Obama “one USA” unity suffers morning after hangover…

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McCain issued a congratulatory video to Obama following his coronation yesterday. Genuine, sincere, and sans any political mudslinging. It was to note a historic day when the nation should acknowledge that the racial divide that is advanced by the Jeremiah Wrights’, Jesse Jacksons and other Black Theologists and civil rights leaders – and even Obama himself – is decidedly over hyped. It is a day when America has proven she will support a candidate without regard to race or gender.

The graciousness of the McCain camp stood in stark contrast to the Obama camp’s reaction to the McCain video. From the Jake Tapper at the ABC news blog, Punchline, with spokesman David Plouffe personified the “nation of whiners” with a back handed acknowledgment.

Obama campaign manager David Plouffe — who did not know the content of the ad until we read him the script — just told us that the McCain ad is “a very nice gesture. We appreciate that. I wish more of his ads had that tone. But for tonight, we appreciate it and will congratulate him next week on his nomination.”

It’s always sumpthin’ with these people, eh? So much for the we all be American’s BS they laid on the nation last night. These folk have all the graciousness of a cobra.


Well, now…. perhaps the Obama campaign ought to consider putting Plouffe into a job that doesn’t put him in contact with the press. He’s obviously a bad representative of the tone the Obama campaign would like to present. Or perhaps Obama and Biden liked that McCain ad more than Plouffe.

This may be evidenced by the “welcome to the fray” style press release jointly by Obama and Biden to Gov. Palin.

“We send our congratulations to Governor Sarah Palin and her family on her designation as the republican nominee for Vice President. It is yet another encouraging sign that old barriers are falling in our politics. While we obviously have differences over how best to lead this country forward Governor Palin is an admirable person and will add a compelling new voice to this campaign.”

*Much* better…. Plouffe? Blow it out your sour faced ear. You do your candidate no good.


But then, there’s something to be said for the revelations that become apparent when band’s last strains echo out, the bartender sings out “last call”, and the bar lights go up. That donkey-faced companion you may have been chatting up while “in the mood” doesn’t look so good anymore… Fact is, you can dress up a pig, but it’s still a pig at the end of the day, and most certainly the next morning.

H/T to No Quarter for the heads up on the above story

Speaking of No Quarter, it appears that many that are quite impressed with the Palin choice as Veep. And while most weren’t too thrilled about jumping on the Obama bandwagon, most find themselves impressed and in support of a McCain-Palin ticket for 2008, and looking foward to a Hillary 2012 run in 2012.

While I’m digging to learn more of Ms. Palin, I will say I prefer Veep Palin’s ride ….

… to Obama’s “new direction” mobile…

H/T to my scooter trash bud, Hank, for both photos!

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yep, sarah got a gun
hope you dont my me stopping by, have a safe and blessed weekend

love this blog folk