WOW, Newt Gingrich just slammed the door on the idea that Barack Obama’s got more experience and is somehow more qualified than Sarah Palin. The MSNBC reporter is stumped. The Edward R Murrow wannabe has to cut to a commercial, and the theme is set: if you think Sarah’s not ready to lead…OMG, look at Barack!
h/t to Hot Air.
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Books
That guy was searching for a rock. I would watch MSNBC if they had more moments like that.
Newt, FTW.
Knowing Newt, he probably looked at his watch and hovered around the MSNBC guy hoping to get on the air during Olby’s Variety Show.
Yeah I like how her husband is part of a group of Secessionists and that she herself addressed their convention… here is a link of that speech…
and you like this woman for VP???
Alaskan IndependENTS Party
Alaskan IndepdENCE Party
Too funny. Do you spell Panic with a K too?
Nice try Scott… check out this party info:
Welcome to The Alaskan Independence Party Members Group.
We are the only Alaskan political party that is entirely comprised of Alaskans, staffed by Alaskans and financed by Alaskans. Join us as we lead Alaska to the prosperity and freedom that Alaskans expect, deserve and should enjoy. The Alaskan Independence Party can be summed up in just two words: ALASKA FIRST!
Until we as Alaskans achieve our Ultimate Goal, the AIP will continue to strive to make Alaska a better place to live with less government interference in our everyday lives. The Alaskan Independence Party’s Ultimate Goal is the vote we were entitled to in 1958, one choice from among the following four alternatives:
1) Remain a Territory.
2) Become a separate and Independent Nation.
3) Accept Commonwealth status.
4) Become a State.
The call for this vote is in furtherance of Joe Vogler’s dream. He was the founding father of the Alaskan Independence Party. His dream was for Alaskans to achieve independence under a minimal government which is fully responsive to the people, promoting a peaceful and lawful means of resolving differences.
Yawn, so a Gov welcomed a convention.
So the Alaska Independence-es sound just like La Raza…
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t a Democrat Mayor welcome the RNC? Ooooooo! Surely there are examples of Gov Obama welcoming conventions. No?
LIBERAL used to mean open-minded. Clearly it means a minds-closed-by-fear now.
If she’s no threat…kick back, relax, read a Biden speech (or one from whoever wrote his).
No threat here. Nope. Nothing to get worked up about. Obama’s got it locked up.
Curious, I wonder what she meant by competition? Could it be that they’re political competitors? Nah…that’s crazy tawk
I see Certified Real American Patriot (CRAP) is up to the usal lies and smears that typify today’s hate filled left.
Palin addressed that convention of the AIP in the same way she might welcome the Chamber of Commerce convention to town.
Nowhere did she endorse their platform, no matter what it was.
It’s a sure sign of how desperate the lefties are that they have to try so hard to twist and mislead at every turn in order to attack and smear Sarah Palin and her family.
And now, back to topic if that’s ok with the smear artist known as CRAP:
Funny how Obama yesterday criticzed Palin as some small town Mayor while claiming he has more experience running his vast presidential campaign. Obama totally overlooked Palin’s experience as Governor of Alaska, the largest state by landmass of any in the Union with an annual budget that dwarfs even Obama’s bloated campaign.
I think we ought to cancel the debate between Palin and Obama and have Palin take on Obama one on one.
The modern soul of today’s faux liberal, regressive “progressive”, Democratic Party is shining for all the undecideds to see more clearly than ever thought possible.
Oh Dear!
Sky55110 / Certifiable Real American Patriot (C.R.A.P.) is grasping again. Flailing about wildly as the downward spiral continues.
He’s experiencing a full-blown white-knuckle, vein-popping, Palin-induced panic.
Wow! You’d think someone who they claim is so entirely unqualified for VP would not have produced this sort of reaction from the Lefty Fever Swamps.
Palin must be pretty darn close to the target that McCain was shooting for.
Pretty. Darn. Close.
Their reaction is telling.
You can almost smell the flop sweat.
Sky, you need a distraction up there in Minnesota.
You could always go back to or and see if you have anyone interested in a “discreet encounter” with you.
Better yet, why don’t you take the day off, go pick up your wife, and go to the park for a picnic or take a flight with her in your plane.
Then again, flying while unhinged may not be a good idea.
Newt Gingrich is absolutely spot on. The msm can’t get away with their vengeful smears of Palin when Newts around.
The msm is showing their true colors because their pissed they were left out of the loop about McCain choosing Sarah Palin.
