Hillary Clinton Replacing Joe Biden on DNC Ticket

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Lifelong Senator Joe Biden, the Democratic Party’s nominee for Vice President, has turned out to be quite the liability for the ticket. On average, he’s making at least one hard-hitting screw up every single day. Among his greatest, yesterday, he told a man in a wheelchair to stand up. Prior to that, the man picked to bolster the DNC ticket’s “experience” factor, confused Army battalions with Brigades (not a big error for Joe Schmoe, but for Joe Biden it’s literally the difference between the DNC’s 16-month Iraq withdrawal plan, and one that lasts for 4years!). This gross error in military terminology didn’t just happen once though. It happened THREE TIMES!

And so it has come that people have wondered (and indeed have wondered since Governor Sarah Palin boosted the Republicans into the lead in the election race) that perhaps Senator Biden was not the best choice for the DNC ticket? Perhaps Senator Obama should have chosen Senator Clinton who literally had the support of 49%+ of the party?

When Governor Palin was announced as the Republican Vice Presidential nominee, many thought she was chosen just because she was a woman; that it was a vain effort to court Senator Clinton supporters. Democrats claimed she was chosen just to court the 18,000,000 alienated Hillary Clinton supporters, but Governor Sarah Palin has proven soundly that she was not chosen just because she is a woman. It’s a hard pill for Democrats to swallow, but she was clearly chosen because of her political stances.

Right away, millions of Democrats wondered if Senator Biden should be replaced with Senator Clinton. He’s old, has a medical history of problems, and one could make the case that it was decided he wasn’t healthy enough to run the race. There are problems with this pipedream for supporters of Senator Clinton’s:

  • There isn’t enough time to bring in a new candidate with just 50+ days before the election.
  • Choosing a Vice President is the first, most important, and most Presidential decision a candidate makes, and to replace Senator Biden at this point would be an admission of poor judgement; an admission that Senator Obama is not ready to make the important decisions required of a President.
  • Replacing Senator Biden with Senator Clinton would galvanize the Republican Party like nothing else possibly could.
  • If Senator Clinton were to become the new Vice Presidential nominee, it would show that Senator Obama is more concerned with votes, and power than with substance.

Like it or not, Senator Joe Biden will likely continue to be the Vice Presidential nominee for the Democratic Party. As long as he is, Republicans will enjoy the daily screw ups he provides. What’s truly of concern, however, is the same question that Democrats and elite media people put forth of Governor Sarah Palin,
“Is JOE BIDEN really ready to lead?”

Thanks to YouTube, it is a question we really should all be asking.

Biden tells man in wheelchair to stand up…

Biden’s…battalion(1000men) vs brigades(3000men) confusion #1

Biden’s…battalion(1000men) vs brigades(3000men) confusion #2

Biden’s…battalion(1000men) vs brigades(3000men) confusion #3

Biden’s First day on the job, introduces Senator Obama as Senator America…

Senator Biden comments on announcement of his counterpart by calling Governor Sarah Palin a Lt. Gov…

Sen Joe Biden’s racist comment that likely killed his Presidential campaign chances…

Sen. Biden describes Sen Obama as a “clean” black man…

Senator Biden brags that his state was a slave state & thus increases his chances for political victory in the South…

Senator Biden says Barack Obama is not ready to be President, but that he’d run for Vice President with Senator John McCain…

Shouldn’t America be asking-not if Governor Sarah Palin is ready to lead, but…

…is Joe Biden?!

My fellow Americans, the Vice President of the United States of America, Joe Biden…

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And for the next morning’s office pool…how many days would go by before the MSM officially noted the change?

As soon as Biden was announced I knew right away the Democrats fumbled the ball. Biden is the worst choice (next to Nancy Pelosi) that they could have made. I’m sure that Obama did not pick Biden, the Democrats did thinking that Biden-Wan would guide young and inexperienced Obamawalker in the ways of the dark side of Washington. Why not Hillary? Because I cannot see Obama taking guidance and directives and advice from a woman. It would go against his Muslim upbringing.

