Did anyone watch the MTV Music Awards last night?

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Neither did I.

The program was hosted by Russell Brand. “Who’s he,” you ask? I had to ask myself that same question, as I had no bloody idea.

Malkin writes:

This cretin’s claim to fame? Dressing up as Osama bin Laden on the day after the September 11 terrorist attacks.

MTV apparently had fired him before hiring him back again.

A few minutes into the program, and here comes the Barack endorsement by the British host, accompanied by the Republican bashing:

BRAND: “Now, as a representative of the global community and a visitor from abroad, I don’t want to come across a little bit biased, but could I please ask of you people of America, to PLEASE ELECT BARACK OBAMA. Please! On behalf of the world. (Camera pans to singers Chris Brown and Britney Spears applauding and cheering.) Some people, I think they’re called racists, say that America is not ready for a black president. But I know America to be a forward-thinking country, right. Because, otherwise, you know, would you have let that retarded cowboy fellow be president for eight years?

We were very impressed. It was nice of you to let him have a go. Because in England, George Bush wouldn’t be trusted with a pair of scissors.

I am obliged by broadcasting law to show some balance in this situation, which means, uh, the Republicans might be alright. Sarah Palin. She’s a VILF! A vice president I’d like to…fumble, fondle, I dunno. I do feel a little bit sorry for her daughter, getting pregnant, poor kid. Is it a boy? Is it a girl? It’s a P.R. stunt. Come on. Be honest.

And I feel most sorry for that poor teenaged father. Boy. One minute, he’s just a teenaged lad in Alaska having joyful, unprotected sex. And the next minute: Get to the Republican convention. I think that is the best safe sex message of all time. Use a condom or become Republican! …That boy will spend the rest of his life masturbating while wearing a condom…

New music, new president, and brand new America. And you people deserve it after eight years of Bush. I promise you, you deserve it…

Michelle Malkin adds:

MTV, of course, is a division of left-wing media giant Viacom. Viacom’s PAC is among Barack Obama’s biggest supporters. Last year, Viacom PAC forked over $80,200 in contributions to Obama — ranked 19th highest among his PAC donors.

By August 2008, National Amusements, media kingpin Sumner Redstone’s political cash machine, had contributed $352,603 to the Obama camp.

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He was also busted by the left for a variety of offenses including the word “retard” and attacking “promise rings.” The biggest offense of all, according to critics, was he was not funny and very boring. If the ratings are low, he will not be asked back.

As if we care what this schmutz has to say.

When you become a taxpaying resident and contributing, voting citizen of the greatest nation on earth, get back to me.

Till then, quoting the late great Archie Bunker, “Shut Up, youze.”


I hope you don’t think that my statement was meant toward you.

It wasn’t. I was taking the liberty of speaking for all of us as a group. I’m not sure that it came across that way.

Personally, I don’t care what any foreigner has to say in regard to our elections. If they’re not living here, paying taxes, and making a contribution to our society, then they’re opinions are worth exactly what I am paying for them. Nothing.

Watch this crap? No way. My kids watch this crap all the time and pay attention to the spew. Most don’t vote though (I hope). Too busy partying. Owned by Viacom (Redstone). No surprise.

Wordsmith asked: “Did anyone watch the MTV Music Awards last night?”

No, and I never would. I saw the idiot that they had on their in later news reports. Typical.

Do they think that America’s young people are that stupid?

I do not.

Since they stopped showing Music on T V, I stopped watching.

Remember Beavis and Butt-Head? They come across as a lot smarter than Russell Brand.

Sheesh, watch MTV? Only if every other network suddenly went down, and all my tapes, DVDs, CDs, computer and books suddenly combusted. Nah, on second thought, even then I wouldn’t watch MTV. I mean, what value is there in a place that hires Russell Brand?


Here’s something that shows the Democrats have lost their damn minds.

I watched America United: In Support of Our Troops – I guess it was a re-run but I hadn’t seen it before. ZZ Top played, and Pamela Anderson did a bit of “hosting” or whatever she does.
It was on after Extreme Makeover – which was also a re-run where they built a house for a National Guard soldier serving in Iraq. They got him to come home and go on vacation with his family, and built the house (as usual) in a week. Toby Keith gave him a Ford F-450 just for good measure.
I don’t get cable and have never watched MTV, that’s a generation younger than me.

“Did anyone watch the MTV Music Awards last night?”

No. Nobody I know watched it either. I would say they are getting more exposure from right wing blogs than they got from their own show.

The un”BRAND”ed opinion is that if you don’t vote for Sarah Palin .. you’re a sexist.

So there ..

MTV has an award show still. What are the awards for, the best choreographed realty TV show???

Not to change the subject, but here’s a piece of worthwhile reading:

(Note: This is an interview given prior to Sarah Palin coming onto the scene and within 7 days garnering more positive support and approval than Obama did in 18 months!)

Nancy Pelosi talks about the importance to have young women in politics…


I heard about it on the Roger Hedgecock show (San Diego, KOGO Radio).

“If you’re listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you’re a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we’re morons. We sleep all day, we play music at night and very rarely do we sit around reading the Washington Journal.” — Vincent Furnier AKA Alice Cooper

could I please ask of you people of America, to PLEASE ELECT BARACK OBAMA

he was wasting his breath. All those people are already voting for BO.