Newt Gingrich Compares Sarah Palins Experience to Obama’s
Hilarious! I’ve been watching BHO for about a year now and still can’t think of a single thing he’s done.
Get this Thomas:
BO thinks one of the reasons he is qualified for President is……
Wait for it…..
He has run for President.
I swear to you. The best Hollywood writers couldn’t make this stuff up.
Doug: Which public office is Sarah Palin’s husband running for?
Your comment simply underscores the irrelevance of the personal attacks YOU and your fellow comrades are launching against people “not like you.”
You should be ashamed. You’re better than that.
Mike, perhaps Mr Palin is going to be a community organizer (ie the pathway to Democratic Party Diety and Presidency)?
Every minute that MSNBC and opponents of John McCain spend ranting about Bristol or The First Dude, is one less minute of free advertising and spin that Obama and the Biden Battalion (or is it Brigade) get.
“He hasn’t done a single thing besides talk and write”. And this from Newt G. Wow!
I encourage you fair minded supporters of Gov. Palin to look at the press releases from her office on her website and compare them to that of Obama (on his website). Take a look at her speeches (16 total since she took office 20 months ago – and 12 of the 16 are “Weekly Gasline Briefings” – hell, she hasn’t given a speech since Oct 2007) and compare them to Obama’s (he has 83, not counting any for more than a year).
An honest appraisal of her work will tell you she has done very little besides Alaska oil & gas related work. Obama on the other hand has broad involvement in a variety of issues that are critical to our country right now.
Do you value academic credentials? Do you value intellectual contribution? Apparently not.
And as hard as it will be for you, do try to be fair (and apply reason) to your analysis of this MSNBC reporter’s reaction. Do you honestly want to make the case that he should have answered Newt’s question and argued with him? For Christ’s sake he’s a member of the press – you would have been all over that kind of response. It is NOT his place to answer Newt’s question.
The fact is Obama has done many of the kinds of things Newt spoke about in favor of Palin – only Obama has done them at the federal level of government where I would argue that it really matters.
Finally, as Andrew Sullivan pointed out, Obama has been vetted in more than a year of campaigning, making hundreds of speeches, answering thousands of questions from the press and the public. He has earned his celebrity (“celebrity” – the new criticism from the party that gave us a Ronald Reagan tribute video and a Fred Thompson speech – 100% genuine HOLLYWOOD celebrities! – on the same night). Palin had a 3 hour interview. Oh… and now the press is supposed to leave her alone.
Mike said:
Well, ‘what public office is B. Obama’s wife running for?
Do you remember the rumored ‘whitey’ tape you guys posted and posted, and posted about?
Then you have …
Skye, stating she’s not a proud American:
And you, Mike:
There’s probably more of that stuff, but the above is enough.
You attacked Michelle.
I have stated a fact above: Mr Palin was a long-time member of the AIP. It’s not an attack, it’s an descriptive statement.
The reason the statement is “relevant” is this group’s founder has professed hatred for the America’s government, just as Wright did:
Obama, a MSM polished Rolls Royce with a Yugo drive train.
Much can be read into that above. MSM polish….but it seems they are using more sheep dung than shineola to cover the paper thin record of Obama and cover the fact that the only thing Obama has ever done is ingratiate himself with the most corrupt political machine in history, and associate with some very unsavory characters.
Rolls Royce…Not a product of America…nuff said
Yugo drive train…a Marxist/Socialist product that was fatally flawed. The more i hear and read about Obama, the more the discription above fits.
Thank you Critical thinker?
You’re backing BO and saying that his only qualification for POTUS is that he can write and read it back from a teleprompter?
How can you be for BO and agree with what Newt Gingrich said?
Better drop your critical thinker name and pick one that describes your attributes better because, damn, neither one of those words describe you.
I guess BO forgot to mention the fact that she is the governor of Alaska because he forgot that Alaska is one of his 57 states. I’m thinking he didn’t have a teleprompter for that one. lol
“Obama, a MSM polished Rolls Royce with a Yugo drive train.”
Or like one of those Volkswagons with the Rolls front-end?
er, um, uh, sputter, sputter, putt, putt . . .
Texas state Sen. Kirk Watson thought long and hard, and came up with…
WOW. No wonder “Critical Stinker” is impressed! You might say he(?) has the straight poop all wrapped up.
see, also here
Update: Oh, yeah, but of course the “war room” looses it’s credibility when it says “Frankly, one item on Watson’s list is dubious -…”. They forgot to say that of the other 4, 2 are bogus and 2 are at least as “dubious” as the one they called. [The one with Luger had nothing to do with WMD but with conventionals, and it was mostly symbolic.] But then, since they’re backing O’Bongo, they are obviously easily fooled, uh, I mean impressed.
