I haven’t seen anything in the web, in print, or on TV where DNC Chairman Howard Dean said that Sarah Palin doesn’t have enough experience. Can anyone tell us why he’s been so silent?
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Amazon.com: Books
He needn’t speak about it. Biden, Obama, McCain and others will be on tomorrow morning’s news shows, but who do you think will be missing from them?
Day 2
Probably Gov Sarah Palin.
I’ve seen the head of the RNC doing the circuit too. Why not DNC Chairman Dean? I’d love to hear his comments about her experience as a Governor.
What show will Biden be on tomorrow?
Maybe nobdy has told him about Palin yet, after all he is becoming increasingly irrelevent.
Biden: meet the press.
So, now that Gov Obama is the leader of the Democratic Party, I wonder if he’ll explain the 12000 flags that his party tossed in the trash after coronating him? That’d be a great Sunday talk show moment.
They want to keep Palin out of the news for obvious reasons as in she overshadows everyone. Attacking Palin is as wise as attacking Ronald Reagan in front of die hard Republicans. They want to stick with attacking McCain.
If Sarah Palin does a talk show every day from now until the election, she’ll take the media spotlight completely away from Gov Obama. Since the race is currently tied, and she’s already polling as more popular than Gov Obama, that would be bad for Democrats.
Yeah, I say get her out there. Put her on Oprah, Larry King, The View, and so forth. Get her on TV every single day.
Day 3 tomorrow.
I think he knows he is on the way out as most of DNC operations will move to Chicago if Obama wins.
Maybe Palin will just walk into Fox tomorrow am and give an interview to take press away from Biden’s MTP appearance ala Obama’s O’Reilly interview gimmick. That’d be too funny. Tell ya this much, if I were here…I would definitely shun MSNBC, CNN, CBS, and any other outlet that was investigating the intricacies of my daughter’s pregnancy.
Maybe Dean screamed so loud and so much he lost his voice. Seriously, the democrat party is being shook up big time. They’re moving everyone to Chicago and in reality dumping the old employees of the DNC. This is sort of like when a new CEO comes into a business he brings his own people with him and the old employees of the company are dumped. I Think Dean is already out the door. They just haven’t announced it yet. I have never in all the decades of my life seen anything to compare with the arrogance of Barack Obama.
Wow… nine days after she was announced, and with both a hurricane and convention happening in the middle. Not to mention the advisory crash courses she must be getting from McCain foreign policy team that she wouldn’t be privvy to as a Governor…
Gee… What took her so long??
Needless to say, I am looking forward to seeing just how fast a learner Palin is in the upcoming Veep debates. Demands are high, time is short. Great test. O’Bummer’s been in our faces for a year and a half, and I already know more about Palin than I ever will about BHO.
Now that… after such a “long” wait in a “no” news week wait…. are you going to need something new to complain about, mon bud, Doug? I’m sure we can come up with sumpthin’…. :0)~ Just said in good humored fun, ya know. Good thing you didn’t lay your crystal ball out on this one, eh?