Fred On The MSM & Sarah Palin….Don’t Forget The Left’s Palinsanity!

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Here’s Fred speaking to bloggers earlier today (Skye has her own report here). Hopefully video of his speech at the RNC will be up soon:

Meanwhile Allah at Hot Air did a great job of succinctly laying out all that the left has found out about Sarah Palin in their Palinsanity:

Why on earth would McCain dump her? What does the media have to show for all these breathless scandals they’ve dug up? We found out her daughter’s pregnant, but McCain probably knew about that in advance; in any case, the base has rallied around her in the aftermath and independents are unlikely to care two months down the road. We found out she was once a member of the Alaska Independence Party — except that, er, she wasn’t, and as Smith notes, it’s not nearly as fringe a party as one might think. We found out Todd Palin had a DUI back when Wham! was still together. We found out she flip-flopped on the bridge to nowhere, which would sting if not for the fact that she flip-flopped in the right direction and ended up torpedoing it. We found out she requested earmarks as mayor of Wasilla in the fine tradition of The One, who also claims to stand for “Change.” We found out she hopes God approves of what our soldiers are doing overseas. And as to the one big story that’s cooking, Troopergate, we found out nothing: She has a private lawyer now and the Democrat in charge of the investigation is trying hard to make Republicans panic, but like the Bristol Palin news, this is one thing McCain probably did vet thoroughly given the stakes.

Addon: Gerard Bakers breakdown of the accomplishment comparison between he who would be President and she who would be Vice President bears repeating:

Political experience

Obama: Worked his way to the top by cultivating, pandering to and stroking the most powerful interest groups in the all-pervasive Chicago political machine, ensuring his views were aligned with the power brokers there.

Palin: Worked her way to the top by challenging, attacking and actively undermining the Republican party establishment in her native Alaska. She ran against incumbent Republicans as a candidate willing and able to clean the Augean Stables of her state’s government.

Political Biography

Obama: A classic, if unusually talented, greasy-pole climber. Held a succession of jobs that constitute the standard route to the top in his party’s internal politics: “community organizer”, law professor, state senator.

Palin: A woman with a wide range of interests in a well-variegated life. Held a succession of jobs – sports journalist, commercial fisherwoman, state oil and gas commissioner, before entering local politics. A resume that suggests something other than burning political ambition from the cradle but rather the sort of experience that enables her to understand the concerns of most Americans..

Political history

Obama: Elected to statewide office only after a disastrous first run for a congressional seat and after his Republican opponent was exposed in a sexual scandal. Won seat eventually in contest against a candidate who didn’t even live in the state.

Palin: Elected to statewide office by challenging a long-serving Republican incumbent governor despite intense opposition from the party.


A very attractive speaker whose celebrity has been compared to that of Britney Spears and who sends thrills up Chris Matthews’ leg

Palin: A very attractive woman, much better-looking than Britney Spears who speaks rather well too. She sends thrills up the leg of Rush Limbaugh (and me).

Executive experience

Obama: Makes executive decisions every day that affect the lives of his campaign staff and a vast crowd of traveling journalists

Palin: Makes executive decisions every day that affect the lives of 500,000 people in her state, and that impact crucial issues of national economic interest such as the supply and cost of energy to the United States.

Religious influences

Obama: Regards people who “cling” to religion and guns as “bitter” . Spent 20 years being mentored and led spiritually by a man who proclaimed “God damn America” from his pulpit. Mysteriously, this mentor completely disappeared from public sight about four months ago.

Palin: Head of her high school Fellowship of Christian Athletes and for many years a member of the Assemblies of God congregation whose preachers have never been known to accuse the United States of deliberately spreading the AIDS virus. They remain in full public sight and can be seen every Sunday in churches across Alaska. A proud gun owner who has been known to cling only to the carcasses of dead caribou felled by her own aim.

Record of bipartisan achievement

Speaks movingly of the bipartisanship needed to end the destructive politics of “Red America” and “Blue America”, but votes in the Senate as a down-the-line Democrat, with one of the most liberal voting records in congress.

Palin: Ridiculed by liberals such as John Kerry as a crazed, barely human, Dick Cheney-type conservative but worked wit Democrats in the state legislature to secure landmark anti-corruption legislation.

Former state Rep. Ethan Berkowitz – a Democrat – said. “Gov. Palin has made her name fighting corruption within her own party, and I was honored when she stepped across party lines and asked me to co-author her ethics white paper.”

On Human Life

Obama: Devoutly pro-choice. Voted against a bill in the Illinois state senate that would have required doctors to save the lives of babies who survived abortion procedures. The implication of this position is that babies born prematurely during abortions would be left alone, unnourished and unmedicated, until they died.

Palin: Devoutly pro-life. Exercised the choice proclaimed by liberals to bring to full term a baby that had been diagnosed in utero with Down Syndrome.

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i think sarah palin is “every woman”, so many of us can identify with her and what she has been through and how she has succeed. she is a strong woman who makes no bones about it and is not going to let others tell her she can’t do something. she has so much more executive experince than obama, she is a real woman athat is why they are scared. the dems are going to lose their base of women because of what they did to hillary. i would rather have mccain or palin defending my home and children than obama and biden, those two will talk you to death.

What is driving the Democrats crazy? Is it that both Sarah Palin and her daughter have made a CHOICE? And that choice is NOT abortion. But this is very telling because why would there be so much hateful rhetoric if in fact the Democrats were pro-Choice? Fact is, they’re not. Democrats and especially Barack Obama, in a most grotesque way, is hard line Pro-Abortion and Pro-Infanticide. That’s why they don’t respect the CHOICE that was made — which is to cherish life. It upsets and cramps their ‘Democrat Progressive’ style.

To be sure, Mr. Obama is the worst thing that ever happened to choice, women’s rights, freedom from an intrusive government and more. Mr. Obama is NOT fit to lead — he is NOT experienced. Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden BOTH — joined together at the hip — do not have any executive talent or experience.

If Sarah can just stay bright, hopeful, strong, and enthusiastic in spite of the media hyenas and liberal riffraff trying to tear her to pieces, America will love her. And our incredibly low opinion of journalists and politicians will be reconfirmed yet again.