Obama: Senate bills sponsored, not co-sponsored-zero.
State legislative records- they may have been thrown out!
Annenberg Foundation records-you can’t see them!!
Editor of Harvard Law Review publications-zero
Columbia University transcripts-you can’t see them
Birth certificate(notice how the MSM wants Trig’s and DNA)-none produced
Number of medical records released(McCain released about 1000 pages)-one
Legislative experience, yeah, right.
You know, if the only qualification for POTUS that mattered was the ability to inspire people, Anthony Robbins would be our guy! But there is a little more to it than that isn’t there? Sorry Tony, guess this won’t be your year.
I may use that in some future posts – Nice!
Here’s an excellent visual on why Dem negatives always fail and Reps don’t…
The MOST important issue has not been addressed here. What has Sen. Obama actually done? Well if nobody else is going to do it, I will.
Disclaimer: No Democrat has been able to pass much of anything because of Republican obstructionism. Obama has been in the Senate for three years, two of which were spent with a Republican majority. The Democrats do not have a large enough majority to overcome the amazingly pervasive Republican obstructionism.
Now let’s begin. During his first year in the U.S. Senate, he authored 152 bills and co-sponsored another 427.
These included:
1. The Coburn-Obama Government Transparency Act of 2006 – became law,
2. The Lugar-Obama Nuclear Non-proliferation and Conventional Weapons Threat Reduction Act, – became law, (that’s nuclear, chemical, and biological)
3. The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act – passed the Senate,
4. The 2007 Government Ethics Bill, – became law,
In all, since entering the U.S. Senate, Sen. Obama has written 890 bills and co-sponsored another 1096.
What has Gov. Palin done (outside of oil and gas)? I hear the claim that Palin has more executive experience then Obama (a Rep. talking point). People keep comparing Palin’s job as mayor to Obama job as a community organizer. He also had eight years in state legislature; why not compare that? Just two years ago, Palin was the mayor of a town of 9,000 people. She had a staff of 50 people. It seems like comparing apples to oranges. If we follow this logic than the manager of your local, McDonald’s could have more executive experience than most of the candidates. Things need to be put into their proper context. She is not a reformer; she kept the bridge to nowhere money and used it as she saw fit. Also, when she was mayor she had lobbyist bring in over 27 million in pork projects. Give me some real Palin positives (not lies and propaganda).
Also, I should note that Obama has more experience than President Lincoln had.
That’s it, I’m done playing.
GAME OVER conservative talking point parrots.
…are as real as my spelling is accurate.
If what Script listed where real accomplishments, not phony “me too” straws he’s grasping at, doesn’t anyone think people would know about them? D’oh!
Palin’s accomplishments? She ran an Alaskan town, then she ran Alaska, and her constituents approved of her work.
And, Script, don’t you dare try to favorably compare Obama with Lincoln. Just because you, in your ignorance, know of nothing he did, doesn’t make it a “fact.” …go and learn a few real facts, among which are that Linclon was one of the founders of the anti-slavery Republican Party (“…and wrote its controversial platform.”), not a small accomplishment in and of itself. He was no sleezy tool of the Democrat Chicago “machine.”
“In all, since entering the U.S. Senate, Sen. Obama has written 890 bills and co-sponsored another 1096.”
Having spent 143 days in the US Senate before embarking on his run for President, he must have be quite the busy beaver, when he shows up. Now, why do I have this feeling we will be witnessing him blame his staff again and again for whatever comes of his “ahem’ bills, down the road?
Is this the best you can do?
1) Palin did run a SMALL town (with a staff about the size of a Wal-Mart).
2) Abraham Lincoln served four terms (eight years) in the Illinois legislature and one term in the U.S. House before his election to the presidency in 1860. Obama served eight years in Illinois legislature and one term in U.S. Senate. Both Obama and Lincoln studied law. Yes, I know about Lincoln. You, in your ignorance assume that I didn’t do my homework (actually I liked the special on Lincoln that was on the history channel and I watched it twice). There is a lot that I could discuss about Lincoln, but this is not about Lincoln.
The point is that Obama is not that inexperienced, but Gov. Palin is perhaps the most inexperienced Vice Presidential nominee in the history of the United States. Oh, I almost forgot to answer Missy. Yes, he was a very busy bee indeed, while on and off the campaign trail.
So, “he was a very bee indeed?” Cool.
BTW, I forgot to mention to you that he is my senator, unfortunately. Also, his history in the Illinois Senate has already been accurately discussed, right here.
