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why not call himself the president…he has already redone the seal. his arrogance will be his undoing.

Yes! he really thinks he’s President, arrogance is accompanied by delusions, either way he’s dangerous no matter who is pulling his strings.

George Steponapolis had to correct him this morning, he said that Mccain was lying about his MUSLIM RELIGION. He claims he misspoke, I wonder?

Another gaffe from the gaffemeister

This guys ego borders on the psychotic.

Definitely certifiable…

If don’t think you’re going to win that why start to race? I’ve heard Mccain say that he will be the next President of the United States. That is not arrogance.. That is confidence. If you are confident that you are doing the right thing than you hope that folks see you’re vision not your color.


You’ll notice that McCain has not said that he IS President.

You’ll also notice that McCain does not have “President” stitched into the seats on his plane.

There’s a difference.

Yes, it’s the difference between arrogance and confidence. It has everything to do with character and nothing to do with color.


I have not heard Obama state that he was the President either. But I have heard them both say they will be the next President. As far as I’m concerned that is all trivial. I can’t understand why the right wing try to focus on things that are not important.

If more folks paid attention to the lies that are coming out of the McCain/Palin camp it would make more since to me. The things that are being said are childish. McCain is evening stealing Obama’s ideas for change, Bush basically agreed with what Obama has been saying all along about setting a date to bring our troops home. Why has no one noticed that this guy may not have 26 years in the Senate but his ideas and judgement are something to be admired.

Color maynot be a factor for you. But unfortunately in our society race trumps everything. If not other than the lobbyst and the liberals no one would even consider McCain for President. He is not a Maverick… He is not for change… he is for the same


You haven’t heard him say it?

Did you watch the video above?

That is just one example. There are others.

Do you remember the new presidential seal that Obama flaunted? Remember how quickly it disappeared?

Your statement about President Bush basically agreeing with Obama is factually incorrect.

Obama has been calling for a pull out of our troops for months regardless of prevailing circumstances. President Bush has said all along that withdrawal would be dependent on advice from his Generals and conditions on the ground.

President Bush has always conditioned withdrawal on victory. Obama just wanted to give up and go home for the sake of going home.

His judgment is something to be admired?

Like the judgment he used when he chose to associate and have an extended friendship with a known, admitted terrorist?

Or the judgment he used when he chose to be a member of a church, and be married by a pastor who is anti-American and anti-semitic?

Or the judgment he used when he voted to allow newborn babies to die without medical assistance because they might be a burden on their mothers?

Or maybe the judgment he used when he decided that it is OK to suction the brains out of a full term baby that is literally inches away from being born?

Are those examples of the judgment you think should be admired?

Lies coming out of the McCain / Palin camp, eh?


Show me and we’ll discuss them.

Trying to mix race into things is a convenient excuse. A fallback position for those who have run out of effective arguments.


It’s one thing when Obama tries to cover up mistakes he’s
made in private, or when he feebly tries to cover up or misdirect
us, by saying that he never heard Wright’s anti-American sermons
over a 20 year period … but, when Obama tells us that the
Palin lipstick/pig remark wasn’t an insult directed towards
Governor Palin, then Obama is adding insult to injury towards
the American people. This creep is not Presidential material.
P.S. The main stream liberal press which is attempting damage control for Obama, also must think the American people are stupid


I understand what you’re saying… The entire process has been a campaign of lies. But Obama is not the only one trying to mislead ” US “. Believe it or not we are all in the same boat. This is the most important election of my life. I have seen more untruths told this year than in any other year. Because everyone knows that what happens in November is going to either bring change in our lives or we have continue to deal with the same things that we have dealt with all of our lives.
Obama may not be Presidential… But who is? Certainly not McCain… and diffently not Palin. I don’t agree with the lipstick/pig comment. However I did not agree with it when McCain said it about Hilliary. Gina one if the things that so frustating about this election is that the media brings out the worst in people. They spin things to draw controversy. I have met Michelle Obama, and Hilliary Clinton I think that they are great American women. However if you watch the news you would think that they are evil. Which is what Palin is dealing with at this time.

You have your reasons to see things they way that you want and so do I. I happen to believe that if McCain was the Maverick that he claims to be why is he adopting Obama’s change ideas. And why does he keep saying that he would rather lose an election than a war. But he pulled one of the most ” politican like ” moves when he decided on a running mate. If you think that Obama thinks that the American people are stupid what do you think McCain thinks.


I notice that you haven’t yet addressed the issues that you and I began discussing.

If you want to have a substantive debate then bring your A-game on over and let’s get it started.

If you’re going to continue to call someone out as a liar then lay out your case and be prepared to defend it.


