetracked on piddly sheeeeet that’s not even related to the conversation at hand. Yeah… I deviate off track too. But hang… still couldn’t figure out where that post was coming from. It was a head scratcher. Then to see it cascade so far. Wow…
The first, and best, advice I could possibly give you in regard to your computer is for you to download Firefox 3.0 and get off of Internet Explorer.
Firefox works a million times better for me. Faster than IE with no security holes for malware and adware, and spyware to creep in.
Once you make the conversion to Firefox I can almost guarantee that you will never even remotely consider going back to IE.
As for Mata, she’s OK most of the time.
She’s better when she and I aren’t pretending to be the same person.
“LOL! Truly, guys… that’s not even close to my “wrath”… “
Just playing it safe, Mata, …just playing it safe.
Aye Chihuahua
Um, about Firefox. After the latest update, my comp hasn’t worked as well, and some of my bookmarks on Mozilla have disappeared and others scrambled, so at this point I wouldn’t recommend them, though it could possibly be just a coincidence that those problems began at that time…
hmm, maybe I should update it, just to be sure?
Oh, and I’m no longer able to “rename” a bookmark.
I haven’t had any issues with Firefox since I first converted over three years or so ago.
I used version 3 beta prior to the final release.
The first couple of weeks I had some unexpected shutdown issues but outside of that no problems whatsoever.
I know that the prior version of Firefox had some major issues with bookmarks. I had to restore them and install a backup program to prevent it in the future.
To rename a bookmark you can do one of two things.
You can either left-click it, go into properties, and then type in the new name or you can go into Bookmarks > Organize. Highlight the one you want to work on and then type the name change in the “Name” field at the bottom. Tab through to the next box and the name change is saved.
Guess we better get back on topic.
The Thread Nanny will be around soon with her yardstick.
go into “properties?” How ’bout that! Thanks!
I’m going to redownload anyway, just in case.
…DONE (hope that fixes it)
Looks nervously left then right – moves swiftly to the door….
Regulation? What good is regulating anything when the regulators encourage the corruption to go unnoticed under the regulatory radar. Congress allowed Fannies and Freddie to pillage the American people while at the same time was funding Progressive Left political activism such as voter fraudulent ACORN.
Plus, was good is government regulation when the stupid idiots put Jamie Gorelick on Fannie’s Board of Directors.
I know Gov Palin would clean out the corrupt good ole boys and girls in Congress however McCain did not do a damn thing about his Congressional friends in his back-door dealing good ole boys and girls club gathering in Washington DC. How could McCain not know what Freddie and Fannie were doing all those years?
When McCain speaks of Reform I hope he means himself and his friends across the aisle however I cannot help but consider the fact he just might end up remaining the same McCain as when he embraced Sen Chuck Schumer, Sen John Kerry and Sen Chris Dodd.
The earmark, pork-barrel junk is trivial compared to the serious consequences of the corrupt Freddie Mac and Fannies Mae we now face.
And we wonder why there is a mortgage crisis?
It is mostly a Democrat thing.
Linky no worky.
Aye and Yon… Which is why I specifically named ACORN as part of the mortgage problem on Curt’s “rewriting history” thread.
ACORN is only one of those that was lobbying for easy money for high risk buyers … IF they were of the minority stripe.
This is an Obama negative… if anyone will pick up on it in the MSM.
Thanks, I apparently missed Curt’s thread. It’s good, and makes a lot more sense now, too, since I’ve seen that article I referenced.
As to the MSM picking up on that… I won’t hold my breath.
“I know Gov Palin would clean out the corrupt good ole boys and girls in Congress however McCain did not do a damn thing about his Congressional friends in his back-door dealing good ole boys and girls club gathering in Washington DC” (Syn)
Do not worry. McCain will have power as a President and count on Sarah to clean the place. Whatever Sara will see and will report as corruption to McCain, believe me, McCain will go along with her. You do not say NO to this woman.