Obama Say’s Job Given By Terrorist Qualifies Him For Presidency

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Here’s Obama saying that one of his qualifications to run for President is the job given to him by admitted terrorist Bill Ayers….ignore the background music, sounds like a shark is about to jump up from the ground and swallow him whole:

But still, its another feather to add to Obama’s cap. He’s proud to have taken a job from a terrorist.

Your making it way to easy Obambi.

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You are too quick! I was going to post this video here and on MidnightBlue.

I am so glad I found this site. I thought I was alone in my assessment of the Obama/Ayers connection. I cannot believe Obama actually brags about it on his ‘resume’! All the frozen lib minds here in MN will probably think it just shows his great diplomacy skills He will work with everybody. worlwide. Ayers stands for change alright.

Wow, I never thought I’d say it, but that e-mail ad seems less stupid by comparison.

Memo to Team Obama – if you want people to forget about Barack’s association with Ayers, maybe you shouldn’t be bringing it up yourselves.

Please, Please, some journalist out there have the guts to ask Obama if he ever told Ayers to his face, that his acts were “Despicable” before he began his run for the presidency?

He can’t be trusted because of his past behavior and surely can’t be trusted now. While he did his Obamapalooza World Tour, during his visit to Iraq, he tried to con the Iraqis into stalling the troop withdrawel.


Whoever did the video needs to fix their spelling of “recieved”, “Ayres” (in one text-over, not in others), “Obamas” (needs an apostrophe) and “unrepented” (huh?)

Otherwise, I think it packages the material pretty well.