Ok, moose are friggin huge, and they almost have more human attacks than bears, but this vid makes it look like she’s huntin’ em from a Blackhawk. Me, I don’t have a problem w that. Probably makes it more painless, easier to hump back, and she’s gov…there’s time contraints, but I’ll also admit….helo huntin’ just ain’t fair game.
16 years ago
I thank God for some one like Sarah Palin.
and she can not be that bad, Having my birthday Feb. 11th
and my AV Aug.29 th
16 years ago
she can not be that bad, Having my birthday Feb. 11th
but my year is 1966. good luck and you have my vote
Ok, moose are friggin huge, and they almost have more human attacks than bears, but this vid makes it look like she’s huntin’ em from a Blackhawk. Me, I don’t have a problem w that. Probably makes it more painless, easier to hump back, and she’s gov…there’s time contraints, but I’ll also admit….helo huntin’ just ain’t fair game.
I thank God for some one like Sarah Palin.
and she can not be that bad, Having my birthday Feb. 11th
and my AV Aug.29 th
she can not be that bad, Having my birthday Feb. 11th
but my year is 1966. good luck and you have my vote