Fannie and Freddie are nothing but playgrounds for Democrat political hacks.
And they are raping the U.S. taxpayer to pay off their ridiculous pensions.
Former Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines (Clinton Budget Director) receives monthly payments of $114,393 from the corporation’s pension plan. That’s on top of the millions and millions he was paid even as the mortgage giant was lurching into it’s current state.
This is a MUCH bigger scandal than ENRON and the reason it’s not a top story media outrage is that Democrat fingerprints are ALL OVER IT.
What is revealing is not only where the dollars went for campaign contributions but who the players are in the background.
I have some research at home that goes into detail and I am preparing an extensive post about it.
The media isn’t covering this thing because this could possibly be the biggest scandal in the history of the USA.
Ken Lay and Andrew Fastow are household names because of Enron.
We are now on the hook for, at a minimum, $1 TRILLION dollars but I’d be willing to bet that most people have never heard of these people:
Franklin Raines
James Johnson
Jamie Gorelick
16 years ago
Franklin Raines, Jim Johnson, both Fannie Mae CEOs now top advisors to Obama, then throw in Rahm Emanuel who fought Bush reforms when he worked there.
Washington Prowler has some interesting information. Seems Paulson-D, briefed Obama first even though McCain had requested a briefing, although minor, the rest of the article shows how up to their necks the democrats are, especially, Obama. Connections, connections.
FANNIE AND FREDDIE have long been “reward” grounds for the Dems “good soldiers” – where else do Board members get gigantic bonuses for basically having nothing to do with business operations? These entities have been nothing but government guaranteed cash cows for Dem buddies for a long time. Gorelick received something like $800,000 one year for her “work”….oh, and that was just the bonus.
I will be surprised if the mainscream media addresses this aspect at all.
Raines was director of Management and Budget under President Clinton (D).
Johnson was Chief of Staff for Vice-President Mondale (D). Johnson also served on Obama’s VP search committee until it was revealed that he had obtained preferential loan rates from Countrywide.
Gorelick served in Clinton appointee Janet Reno’s Justice Department. We know her best for the “wall” she built which prevented communication between the FBI and the CIA. The wall that brought us 9/11.
nothing but playgrounds for Democrat political hacks
You must have missed the part of the article where it noted that when the Republicans were in control of Congress, they got the majority of the contributions. Fannie and Freddie like to pay the people in charge.
What’s really funny to me is the tiny amounts involved in lobbying for these astronomical rewards. Pay Dodd $134,000, get $100,000,000,000+ in bailout money. Actually, the bailout was probably happening regardless – they set it up so that they really were too big to fail; but that’s always the game, worm yourself into the system and grow until it will be catastrophic if they let you fall, and then it’s time for handouts all around. The really bad decisions happened years ago, when it was decided that Fanny and Freddie should make affordable home ownership (rather than actual profitability or stability) a priority. Of course ‘affordable home ownership’ is in this case a way of saying ‘loans to people who actually can’t afford them’…
Don’t forget Gorelick, a former Clinton staffer, was part of the board. Democratic corruption knows no bounds.
First, he criticized Palin for having no experience, and now O’Dumbo is criticizing her for her EARmarks.
b-HUSSEIN-o really isn’t terribly bright, is he?
Oh, and he went after John McCain on EARmarks, too.
Surprise… surprise… surprise.
Fannie and Freddie are nothing but playgrounds for Democrat political hacks.
And they are raping the U.S. taxpayer to pay off their ridiculous pensions.
Former Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines (Clinton Budget Director) receives monthly payments of $114,393 from the corporation’s pension plan. That’s on top of the millions and millions he was paid even as the mortgage giant was lurching into it’s current state.
This is a MUCH bigger scandal than ENRON and the reason it’s not a top story media outrage is that Democrat fingerprints are ALL OVER IT.
What is revealing is not only where the dollars went for campaign contributions but who the players are in the background.
I have some research at home that goes into detail and I am preparing an extensive post about it.
The media isn’t covering this thing because this could possibly be the biggest scandal in the history of the USA.
Ken Lay and Andrew Fastow are household names because of Enron.
We are now on the hook for, at a minimum, $1 TRILLION dollars but I’d be willing to bet that most people have never heard of these people:
Franklin Raines
James Johnson
Jamie Gorelick
Franklin Raines, Jim Johnson, both Fannie Mae CEOs now top advisors to Obama, then throw in Rahm Emanuel who fought Bush reforms when he worked there.
Washington Prowler has some interesting information. Seems Paulson-D, briefed Obama first even though McCain had requested a briefing, although minor, the rest of the article shows how up to their necks the democrats are, especially, Obama. Connections, connections.
FANNIE AND FREDDIE have long been “reward” grounds for the Dems “good soldiers” – where else do Board members get gigantic bonuses for basically having nothing to do with business operations? These entities have been nothing but government guaranteed cash cows for Dem buddies for a long time. Gorelick received something like $800,000 one year for her “work”….oh, and that was just the bonus.
I will be surprised if the mainscream media addresses this aspect at all.
You’re close to the target there. Very close.
Raines was director of Management and Budget under President Clinton (D).
Johnson was Chief of Staff for Vice-President Mondale (D). Johnson also served on Obama’s VP search committee until it was revealed that he had obtained preferential loan rates from Countrywide.
Gorelick served in Clinton appointee Janet Reno’s Justice Department. We know her best for the “wall” she built which prevented communication between the FBI and the CIA. The wall that brought us 9/11.
There’s much, much more there too.
Jamie Gorelick??? That woman is EVERYWHERE.
nothing but playgrounds for Democrat political hacks
You must have missed the part of the article where it noted that when the Republicans were in control of Congress, they got the majority of the contributions. Fannie and Freddie like to pay the people in charge.
What’s really funny to me is the tiny amounts involved in lobbying for these astronomical rewards. Pay Dodd $134,000, get $100,000,000,000+ in bailout money. Actually, the bailout was probably happening regardless – they set it up so that they really were too big to fail; but that’s always the game, worm yourself into the system and grow until it will be catastrophic if they let you fall, and then it’s time for handouts all around. The really bad decisions happened years ago, when it was decided that Fanny and Freddie should make affordable home ownership (rather than actual profitability or stability) a priority. Of course ‘affordable home ownership’ is in this case a way of saying ‘loans to people who actually can’t afford them’…
Where Gorelick goes .. disaster follows
Nope No surprise, the Democrat’s love to bring up Republican’s who have done wrong, but when it’s them?
They run and hide!