A Moment With Alan Colmes

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Two Democrats and one Republican. Can you guess which one is the Republican?

I told Alan that it is nice to see a fellow democrat here at the RNC Convention. He laughed and offered to pose for a photo with myself and Marathon Pundit.

I was still reeling from having Karl Rove say hello to me as he walked past me outside the Xcel Energy Center. I am serious. Karl Rove greeted me as I walked to the security entrance.

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Damn…I am sooooo jealous of Colmes having his picture taken with you!

What, and you didn’t ask colmes about his trash Palin piece at “liberalland”and why he erased it from the public record yet still claimed there was nothing wrong with it?

For shame.

What Marc said….

Wow! Marathon Pundit! But who’s the guy horning in on the photo?

I think Alan should be honored to have his pic taken with YOU, Skye…. uh, did you call him by my favorite nickname. The “potted plant”?