Also, the things that I mentioned are real accomplishments (or at least real effort). The reason you have not heard about it is likely that misinformation is more pervasive than real information. Misinformation and talking points also take less time to convey. Think about it. Conservative (and some Liberal) propaganda is brief and easy to pass on to others.
Hi Missy, that’s cute you caught me while editing. I already fixed it but thanks for the heads up.
Wow Missy, that was a hate filled blog (did you read the responses). Well here is an example of a not so hate filled one:
Oh how I love it when they post to Thinkprogress! Makes me laugh every time. Maybe someone should post a countertalking point from Free Republic? Nah.
Look, Script, Obama is not Lincoln despite your effort to associate the two. Lincoln was a good President (a Republican too), but it’s undeniable that his election started the Civil War, and his lack of experience led to years of prolonging the war by a series of Union failures. Even Bush didn’t have anything like a Bull Run, a second Bull Run, a Fredricksburg (that would have led to impeachment today), a Chancellorsville, and so forth.
Also not found at the Thinkprogress link is the fact that Obams’s foreign policy is the same as Bush’s.
-Bush has combat brigade out of Iraq in 20 months but Obama 16months (not a big difference)
-Obama admitted in an interview that his Pakistan policy is the same as Bush’s
-Obama admitted to Charlie Gibson in the NH debate that he does see a case for pre-emptive war, specifically in Pakistan where Bush is doing that already
-Obama demanded more troops for Afghanistan a year after Bush already ordered it
-Obama’s Iran policy relies on his charisma and ego because the rest of it is all stuff Bush already tried
-Obama’s Russia policy is the same as Bush’s which followed McCain’s lead
Curious (and OT)….Obama opposed the war in Iraq for years now, but if elected…will you support it? How’s that workd as a leader: Oppose the war all the time, unless I’m elected, but if I’m not oppose it….and oh yeah, the opposition isn’t political, it’s on principle. Yeah, right.
That “hate filled blog” happens to be the blog you currently are choosing to post on. Don’t try to tell me that I don’t know Obama because of pervasive misinformation. He’s my senator, I live outside of Chicago.
The first article I’m posting is about Obama’s connection to Emil Jones. Article number two was written by a reporter from a small Chicago paper, a reporter that personally knew Obama. He had reported on Obama from the beginning of both of their careers in Chicago.
Read up.
“and his (Lincoln’s) lack of experience led to years of prolonging the war by a series of Union failures. Even Bush didn’t have anything like a Bull Run, a second Bull Run, a Fredricksburg (that would have led to impeachment today), a Chancellorsville, and so forth. ”
So now, we are saying that Bush is a better President than Lincoln was? Well to began, we would be comparing apples to oranges. President Bush stands on the shoulders of giants. When he was sworn into office, he inherited the greatest and most powerful nation on the planet (a nation built on the legacy of Lincoln among many other great Americans). How appalling to defame this great historical figure in the name of George Walker Bush.
Pres. Bush didn’t give us a Bull Run but he did give us: Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, Bagram, a prolonged war in Iraq, an unfinished war in Afghanistan, warrant-less wiretapping, black prisons and extraordinary rendition, billions spent in no bid contracts with little or no accountability, firing of US attorneys and politicization of the department, Valerie Plame scandal, blown opportunity at Tora Bora, The Military Commissions Act (torture, indefinite detention, the end of habeas corpus), the federal response to Hurricane Katrina and FEMA’s “Heck of a job”, lost White House emails (no accident but policy), 2000 Presidential election (voter suppression and cooked felons list), 2004 Presidential election (Ohio voter irregularities that consistently favored Bush), Loss of US reputation internationally after massive post-911 world support, rampant cronyism, decimation of the Labor Department, insertion into the Patriot Act extension of language allowing US attorneys to be named without Senate approval, massive and illegal abuse by FBI of National Security Letters, attempted use of GSA to promote Republican candidates, attempts to eviscerate the Voting Rights Act on its renewal, and so much more.
WOW! Almost every single Bush conspiracy theory out there in a single post! Man, I haven’t seen that in a long time. WELCOME.