Please understand something… I don’t disagree with some of the comments that you are making. However; I don’t understand why so much importantance is placed on things that don”t matter flag pins, seals, comments about lipstick and a pig. None of those things are going to solve the problems that Bush and our current goverment has caused us. I am neither republican or a democrat… I believe in finding the best canidate.

McCain seems to think the vast majority of American’s or stupid. And according the latest exit polls….. He maybe right. McCain has played the inexperience card against Obama whom has been in the Senate for 12 years but a Senator for a few. However he wants us to believe that Palin has the experience to be president if something happens to him.

Aye we can agree to disagree on several issues however the bottom line is this. Obama has more to offer this country than McCain or Palin combined. And it’s ashamed that for political affiliation only no one seems to notice. Do you honestly believe that Obama would make our military weaker our country more vulnerable? Obama said that he would do that same thing that Bush did. He said that he would speak with our military leaders and see the best strategy to begin to bring our troops home. He did not say he would just bring them home without making sure that it was in our, Iraq’s or our troops best interest. But the point that you missed was that Obama has been talking about this for months and now that it is close to the election Bush decides to do this. I guess you would like to keep the troops there for a 100 years like McCain.

You see what I’m saying… I know and you know what McCain meant when he made that comment. He was saysing that he would stay there until the job was completed. However; Obama wants to bring our troops home after making sure that Iraqi’s were capable of taking care of themselves. What’s the difference? If we just stay there and keep spending billions of dollars that the Iraqi goverment is not having to spend why would they want us to leave. You have to set some type of time schedule. So it’s not running or quiting. It’s having the right ” Judgement “.

He has been in the Senatefor 12 years??? Hmmm wonder why I didn’t vote for him 12 years ago, maybe because he was busy scaring up money in Chicago as a community organizer. And the past 2 years he has been runnig for President after 140 or so days in the US Senate, forgetting he promised he would not when he ran for the Senate

What does Obama offer us????? Maybe he can try and take over the education system like he did with the Annenberg Project??? Nah,that was a bust. He just squandered $160 million trying to Socializing the Chicago Education System.

Or maybe he can say he is present while dealing with Iran. He is not going to have things given to him by Emil as Presidnet, he will actually have to do stuff for himself.

I will take Palin over all of them right now. She is the only one with common sense.


I have no problem with Palin other than she knows nothing about foriegn policy, she has all of these scandals coming out now, she is off limits for questions from voters and reporters ( unless it rehearsed like her interview today ), she is less qualified than anyonelse on the ticket ( Obama, McCain, and Biden ) and mainly and most importantly she is here to ” Win an election nor a War “. I’m not questioning your common sense but anyone that does not believe that she was chosen because of what Hillary accomplished you’re fooling yourself.

I don’t live in Chicago, but I was there last week visiting relatives. I spoke with several folks there about Obama trying to get an idea of what people that knew him and people that knew of some of the things that he has stood for. Everyone I spoke to had nothing but positive things to say.
Now of course I have made bad decisions or had bad ideas in my life where I cost myself or my employer money ( not $160 million ). But our current President and Congress have cost us billions and are continuing to do so. So why are you complaining at least Obama was trying to get something done to help improve the education system in Illinois. So at the end of the day you got to give him some credit. If you try and fail that does not mean that you stop trying. Some ideas may not work. But as the saying goes you learn from your mistakes.

Stix 1972 please learn from the last eight years. It is time for ” Change “.

Obama has been in the US Senate since 1996. He did not run for Senator until 2004.

I guess Rod Blogojevic is wrong about a Governor having more experience.


She has more experience at Executive decisions than all of them combined. She has to deal with Canada and Russia being in Alaska since Canada is in between Alaska and the lower 48 and the Aluetian Islands are both in Russia and the US. So she deals with foreign governments more than Obama’s magical mystery tour to Germany, France and England.

Have we had a attack since 9/11??? No I think that Bush is doing an excellent job at keeping our country safe from those that want to do us harm. Do I think that he has not made any mistakes, no. he should have used more troops ion Iraq a lot earlier than he did, but he eventually did and it is working. Even Obama has said so.

Actrually he was tryingot take over the education system and Socialize it just like Chavez has done in Venezuela, not my words, but a Democrat that was from Chicago

As I have argued elsewhere on this blog, I do not think that the link made here between the LSC’s and “democracy” is, in fact, accurate. I think that such “councils” look eerily similar to efforts by regimes like those in Nicaragua under the Sandinistas and Venezuela under Chavez to impose control over teachers and their independent unions by an authoritarian regime. Thus, it is not a surprise to me that Bill Ayers has traveled several times in recent years to Venezuela where he has spoken in front of Hugo Chavez and has enthusiastically applauded that regime’s efforts to link education policy to the Chavez “revolution.”

I do not want anybody like that to lead our country. Alinski wold be proud pf how far he has come though.

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