Kurtz: “Gibson Used Palin’s Own Words Against Her”…

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The media establishment is coming out in support of Charlie Gibson’s horrible interview of Sarah Palin last night. Not all of them, but some….like Howard Kurtz who writes this unfortunate piece:

After switching to Fox, I learned that part of the interview was controversial.

GIBSON: You said recently, in your old church, “Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God.” Are we fighting a holy war?

PALIN: You know, I don’t know if that was my exact quote.

GIBSON: Exact words.

PALIN: But the reference there is a repeat of Abraham Lincoln’s words when he said — first, he suggested never presume to know what God’s will is, and I would never presume to know God’s will or to speak God’s words.

On Fox, Newt Gingrich called this “a sad commentary on the growing anti-religious hostility of the news media.” I would call it asking the governor about her own words.

Really? When her own words were NOT the “exact” words she used, as Charlie so smugly stated last night, then I think you may be stepping in it Howie. Her exact words:

“pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God. That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.”

Come on Howie, if your gonna gin up some outrage at least get the damn controversy right.

At least some in the media are not behind Charlie here.

Which media outfits?

Are you sitting down?

The New York Times:

Gibson, who sat back in his chair and wriggled his foot impatiently, had the skeptical, annoyed tone of a university president who agrees to interview the daughter of a trustee, but doesn’t believe she merits admission.

And the LA Times:

In the sit-down with Gibson, she faced questions about statements on the Iraq war that she made at an Assembly of God church that she sometimes attends in her hometown, Wasilla, of which she is a former mayor.

A video shows Palin asking a group to pray that the nation’s leaders were sending troops to Iraq “on a task that is from God.”

Gibson, however, mischaracterized her as simply asserting that the nation’s leaders were sending troops to Iraq on a task from God.

“Are we fighting a holy war?” he asked.

After Palin disputed his characterization, she paraphrased Abraham Lincoln, saying she meant, “Let us not pray that God is on our side in a war or any other time, but let us pray that we are on God’s side.”

Gibson went on to take a second part of her comments out of context. Palin had asked the group to pray “that there is a plan, and that plan is God’s plan.”

But Gibson dropped her reference to praying — and instead quoted Palin as saying the war was God’s plan. He asked if she believed the country was sending her son on a task from God.


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That son of a bitch Gibson is just like a terrorist who hides behind women and detonates an IED. No wonder the MSM is going down the tube. People want to see honest questions and answers, not some numb nut trying to belittle a candidate.

I would love to squeeze Gibson’s head till all the shit popped out.


Holding a reporter’s notebook, and acting reporter-like, by asking tough probing questions. God forbid!

While there was a thin air of snobbishness that Gibson let leak out during his interview, what does one expect when an individual claims to be ready, to be capable, prepared of running the most powerful country in the world? Gibson wasn’t there to preside of a high school interview. She’s not the VP yet.

One needs to applaud him that he tested her fiber. He was not condescending, nor abrasive, but with notebook on lap– he was quizzing her, probing her to find out what she knows, whether she is prepared, to see what she made of. What’s wrong with that?

Again, as I mentioned before, let us remember what she said about Hillary and “excess criticism”:
“…Fair or unfair, I think she does herself a disservice … you got to plow throught all that. [Any] perceived whine… well, you got to work harder. …”

Basically, she was a bit nervous throughout most of the interview. The biggest ‘tell’ that indicated she’s not ready for ‘prime time’ came when she was asked what she thought about the ‘Bush Doctrine’, she then gave a ‘deer in the headlights’ stare and was simply lost, needing bearings from Gibson; not being familiar with it, or needing reminding she then rambled with sophomoric political talking-points. Here she, factually, stumbled, I found it embarrassing. Now that’s not to say she’s dumb or anything, she’s tough and smart I really believe —probably made of Senatorial stuff, down the road. But here and now, she’s out of her league.

She’ll be dispensed with more caution now.

Would some one please fish out my post from the drink?

In your dreams only, Doug… but keep trying. Even when striving for the impossible, perserverance is always a positive trait.

BTW, I’m well read, and even I don’t know from one pundit to the next what the “Bush Doctrine” is supposed to be. It’s a media phrase by Krauthammer, picked up and mutilated by every talking head on the planet.

And I’ve not been busy running the state of Alaska….

Only the desperate for scandal types is going to fall for this one. Because I bet if you put out a test as to what the ‘Bush Doctrine’ is supposed to be, the average American will fail…

Holding a reporter’s notebook, and acting reporter-like, by asking tough probing questions. God forbid!