“Pres. Bush didn’t give us a Bull Run but he did give us:”
-“Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, Bagram,”
…..Lincoln’s prisoner of war camps were literally a hundred thousand times worse
-“a prolonged war in Iraq,”
…..The same could be said about Pres Bush Sr and Clinton as when viewed as a chronology, fighting and acts of war from the 1991 war with Iraq never ended
-“an unfinished war in Afghanistan,”
…..No one-not even Alexander the Great-has ever finished a war in Afghanistan
-“warrant-less wiretapping,”
…..Seems to me that was authorized in the authorization to use force (modern declaration of war) against Al Queda, and further approved by Congressional Democrats like Pelosi, Daschle, and Reid among others (particularly the Sen and House intel committees w people like Edwards and Kerry)
-“black prisons and extraordinary rendition,”
…..this has been a practice of the US govt since the Revolution
-“billions spent in no bid contracts with little or no accountability,”
…..Lincoln’s Stanton didn’t exactly use a bidding process either
-“firing of US attorneys and politicization of the department, ”
…..All Presidents do this-Lincoln, FDR, Truman, Kennedy, LBJ, even Clinton
-“Valerie Plame scandal, ”
…..Yeah, you’re right. There were no scandals in the Lincoln years, right? But I do wish Dep Sec Armitage were held accountable for leaking her name.
-“blown opportunity at Tora Bora,”
…..Read up. UBL escaped Tora Bora in Nov/Dec 01 before the CIA could even get people in there. At the time he was gone, the JAWBREAKER unit had only 3 leads on where he was. When those leads came in, they sent a team to each area. The one got to the Tora Bora region as soon as possible, but it’s likely he was on the other side of the mts in Pakistan by then. Those heroes climbed up 15,000ft on a path where a single panicked mule stopped them for hours because they couldn’t get past. Don’t defame their efforts by rewriting history to feed your political disdain. Having said that, let’s not forget that Lincoln (by your standard) let Lee escape at Antietam, Gettysburg, and other Union victories.
-“The Military Commissions Act (torture, indefinite detention, the end of habeas corpus),”
…..Lincoln suspended habeas corpus
-“the federal response to Hurricane Katrina and FEMA’s “Heck of a job”, ”
…..Actually, Bush saved New Orleans by forcing the Mayor and Gov (both Dems) to get on his plane and work it out. Then he took over (since neither of them would), and he sent in a general who immediately cleaned things up.
-“lost White House emails (no accident but policy), ”
…..Not sure Lincoln could have lost emails, but I know Hillary Clinton lost her documents on why she fired the travel staff and replaced them w her friends, then the docs magically showed up in the residence. Pretty sure it was just last year, btw, when they found a lost Lincoln doc in the national archives. Want me to look it up?
-“2000 Presidential election (voter suppression and cooked felons list), ”
… opposed to Vice President Gore’s effort to make the military votes not count? Besides, the media was allowed to do recounts afterwards and all found Bush won. Go to factcheck instead of Michael btw, How was Lincoln elected again?
-“2004 Presidential election (Ohio voter irregularities that consistently favored Bush), ”
…..I live in Ohio, and had dinner on election night w an election official who was at a party w me for a friend of mine who ran for Congress back then. He told me flat out that both parties have always done dirty tricks-not just Republicans, and anyone who believes that Democrats don’t…is naive.
-“Loss of US reputation internationally after massive post-911 world support, ”
…..that stems from the Democrats’ and the left’s disinformation about the war in Iraq, but read Wesley Clark’s books or Madeline Albright’s; both talk about the Balkans crisis’ of the 90’s and the reluctance of EU and the world to help the US. Same was true in Somalia. For more perspective, I submit that Britain wasn’t exactly a friend to Lincoln, and neither were France and/or Germany at the time.
-“rampant cronyism, ”
…..LOL, this is a new thing or exclusive to GWB?! C’mon. You can’t possibly be that ignorant. EVERY administration puts its own people in. If anything, it was extremely unusual (to a fault) for GWB to have kept people over from the Clinton Admin (like Tenet, Clarke, Freeh, and many more). Lincoln’s admin was packed with his friends too.
-“decimation of the Labor Department, ”
…..this was a bad thing?
-“insertion into the Patriot Act extension of language allowing US attorneys to be named without Senate approval,”
….Oxymoron alert. The Democratic controlled Senate wrote (co-wrote as both Pat1 and Pat2 were co-written by Dems and Reps) both versions and approved of both versions; ie approved of it.
-“massive and illegal abuse by FBI of National Security Letters,”
….Pinkertons had no checks and balance
-“attempted use of GSA to promote Republican candidates,”
…..again, all Presidents do this
-“attempts to eviscerate the Voting Rights Act on its renewal, and so much more.”
