Characters on the Left and Elsewhere…

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This convention drew a large melange of people to Minneapolis-St. Paul, most being quite colorful. I’ve posted few examples of the rainbow on display outside the Xcel Energy Center this past week:

Meet the canine Obama and Hilary. I don’t recall which one was which, so I will leave it up to my readers to decide. In a conversation with their owner, he revealed that he temporarily renamed them this week to Hilary and Obama. Cute dogs, strange owner.

Two thoughts come to mind in the next photo:

1. This woman is as perpetually single as Maureen Dowd.

2. This woman has astronomical dating standards.

Only at a convention can one partake in the exquisite experience of spending quality time in a personal ‘Free Speech Pen’. With this customizable and portable ‘Free Speech Pen’ you can take your unalienable right of free speech anywhere in Minneapolis-St. Paul. Act now and you can get not one but TWO ‘Free Speech Pens’ for the low, low price of $19.99 plus S&H.

*Sigh* C’mon, think happy thoughts!

In a few days, he will stop staring at me.

In a few months McCain/Palin will make history!

Happy Thoughts, People!

Looks as though someone got lost on the way to the mothership…

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I should have gone to the Ron Paul convention. I might have seen a real alien space craft there.

What does Ron Paul have to do with “alien space craft”? Are you confusing space craft with blimps?

It was interesting to see the wildlife there. The truthers, the Code Pinkos, The anti-abortion billboards on trucks, the loons by the capital. There was all forms of lifeform there.

It was a spectacle, Stix.

Miss you!

Yes it was a total circus outside the Xcel Center

Did you ask that guy in the free speech pen how he goes to the bathroom in that thing?

Never thought to ask. we should hae asked the lady with the rocket if her standards were high though.

I should have gotten picks of the guys in the Nazis outfits and the villain in Dudley Do Right costume. Or the trucks with abortions on them. There was too much to see and do to take pictures for me.

“That’s a MAN baby, yeah!”