That, I don’t mind. But what is it with reporters who want to subject conservatives to a religious test, then misrepresent and mischaracterize the answers? George Bush has been subjected to it throughout his presidency, so that his actual words and context have been distorted to mean what the secular anti-religious left want his words to mean. He says one thing, and secular militants hear what they want to hear out of it.

While there was a thin air of snobbishness that Gibson let leak out during his interview, what does one expect when an individual claims to be ready, to be capable, prepared of running the most powerful country in the world? Gibson wasn’t there to preside of a high school interview. She’s not the VP yet.

Obama claims to be ready and capable of running my country. Given his touting of “community organizer” as qualifications for executive experience and the denigration of small towns to minimize the executive experience of Palin, would Gibson conduct the same level of “air of snobbishness” probing into Obama’s readiness?

One needs to applaud him that he tested her fiber. He was not condescending, nor abrasive, but with notebook on lap– he was quizzing her, probing her to find out what she knows, whether she is prepared, to see what she made of. What’s wrong with that?

Nothing. Overall, I don’t have a problem with the interview. And I think she did just fine.

CG came off as a snobby professor.

Hey Chalie, you gonna act like that to Obama or Biden…..NOT 🙂

I believe Gov. Palin, earned a B.

Did the MSM ever zap Carter’s or Clinton’s “Foreign policy experience” on the campagin trail?

I seem to recall that Stephanopolis and CG gave softball questions to Obama and Edwards.

I think what CG did was only emphasized what many are thinking about the MSM.

Ok, gang, so what you are telling me is that she wasn’t as ignorant of the ‘Bush Doctrine’ as she was perplexed by its own ambiguity and lack of meaningfulness.

I can accept that.

You’ve really got to go look at the unedited transcript of the Gibson/Palin interview.

ABC is trash. Charlie Gibson should go to Candy Mountain.

Neo, I’ve been looking for a full transcript. Have you got a link? Many thanks…

Here you go Mata:

Newsbusters shows a few portions of the interview that were edited out by ABC, obviously to portray her as inept.


Entire transcript with the portions of the interview bolded on Mark Livins site:


This is interesting. From the interviews Gibson did with both Obama and Palin we can see the difference in the type of questions he asked in each of the interviews. He soft balled his interview with Obama and hit Palin.

The Newsweek article is also taken apart, btw.


When you have two turds like Kurtz and Gibson who actually, undeniably believe they are intellectually superior to anyone but their own clique, how can you not expect them to act in a snobbish self-righteous better than thou manner?
This brood of vipers never give anyone outside their own group any consideration of honesty, fair play and decency.
The average citizen doesn’t watch or listen to these reprobates because they are too involved with their every day life responsibilities. That is one redeeming factor that may just aid Sarah and John.

zero-Bumpkin can pretend to pray that G-d “make me an instrument of Your will.”, but Sarah Palin can’t pray that what America is doing is right?

“Come on my show to be interviewed. I really know how to ‘interview’. Heh Heh Heh.”Chucky Gibson.

Oh, and yeah, we need to be more like Europe, too… NOT!

That’s probably why the American Left wants to be more like Europe, because they want to be as effective parasites as the EU con-men are.

The “Bush Doctrine” question, among others was unprofessional. Mr. Gibson didn’t know enough about the “Bush Doctrine” to field a question. Mr. Gibson had to answer Governor Palin’s question about specifics, with yet another question. Either Charlie Gibson was unprepared to talk about the “Bush Doctrine,” or he was so intent on leading the interview or both, that when Ms. Palin asked for clarification Charlie blew it. By tossing what everyone could tell was an erroneous question back into her lap, Mr. Gibson looked at least like a lazy journalist. So, I’m not surprised Charlie Gibson misquoted the prayer either. Sarah Palin did an excellent job of articulating her take on the “Bush Doctrine.” And, that’s what she was called upon to do. Don’t do your homework, it’ll show. The whole tone of the interview was just plain rude. Oh, and I’m onboard with the demeaning camera techniques too. I had to do a double take to see whether they hadn’t sawed the legs off Ms. Palin’s chair: http://theseedsof9-11.com


Against a virulently hateful mob, one lone Alaska Democrat stands up for our next VP.

The interview where he speaks is here

I guess there is still at least one good one left, so there might be more.

(too bad he goes off onto a Libertartian nut-job rant at the end, though – still, despite that, he’s STILL LESS LOONIE THAN THE DEMS!!!)