Message from the Delegates

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So do I, even more so.

In the spacious lobby of the Union Depot, I sat down with Amata and chatted with her regarding Sarah Palin, her daughter and the hightly anticipated debate between Palin and Biden. She described McCain’s choice of Palin as “She is it! Palin brings brings excitement and energy to the RNC. She is the perfect person for the job”. She will not only make a good VP, it will be working practice for President Palin. She is a good balance to McCain, and both are committed to shaking up Washington.

I quite agree.

When I broached the subject of the daughter’s pregnancy, Amata stated as a mother you bring you children close. She agreed that this is a family issue and not for public consumption. She believed that Palin handled this family issue quite well. When asked if this news had in any way changed the opinion of the delegates, Amata stated that this private family matter will not effect the ticket of McCain/Palin. She further described a meeting she attended with evangelicals and reported that they are even more committed to Palin. With her demonstrated respect for life, she represents the ideals of evangelicals nationwide.

I asked Amata about the upcoming debate(s) between Palin and Biden, her response was classic – “She will mop the floor with Biden”. Biden is representative of the old boy entrenched establishment in DC, Palin is new energy. I anticipate the debate will be interesting and illuminating.

I thank Amata for taking a few minutes out of her busy schedule to talk with me about the issues surrounding Republican women.

You can read more about Amata HERE

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What is driving the Democrats crazy? Is it that both Sarah Palin and her daughter have made a CHOICE? And that choice is NOT abortion. But this is very telling because why would there be so much hateful rhetoric if in fact the Democrats were pro-Choice. Fact is, they’re not. Democrats and especially Barack Obama, in a most grotesque way, is hard line Pro-Abortion and Pro-Infanticide. That’s why they don’t respect the CHOICE that was made — which is to cherish life. It upsets and cramps their ‘Democrat Progressive’ style.

To be sure, Mr. Obama is the worst thing that ever happened to choice, women’s rights, freedom from an intrusive government and more. Mr. Obama is NOT fit to lead — he is NOT experienced. Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden BOTH — joined together at the hip — do not have any executive talent or experience.

i am hering that women are impressed with mccains pick, they love the strong female angle, love that she is a hockey mom who reforms. the dems don’t realize that if they kep attacking palin and her daughter they are gonns lose alot of voters because of their behavior. i think they are so obsessed with destroying her that they have tunnel vision, and we all know what tunnel vision leads to….a crash. i am happy that the convention is going well and its nice to get the real updates, not the watered down version that the nightly news is giving.