Rasmussen: Palin More Popular Then Both Obama & McCain

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Mataharley has been the go to person on all things “Troopergate,” and now we know the opposition will try to spin this non-story into a big story, especially after this news from Rasmussen:

Palin Power: Fresh Face Now More Popular Than Obama, McCain

A week ago, most Americans had never heard of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Now, following a Vice Presidential acceptance speech viewed live by more than 40 million people, Palin is viewed favorably by 58% of American voters. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 37% hold an unfavorable view of the self-described hockey mom.

The figures include 40% with a Very Favorable opinion of Palin and 18% with a Very Unfavorable view (full demographic crosstabs are available for Premium Members). Before her acceptance speech, Palin was viewed favorably by 52%. A week ago, 67% had never heard of her.

The new data also shows significant increases in the number who say McCain made the right choice and the number who say Palin is ready to be President. Generally, John McCain’s choice of Palin earns slightly better reviews than Barack Obama’s choice of Joe Biden.

Perhaps most stunning is the fact that Palin’s favorable ratings are now a point higher than either man at the top of the Presidential tickets this year. As of Friday morning, Obama and McCain are each viewed favorably by 57% of voters. Biden is viewed favorably by 48%.

Me thinks the Obama camp is going to be a bit frantic this morning.

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Wait until she hits the talk shows and interview circuit.

The One’s flame doth flicker

Why not? I am so proud as an American woman, to think that a woman has helped enormously to bring an option of change. We all agree that Washington needs change, corruption , ear marks, etc are bad no one wants them, we also have end to be dependent of foreign energy , which in essence means US will be stronger, new jobs will abound. ( Look how Russia has built up her present power , drilling for oil and gas) , the option that McCain Palin are bringing is one within our principles and the American way of life that I love. On the contrary I believe that Obama is bringing change within the principles of Saul Alinsky , Pastor Wright and William Ayres, he can say that he has nothing to do with them, but I look at the record. He says that Ayres and himself were mere acquantainces and his Pastor was not who he believed he was for 20 years, and most of Obamas Harvard records I believe are not available. If they are available I would like to know more about them.

The new option McCain Palin is aexactly the option I was looking for and I hope will be also for those want change in Washington, but love the American the way it has been so far. With up and downs , the America Reagan believed it. It is true that I do not wish to vote on race or genre but it is also true I wish to vote for the philosophy and ideals of the candidates and I so proud that one of the ones I love and admire is a woman. God bless America.

Wait until she hits the talk shows and interview circuit.


Also, here’s their plan to counter Palin:
Day one and no granted interview with the national press.

I’d bet that the 37% were all Dems.

If I were a Dem, I wouldn’t approve of her either!!! I’d just want her to get the heck back to Alaska…!

The campaign to more fully expose Barack Hussein Obama for the danger he represents has gone into FULL EXPOSURE MODE.

America’s Survial, http://usasurvival.org/, has a link to the relationship between Frank Marshall Davis and Mr. Obama — a communist member (CPUSA). Obama refers to this radical, repugnant character as his other “mentor.” You needn’t wonder where Obama’s mindset is at — socialism, communism.

Barack Hussein Obama as a national security risk — a clear and present danger.

Philip J. Berg, Esq. Files Federal Lawsuit Requesting Obama Be Removed as a Candidate as he does not meet the Qualifications for President.

Obama’s headaches are only beginning to get worse. More and more women are taking another look at John McCain, and what they see they like a lot — Sarah Palin. The joy and enthusiasm is contagious; spreading across the country like wildfire.

There is so much excitement in the Republican Party these days that it can hardly be contained.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are coming unglued, they’re spinning in circles; their candidates’ (Obama and Biden) total lack of executive experience has left them empty and literally speechless.

It’s a great day in America for Conservatives. “We have the babe” — Rush Limbaugh. We have the ticket: John McCain for President and Sarah Palin for Vice-President!


Obama’s changey hopey message has been so effective, that Americans are so looking for a decent change that when they see the REAL deal, the phony baloney stuff just doesn’t look so attractive anymore.

Before the republican convention Obama’s modis operandi was to pretend he was running against Bush and the republican party ignoring John McCain. And since the media wouldn’t mention John McCain’s name, unless he had a hangnail, and Obama didn’t mention his name either, they were trying to marginalize John McCain. Obama knew if people regained their common sense they would know that John MCcain was way more qualified than he was. That’s all changed now. McCain got his message out and it was overwelmingly embraced. Palin is a hit. The republican party now has a very attractive duo.

I think it is amusing the way McCain teased everyone about his pick. He had the media going crazy. They argued whether it was Ridge, Romney, Huckabee, or Leiberman. And the only woman they mentioned was Hutchison. They never mentioned the possibility of Sarah Palin. And when he named her they were stunned. That was a lot of fun. I really, really hate the media and enjoyed seeing them put in their place. AJ says McCain is a chessmaster extraodinaire. He has played this election so far like a master.