Back Channels: Don’t Cry Racism If Obama Loses
I usually cut and post the most pertinent parts of the Back Channel column for your perusal, however, the whole darn article is relevant. I present to my readers the article as printed in the Philadelphia Inquirer:
By Kevin Ferris
Inquirer ColumnistWhat a strange country.
Last month, one of our two major political parties nominated an African American as its candidate for president of the United States.
Historic progress to be celebrated?
Apparently not. A few weeks and polls later, and some are already bemoaning the rampant racism that might keep a black man from ascending to the presidency.
Hey, Barack Obama could not have clinched the nomination without votes from white Americans. The other party isn’t supposed to just concede the election based on skin color. Voters shouldn’t have to choose based on race when they disagree on issues or believe a candidate isn’t up to the job.
But expect to see the bemoaners looking to the heavens and saying, “We’re not ready.”
Baloney. Maybe it’s Obama who’s not ready and the people who recognize that – men and women, whites and blacks, Hispanics and Asians – are just fine.
There was no racial angst when three black Republicans fell short in statewide races in 2006. No “Shame on you, America” when Ken Blackwell and Lynn Swann lost for governor in Ohio and Pennsylvania, respectively, and Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele was defeated in his U.S. Senate race.
Republicans and conservatives don’t count on the racial scorecard?
They should, because they put the lie to the claim that people won’t vote for a candidate because of race. That includes Republicans and conservatives. Even people in Pennsylvania’s infamous “T,” the much-derided region between Philly and Pittsburgh.
All three black men lost decisively in 2006. Swann’s and Blackwell’s opponents won with 60 percent of the vote, Steele’s with 54 percent. Swann was an untested political newcomer. Blackwell’s party at the state level was embroiled in corruption scandals. The three ran in the worst year for Republicans since 1974.
Was race the deciding factor in these unsuccessful campaigns? Probably not. Look at how mixed the CNN exit-polling data are.
Blackwell had twice run successfully statewide, but he was beaten badly in ’06, losing almost across the board, regardless of voters’ race, economic status or religion. He took only 40 percent of the white vote.
Steele, who had also won statewide before, did considerably better, winning 50 percent of the overall white vote. He took 54 percent of the white male vote, 46 percent of the white female vote, 63 percent of the white Protestant vote and 58 percent of the white Catholic vote.
Closer to home, Swann received 43 percent of the white vote, 46 percent of the white male vote, and 40 percent of the white female vote. He lost white Catholics 42 percent to 58 percent, but won white Protestants, 56 to 44.
Among African American voters, Steele won 25 percent; Blackwell, 20 percent; Swann, 13 percent.
Swann won some rural and upstate Republican counties, but was crushed in the southeast. He lost Philadelphia 89.4 percent to 10.6 percent.
What, 89 percent of Philadelphians don’t like black guys?
Or is it that they couldn’t support a candidate – who happened to be black – whose resume didn’t measure up to the office he sought?
Maybe they just disagreed with Swann on the issues?
Some counties in the “T” were willing to elect a black candidate with no governing experience who they trusted on abortion, guns, taxes, limited government.
The southeast wouldn’t elect a conservative black candidate with no executive experience. And the world shrugged. No deluge of racial angst, no peering into America’s troubled soul.
How about giving voters in 2008 the same consideration?
Don’t assume racism if people question Obama on the company he keeps: a 20-year membership in a church where anti-American rhetoric was spewed and then sold in the gift shop; boosting his political career from the home of an unrepentant domestic terrorist from the ’60s.
Don’t assume racism because voters don’t think a junior senator with great potential but no major accomplishments is ready to be leader of the Free World and a wartime commander in chief.
Don’t assume racism if voters question his military acumen. Yes, a 16-month drawdown of forces looks doable – now. But to get to the point where winning seemed possible, others had to make tough decisions on troop levels and strategy. In the meantime, Obama glibly sang the same tune for years, even when his plan would have meant certain victory for al-Qaeda in Iraq.
Yes, it’s a strange country, but Americans have shown they will vote for the person they believe is ready for the job, the one who will best represent their interests, regardless of race. Don’t blame them if Obama loses. Blame his poor judgment and lack of experience.
This column on race and politics reminded me of an encounter at the Atlanta International Airport as I traveled home from the RNC Convention.
Friday, September 5th:
With a 4 hour layover till my flight leaves for Philadelphia, I busied myself with video and photo editing of the recent RNC Convention. I happen to look up and catch the eye of a precocious 5 year old boy. He is a mixed race child that inherited all that is beautiful from both his parents – a white mother and black father. As I and other passengers were being entertained by this joyful little boy, I overheard his father in a discussion with a white woman surrounded by her children. I’m not one to eavesdrop, but the man was speaking right next to me, and what I heard gave me goosebumps.
He stated his support for John McCain over Obama was due to the social issues that Obama and the DNC support. He did not want our country to devolve into a mess with no value system.
This was spoken by a black father of a mixed race child. Obviously, he does not view race as divisive and does not want his son to grow up in country that puts race above unity. Guess what, neither do I. I’m voting for McCain/Palin so this man’s son can grow up secure in who he is as a person, and not have his outlook colored by the culture of racial politics.
I definitely would have voted for Steele for President in a heartbeat. He is w\hat all conservsatives are looking for. Someone that can tell people what is means to be conservative in a manner that everyone can understand. I could care less what color his sin is, he is a very well spoken conservative mind.
This is basically the same way I fell about Sarah Palin also. If she was a male, I would be enthusiastic about the nomination.
This reminds me of the conversation I had with my friend that I play music with all the time. Last night he asked me if there was a Republican I wold not vote for. I said Hucakabe. The first thing he said was that he is just as religious as Palin. That has nothing to do with why I like and am voting for Palin. I am voting for her, and McCain, because they believe in conservative principles of how the government should be run. I definintely do not agree with some of what McCain voted for, but he is closer to my ideas on main principles than any one on the Democrat Party.
Race, Creed, Sex has no value to me when picking a candidate. It is what their philosophy of government that attracts me to vote for them.
I would love to meet Steele.
Great picture, great article!
I’d love to see a black President. I think it would be good for the country. But not a far left wing terrorist pal like Obama. No way, no how. Steele should be on the short list along with Jindl.
But this year it’s Palin. I’d vote for her if she were a male in a heartbeat. But it’s icing on the cake that she’s not. Lifetime NRA, drill ANWR, tough on defense, took on both parties over corruption — what a thrill. I’m damn proud to be a Republican again.
I adore Michael Steele…He’s bright, articulate, smart and has great values…..and I love the way he handles Alan Colmes!
Yes, we need a Black President….but one with American values.
I’d vote for Steele tomorrow.
The Republican Party has quite a few “rising stars” like Steele, Jindl,Palin–hopefully these are the future of the United States. Contrast with obsolete dinosaurs Pelosi, Reid, Dean and terrorists like Obama the Democrats need to become extinct.