…..Democratic Congress does that-not GWB
The more I look at it, the more I think I was right:
Bush did do a better job than President Lincoln
Boy are you patient, Scott. With such an obvious lost cause, I wouldn’t have wasted my time! LOL
Mata, it only took a few minutes. Really, what got me was the thought of viewing Lincoln in the same light as GWB is put under, and GWB w the free pass given to Lincoln on so many things. It’s an interesting discussion, and I thought about starting a seperate thread. Really,
Bush gets blamed for Tora Bora, but Lincoln gets a pass after Antietam, Gettysburg, and more?
Bush gets blamed for Abu Ghraib etc., but Lincoln gets a pass for Camp Douglas
Bush gets blamed for cronyism as if Presidents are supposed to keep the same people that the last guy had even if he’s from a totally different and failed party?
Bush gets blamed for habeas corpus, but Lincoln gets a free pass
Bush gets blamed for sitting for a few minutes during 911 attacks, but Lincoln gets a free pass for not supplying Ft Sumter during the seige before the attack?
Bush gets blamed for Katrina, but we’re supposed to ignore that there were devastating natural disasters without ANY support from Lincoln during his two terms?
Bush gets blamed for a loss of international respect (which wasn’t there to begin with), but Lincoln gets a free pass for Britain’s almost declaring war on the US (while actively supplying the enemy), France virtually ending trade w the US, and Germany…oh gawd!
No matter what GWB has done, Lincoln did it worse. The only thing Lincoln did better was he freed the slaves (ignoring the fact that Congress really did that), and he was a fantastic speaker (where as GWB is painful to watch let alone listen to imo).
Actually, Scott, Abe Lincoln is one of Sarah Palin’s favorite Presidential figures. It was quite funny to hear Doris Kearns Goodwin battle a Charlie Rose panel that was spewing all the scandals as news. Goodwin, evidently, had met Palin at a Governor’s convention and sat next to her during the meals. Since Goodwin is a Lincoln maniac herself, she has quite the kindly heart to Palin… unusual for her stripe.
Then again, Goodwin comes under fire from all sides for the plaguerism charges. But did find that detail interesting. Had to rub my eyes in disbelief… Goodwin defending Palin?? Called her “an extraordinary woman”.
As for Script… more like “post Script”…. i.e an afterthought.
“Palin is perhaps the most inexperienced Vice Presidential nominee in the history of the United States.” — scribbler (sticking to it’s talking point “script”)
Nice try, scribbler, but making things up is about all you Lefties are good at.
“Obama served eight years in Illinois legislature and one term in U.S. Senate” — scribbler
…during which time he enriched himself and his cronies at the expense of his constituents, many of whom suffered greatly because of callousness.
Oh, and did I mention that he is a pathological liar (like you)?
Obama’s “experience” is exclusively in doing evil, and he’s all too proficient at it. Now, if that’s the kind of “experience” you want, then you need to move to Russia. We do NOT want to move Russia here.
“Silence in the face of evil is always on the side of the aggressor.” – Elie Wiesel
All his friends are about as bad as they could be.
The man IS evil, …and you support him. Nuff said ’bout the two of you.
…bring it down on their pointy little heads, and …..
because there is no other option.
While the MSM hound Palin for the firing of a State Trooper who was unfit for the job, no one bothers to investigate any of O’Bunko’s blatantly criminal activity…
…or to question him on the sources of his campaign funds
Critical Thinking..
You’ve brightened this dark room. Unfortunately, some think that the light is coming from their little candle they’re each holding. Sad but true, they seem to undermined the power of enlightenment and academic achievements. Should it be fair to compare a small town, where people sip hot cocoa to Chicago where crime and gangs make the news all the time? Enough said.
You said it all Critical thinking, and you said it well…. May the messenger of God received the divine message to chose what’s best for her kids who are at a critical age and it’s precisely then when they need their mother around the most. After all, she had them, not the nannies. And for the rest of you who are trying hard to let some of the candle holders see that their weakening flame isn’t shinning as bright as they think, thank you for your patience and consideration, but sometimes it takes time to realize that a candle isn’t the same as a light bulb…. Peace
I’m back in town. Now it’s my turn. My apologies to Scott’s fan club but it is time to take away what you think is his victory. Let’s start with the obvious and make our way down the list.
1)“Read up. UBL escaped Tora Bora in Nov/Dec 01 before the CIA could even get people in there.”
~Gary Brentsen, disagrees with you. According to Gary Berntsen, the key CIA field commander on the ground near Tora Bora at the time, he in vain requested 800 American army rangers to prevent bin Laden’s escape. Gen. Tommy Franks, who argued U.S. troops were not necessary because an Afghan militia had been hired to fight in their place, denied the request.
