Today on the way into work I heard a news clip about the upcoming Congressional bail-out of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. As part of the clip there was a short portion of a speech by Obama where he claimed that if, I am paraphrasing here, Congress had followed his recommendations he has been pushing for over a year regarding the housing financing problems then we wouldn’t be having the problems we are having today.
While I understand that this is probably nothing more than campaign rhetoric and regardless of whether or not Obama has made any proposals regarding the housing financing problems and if those would have helped or made the situation worse. I would like to know why, if Obama is the great uniter and he believes he has the leadership skills necessary to become the leader of the free world, how is it that he could not do anything to unite his fellow senators and lead the senate to doing something to relieve the problems the country is facing? I know many of his supporters would say he has had to concentrate on running his campaign, but then I would ask, as president he would have to handle many issues and crises on a daily basis, if he can’t run his campaign and still push legislation that could have averted a financial disaster, then how can we expect him to be able to handle the position of President of the United States?
It would seem to me that Obama is proving with everything he says that he is nothing more than the typical politician he claims he is not. His stance that he has the experience, the leadership and the ability to unite is nothing more than campaign rhetoric and he is too inexperienced to handle the position he aspires for.
Back in my military days, a wise sergeant taught me his two rules of interrogation. Rule #1 – get them talking; Rule #2 – keep them talking. It all comes out by the end.
No, he is more then just the typical politician. He has been running for president since just after his first state win. He lost his first state race and couldn’t believe that the power of his oratory didn’t propel him into office. He was taken under the wing of the head of the state senate for his next race and taught the ropes, who he needed to be connected to to get elected. He was successful and started getting ready for his next race. He saw the opportunity when asked to speak at Kerry’s convention. He told all his friends to listen because his speech we pretty good. That speech got him elected to the senate, and then here we are.
I think this guy has an ego that has been indulged his whole life. He has been stroked and petted. He thinks he knows a lot based on what he has picked up along the way. Bright, yes, picks up things quickly, yes, but does he have a core beliefs, I don’t know. He will say poverty sucks, the rich need to fix it. How does he know poverty sucks, because he was a community organizer. He has one meeting with T. Boone Pickens for 1 hour and he is ready to put wind mills all over the place. Does he have an original thought, probably not. I mean, what has this guy ever done but go to 3 or 4 great schools and organize ACORN. He talked a bit, added his name to a few bills. He is polite, elegant, an orator, good teeth and a wonderful smile. He meets people easily, and is pleasant. So I would say he has good upbringing.
The guy who is running for President needs a governing philosophy, that is consistent and covers all aspects of government. I guess in that he likes the Clinton years, he will just hire the old Clinton guys and hope it turns out the same.
Obama is an ego maniac, who isn’t thinking beyond winning an election.
duh, he is all talk. its one thing to say what you think is right, it ianother thing to actually carry those words into action. to take the action requires a huge amount of work and a huge amount of compromise, neither of these thing is obama’s strong suit. he speaks beautifully, i do give him that, he really does, but thise words are empty without any action. so you ahve to ask your selves, what action has he taken? he has taken a great trip to europe, wow, i didn’t know he was running for office there, what action came from that trip? umm, none, unless you count the action taken by the MSM. empty words, empty promises, and a whole bunch of people who have yet to wake up to that fact.
I hope the election officials are taking a close look at his contributions and disbursements. It would be interesting to know where all his money has come from and to whom it is being paid. I don’t trust this guy an inch. His campaign probably does a lot of creative bookkeeping. I wonder if he is getting foreign money in contributions and disbursing it to communist and far left organizations here in the US. A type of money laundering. Someone is pulling his strings and the choices are legion.
Good posts all. Kathie, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, aka ACORN. Another of Obama’s questionable associates. Google is your friend, nuff said.