The only way Biden gets any media attention at all is by screwing up. But, telling a man in a wheelchair to “stand up” isn’t going to win Obama-Biden any votes.

Ya gotta cut 0biden a break,,,,,he’s an idiot.

McCainPalin 08
0bama’s a racist
0biden’s an idiot
it would tick off
the Europeans
and finally,
the moonbats
over the cliff

Will not happen, Hilary is now laughing and phoning people saying “Look I told you so, He is just not ready so go ahead and send me a contribution for 2012 and we can bring back the Glory Days.” She will not run with a losing ticket.

Good point firefirefire. 🙂

#1 reason Hillary won’t be VP:

Hillary wouldn’t want to look weak by accepting the VP position by default. After all, she wants to run again in 2012.

McCain/Palin 08

I must respectfully disagree with one small point. I am embedded with Hillary-supporting PUMAs in a forum of 5000 members. Not one of them indicates they want Hillary to be Obama’s VP. In fact, they want Hillary to have nothing to do with the stench that has become the Obama campaign, and would prefer the Dems to get a big kick in the posterior this election and giver her the top spot in 2012. If the Democrat leadership is angling to get Hillary into the second spot, they better be prepared to giver her all that she asks (and she will be asking for quite a lot).

Oh there is NO WAY!

After all that’s gone on in this election, even if they changed Biden out for Hillary the Hillary supporters are so mad they would’nt vote for that ticket anyway.

No just wouldn’t be prudent!!!

Silly Biden. Only John Kerry can make people in wheelchairs stand up and walk.

The funny thing is that the dems really think Biden has a good foreign policy background. They think he is very astute and can lead Obama in this field. And you know why they think this? No one in the dem party has a clue about foreign policy. All they know is to fling money in appeasement. They don’t have the balls to stand up to any foreign power.

I saw Shep’s interview of O’Reilly on his interview of Obama. O’Reilly said that Obama does not like confrontation. How’s that for a president? It has always been my understanding that a president needs the skin of a rhinocerous to survie the big leagues.

Clinton would not accept the vp from Biden. As far as the dems are concerned this election is tainted and besides she would never accept being 2nd choice. And when the dems lose they would never let her on the ticket for 2012. They never let losers try again. She has a clear field for the nomination in 2012 and I think she will wait for it.

The problem with Biden and the wheelchair episode is, he didn’t say, “Yes you can.”

I don’t believe that Hillary Clinton would want to jump into a defective Democrat Party or with a damaged candidate, Barack Obama.

Nevertheless, get this:

Hillary Clinton has refused to be an attack dog for Obama. She said after the Palin selection that McCain, at the RNC, made no reference to equal pay for women. But the truth is, actions speak louder than words, Hillary. He picked a woman for a running mate!

In the article, “Does Obama pay women less than men?” (Hot News, June 30, 2008): (http://hotair.com/archives/2008/06/30/does-obama-pay-women-less-than-men/), it says,

“Yet Obama may have a fair-pay issue of his own. According to Fred Lucas at Cybercast News Service, women on his (Obama’s) staff made $6,000 less than men on average.”

It also says, “Obama wants to have women get paid on an equal basis as men, which makes sense to me. He should start with himself rather than siccing the federal government on the private sector. As with change, clean politics, and leadership, Obama talks the talk while McCain walks the walk.”

We invite Hillary Clinton to vote for Sarah Palin, whom I’m sure Hillary is well impressed. Your vote, Hillary, will say to all, “Yes we can.” A vote for McCain+Palin will validate all you have said in favor of women’s rights in the workplace and equality. Validate yourself.

Down with Obama. Long live America and American values!

This election is getting more interesting everyday. Though normally a change in the VP spot would be unlikely. I don’t underestimate the Clinton’s skill in politics. Poor Joe could bow out for health reasons or some other crisis. In the meantime Obama would continue to support his decision to have Biden on the ticket. Meanwhile Hillary would be careful not to stand to close to the VP line. When Obama asks her to be his VP she would humbly decline. But for the sake of preserving our countries freedoms she would humbly accept. I can’t wait for act II