2)“Lincoln’s prisoner of war camps were literally a hundred thousand times worse”
~Of course they were, it was the 1800’s!!! We have progressed both technologically and sociologically. Looking shallow into the past, we can find profound barbarism.
3)“The same could be said about Pres Bush Sr. and Clinton as when viewed as a chronology, fighting and acts of war from the 1991 war with Iraq never ended”
~ Really…so are you comparing the mini-war and the microwave fight during the Bush Sr. and Clinton presidencies to the current war in Iraq? There are thousands of US dead and many more wounded I don’t think that’s the same.
4)“No one-not even Alexander the Great-has ever finished a war in Afghanistan”
~This does not merit a response. So we move-on.
5) “All Presidents do this-Lincoln, FDR, Truman, Kennedy, LBJ, even Clinton”
~I’m familiar with this argument, but there is a reason why it became a controversy. One reason is that they put grossly inadequate (putting it mildly) people in the positions. Another reason may be the scale, but the biggest reason was that they said it was performance-based firings. A professional’s most valuable asset is his/her reputation.
6) ”this has been a practice of the US govt since the Revolution”
~I think the issue is scale. We have ramped-up those activities in comparison to recent years (Clinton/Bush Sr. years).
7) “Actually, Bush saved New Orleans by forcing the Mayor and Gov (both Dems) to get on his plane and work it out.”
~LOL! That is very funny. President Bush saved New Orleans with a photo op. No, my friend first responders, state government, local government, and plain citizens acted heroically while the response was slow on the federal level. “Brownee” himself said that the response was unacceptable. The news was inundated with Katrina related FEMA blunders. I’m not going to beat this dead horse (your from Ohio not Louisiana).
8) “Besides, the media was allowed to do recounts afterwards and all found Bush won. Go to factcheck”
~I went to factcheck my cherry-picking friend. It seems that the media consensus was that Gore would have won if all counties (not just the one’s in dispute) were recounted. Also, you missed the point (cooked felons list & etc.).
9) “that stems from the Democrats’ and the left’s disinformation about the war in Iraq…”
~Please read my statements. We had massive world support post-911 and we lost it.
10) “LOL, this [rampant cronyism] is a new thing or exclusive to GWB?! C’mon. You can’t possibly be that ignorant.”
~Once again the issue is scale. I am glad that you brought up Clinton and Lincoln though. Clinton suffered character assassination for appointing people in a bi-partisan way. Heck he was investigated by some of the people he appointed. Lincoln picked a Vice President that disagreed with his views (a lot of what he worked for was hindered). Oh, by the way I’m not ignorant.
11)”this [the decimation of the Labor Department] was a bad thing?
~Yes, it was.
12) I will try catching some of the things I didn’t respond to in broad statements below.
Lincoln’s challenges in the 1800’s are not comparable to Bush’s blunders in the 21st century. Read my earlier statement (Bush inherited the greatest nation built on the contributions of Lincoln and other great Americans). Of course it was more repressive, it was 1800’s and it was a Civil War (just image the enemy within that terrorism is multiplied by a million). Unlike Bush, Lincoln didn’t even want to go to war (that was the root cause of some of his early missteps). Also, Robert E. Lee was one of the greatest military minds of his time.
The things that I listed are not conspiracy theories. The idea of the “liberal media” is a conspiracy theory. The media is a massive entity consisting of progressives, conservatives, and independents (including fake independents).
Now back to the original thread (I’m not going to reply to anything else for now). Regardless of rumors about Obama in State Legislature (there are plenty of rumors about McCain), his official record in the US Senate remains as I listed above. (Actually, there might be things that I need to add to the list) So the core argument, Obama did nothing, is invalid. This debate should now be over.
I love these kinds of debates
-Actually, I think if you’ll look in Bernsten’s book, JAWBREAKER, on pages 239-240 you’ll see that on Nov11 the CIA got the first reports of UBL escaping via Tora Bora into Pakistan. Additionally, in the book, Al Queda’s Great Escape, on pg117 you’ll see that UBL made his way out into Pakistan around Nov13. The request for Rangers and more troops didn’t come until weeks later. Moreover, even Bernsten admits in his book that such additional forces can’t guarantee to have gotten UBL or even to have stopped more AQ from escaping. This is logical since just a few months later the US sent thousands of troops to try and do exactly what Bernsten requested doing with just 800 (this was called Operation Anaconda). Most importantly, focusing on UBL and in any way describing Tora Bora operations as a failure is simply wrong. American forces decimated Al Queda there as they did in Operation Anaconda later, but neither operation-due completely to the terrain, was able to prevent AQ from escaping into Pakistan. I have at least 4 other books I could reference, but the fact is UBL escaped long before the US could get to Tora Bora and stop him. It remains, if one is to blame GWB for “letting” UBL escape, then it’s like blaming FDR for letting Von Rundstadt escape Falaise, or Lincoln for letting Lee escape numerous times, or so many other examples. You yourself make this point by showing that it was Gen Franks-not Pres Bush-who rejected addl forces (which likely wouldn’t have made a big difference since UBL was already gone).
