Sarah fever is going to take hold… she was spectacular. Not soaring, not rhetoric. Just “real talk” from a down to earth pol. Like a breath of fresh air. This is one dynamo, and even the media… who she put on notice… is desperately searching for negatives. But you know you’re on the right track when Harry Reid puts out an immediate statement, calling her “shrill”…. *alright*!
But I wanted to give some of Rudy’s lines some kudos, because he, too, had some winners. I’ll have to paraphrase some, as I just don’t do the shorthand bit…
INRE Obama’s qualifications as an executive administrator, and a decision maker… and one of my favorites.
I didn’t know about that “Present” vote as a mayor.
On his “vision”
… change is not a goal, just as hope is not a strategy
On the DNC and Iraq
When they had given up on Iraq, they had given up on America
On the many broken promises and bodies “under the bus” littering the Obama campaign… another favorite
If I were Joe Biden, I’d want to get that VP thing in writing
On Obama’s ever morphing reaction to Russia’s invasion of Georgia, and finally arriving at the same position as McCain… despite his over 300 foreign advisors
Next time, call John McCain
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
in the last few years i have started to pay attention to politics, having kids will do that to you. and i never wanted to be pigeon holed into a party, but the more i learned, the more i realized i was a republican. you know what a dirty word that is in alot of cicles, especially the job i have. we are seen as flakes and ding bats, some are some aren’t, but everyone needs a haircut, or a color and they come to us. well i am a republican, and i watched my first rnc i the last few days and i know that this really is the “right” party for me and my family. i have been so excited by the speeches and i can’t stop talking about them at work, and with my friends. i want what is best for this country and for my family, i want for our nation to stay strong. i am proud of our country and all our soldiers and i am really proud that mccain has picked sarah palin as his running mate. young girls see women like paris and brittany spears and think that is great, i wnat my daughter to look up to a woman like sarah palin and know that in our nation you can have it all as a female.
The democrats can put thousands of hair plugs in his head, dress him in the finest dress, and put lipstick on him, but ole Slow Joe will never be a Sarah Palin, in actions or speach. Too bad Slow Joe selected Hussein O to pal around with, now his rep is worse than ever.
Bravo, Rudy. He beat Obama hard, but with humor. I laughed myself silly at some of his lines. I particularly liked the one about — I think — Palin’s hometown and how “maybe they cling to religion.”
More CNN chit chat… Candy Crowley comes on, saying that in all her “experience”, she’s never see a woman who can attack and still come out on top….
Uh… is it so long ago that Hillary got the popular vote, and only lost by the superdelegates that never got to vote in a roll call?
Idiots… desperate….
Now Crowley’s saying that McCain will pale by comparison. Guess those libs just don’t get it. Some people are interested in substance, and not rhetorical promises and flashy show. Palin got the excitement and adoration… all without a big set. Just a little slide show behind her.
And she did something else Crowley missed. She made McCain a candidate the GOP wants to support.
ah yes, Spidey… not “cosmopolitan” enough, not “flashy” was the preceding remarks.
Also loved the Palin comment that a mayor is sorta like a “community organizer”… but with responsibility.
How about …
I’ll have to get the transcript, but Rudy’s line about “how dare they” attack Sarah Palin was great .
I think that was one I wrote down… he finished up with (paraphrased) “In choosing Sarah Palin for his running mate, he has made a choice for the future”, then referenced Obama made a choice for the past with Biden.
“If I were Joe Biden, I’d want to get that VP thing in writing”.
Simply put, hilarious!!! 😉
Kudos to Rudy…what an excellent orator he is, eh?! He DEFINITELY rocked the house!!
Greetings from Colorado, I hope this posts.
Michell Malking starts out with a mention of Rudi’s speech and goes on to highlight past and present Obama connections to ACORN. This article shows what the real Obama is.
Why Obama’a Community Organiser is a joke.
Thanks, Missy, for the article. I passed that on to a few friends and also folks in the media!
Hmmm, I was elected as a leader in a Neighborhood Association, so, I guess that’s a community organizer of sorts. Hey, I could run for president, too!!
You are very welcome SoCal Chris, looks like the altitude is affecting my brain, didn’t even notice that I couldn’t manage to spell Michelle Malkin correctly.
Obama’s history with ACORN needs to be scrutinized. Instead we are treated to all the nonsense about Sarah Palin’s credibility.