It’s Time For Marines to Leave Iraq

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Yes, the time has come. In accordance with the shift in strategy he began in late 2006, President Bush has ordered that thousands more Americans will not be returning to Iraq. Instead, more forces will be sent to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban (who are attacking with better organization, larger numbers, and less success in Afghanistan).

Clearly, for many Marines…it’s time.

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Classic! Oldie but goodie!

Afghanistan? Where the hell is that? Why wasn’t this place mentioned during the GOP Convention?

fitfit, that’s the place where the US didn’t “go it alone” and relied on NATO, the UN, EU, and other allies to help “carry the burden”

Thankfully, the Taliban isn’t as successful as they once were. They are, however, having more IO success.
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I love it..
Be safe, wear your seat belt, don’t run with scissors, and drink milk.


A lot of people are familiar with the old military axiom, “Find ’em; fix ’em; and finish ’em.”

It has a corollary, “Let them find you; fix ’em; and finish ’em.”

minimal withdrawal = minimal gains. …Especially, when you hand the withdrawal over to the next individual.

I cant wait to start welcoming home our Victorious Troops 🙂

But, only when General Patreaus say’s it’s time!