-I disagree because even by 1800’s standards (if that’s the standard by which you choose to measure) Lincoln’s POW camps were atrocious. Camp Douglass was among the worst. Gitmo (for example) has higher standards than most prisons in the U.S.
I’m saying the war never ended if you look at a timeline (got a date for when the fighting stopped and when Iraq complied with the UN?), and citing casualties I’d point to the decline in Iraqi casualties caused by the US because of the invasion. Prior to it, the UNICEF claimed that millions of Iraqis died by the US bombings and blockade. Since the invasion actual Iraqi deaths have been about 100k over 5years, and most of those were AQ suicide bombers targeting Iraqis to set off sectarian violence.
Please show some evidence that GWB’s admin has done this more than any other.
-Me, I’d say the Revolution, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, and Vietnam were bigger in scale.
I’m not denying that the admin did poorly, but the locals and the state govt failed, and continued to fail, and only at President Bush’s leadership did he take over, send in a general and pickup the slack were the locals and state govts continued to fail. As evidence of this I ask, what would have happened if Pres Bush had not stepped in, and made corrections? If Bush continued to fail as the State and local govts did, then the situation would have been worse, but it was Bush and the Fed who corrected it.
No. The cherry-picking is on your part since your point relies on possibility/minority opinion, not the majority of opinion:
“Nobody can say for sure who might have won. A full, official recount of all votes statewide could have gone either way, but one was never conducted.
According to a massive months-long study commissioned by eight news organizations in 2001, George W. Bush probably still would have won even if the U.S. Supreme Court had allowed a limited statewide recount to go forward as ordered by Florida’s highest court.
Bush also probably would have won had the state conducted the limited recount of only four heavily Democratic counties that Al Gore asked for, the study found.”
-Nope. Not true. Pakistan had to be threatened to support the U.S. In Egypt and Syria Arab mobs attacked US embassies and tried to burn them. In Palestine there was dancing in the streets with joy as the US was being attacked. In the UK the govt almost fell. In Pakistan, once they agreed to cooperate with the US, the govt almost collapsed and hundreds of thousands protested and were then jailed. In France, the famous article “We are all Americans” actually described how the US had it coming, and it was about time the US was attacked. In NYC tens of thousands marched in protest to the US attack on Afghanistan. In DC, Ted Kennedy led a growing caucus of Democrats who cried out demanding the Taliban be negotiated with and given more time to hand over UBL rather than attack. There was a great deal of skin deep support to be certain, but the myth of worldwide unity against terrorism was not there. Had it been, the comment from Pres Bush that you are either with the nations that fight terror or you are against them…that line wouldn’t have been problematic at all.
Argumentative. Unless you can provide a comparable list of Bush Admin cronies vs Clinton, Lincoln, etc then you’re just making claims. The fact is that political appointees are almost always friends, supporters, etc., and the Bush Admin isn’t the peak of this phenomenon, but rather on par with it.
-“ just image the enemy within that terrorism is multiplied by a million” My point exactly. Btw, Bush didn’t WANT to go to war. He avoided it for years. If he wanted to go to war he could have said the USS Cole was attacked by UBL and Iraq working together. Instead he waited years, tried everything reasonably possible, and couldn’t remove the threat posed by Saddam without direct invasion.
I agree re the myth of a liberal media (for the most part), but the effect of opposing the war on the Taliban (from 2000 onwards) as well as the opposition to success in the Iraq War before it had even taken place directly brought about the very situation such opposition supposedly sought to prevent. By opposing the invasion millions of people convinced Saddam that the US didn’t have the support for war, and that GWB was just bluffing. Saddam and all of his advisors admitted that he didn’t take the threat seriously until it was too late. Why didn’t he take it seriously?
If Obama did anything noteworthy, ya wouldn’t have to look it up.
Well, he did win a Grammy for recording “Dreams for My Father” (sic from Congressional record 2/10/2006 S1057) I find the mistake on the title ironic.
Some stiff competition there. The only America-hating leftist missing is that slob Moore.
Haha, hee-hee, owww.. My keyboard is filled with coffee now.