Sitting down with tyrants is easy. You can just “look into their eyes” and “see” into their souls.
You guys have lost all credibilty on recommending who’s best to deal with tyrants.
Scott Malensek
16 years ago
“You guys” Gosh, that doesn’t sound like someone who listened to Sen Obama’s speech, and let’s not forget that Sen Biden-with all that foreign policy experience….promoted, authorized, and funded the Iraq War, or that a vote for Sen Obama is a vote in support of 2 more years of war in Iraq. I wonder if Obama voters will support the war they vote to authorize for 2 more years? Yeah, right.
16 years ago
fit fit, ask Saddam about that, ask his two murdering sons, right, they can’t answer. Putput wasn’t a tyrant at the time, the communist party has since got to him and he has a choice, just like Hussein O backing democrats, speak the party line or your family dies. Hussein O’s threat to McCain ‘he doesn’t know who he’s dealing with’ didn’t float the boat so now they are threatening everyone who supports McCain. Hussein and his supporters are on the new ‘titanic’ and it was built with a busted hull. I hear the gurgle and screams already….
16 years ago
Gee doug, it looks like Kokon’s scoop must have been a photo shop job, Feb/08 had Kate Bosworth on it.
As for Biden’s foreign-policy “experience”, all I really need to know is one of his first considered thoughts after 9/11 was to call for $200 million to Iran, no strings attached.
16 years ago
Yeah, I sort of saw that as a joke, Missy. I assumed many knew it was a fake.
But as i see it, she is still going to be McCain’s Quayle. She supremely unqualified to be a VP.
She’ll easily, almost unconsciously, be dogged by, and portrayed as, a face with a conservative paint by numbers ideology in a dress in a from a sesame street town. When she makes her first big political mistake in this race the McCain campaign will seal her up tighter than an envelope and hold their breath to Nov. This beauty queen mantra will run it’s course as long as the Islamic Obama mantra will.
She will not, as I see it, expand McCain’s base the way Biden will. To the contrary, she may have even destabilized McCain, weakened him. Time of course will time. I’m more than will to entertain arguments to the contrary.
I’m more than will to entertain arguments to the contrary.
Oh man, I got a good laugh out of that one. While many of us here, myself included, admit we are partisan you pretend not to be while spouting every single talking point from KOS, DU and the Democrat party.
Your always good for a laugh Doug.
16 years ago
I’m partisan. You just had to ask.
I don’t usually read Kos, and the DU, it may surprise you, I have never read, ever.
You don’t read KOS and DU but you do read Think Progress? Whoakay….
No need to ask, your comments over the months have shown you were but your attempts to pretend you are not get kinda old.
16 years ago
Curt, it’s possible to balance partisanship with being reasonable. I guess the hitch is trying to stay balanced, against the waves of the tossing election sea.
Balanced? Are your for real? You have never presented a balanced argument in any of your comments Doug. If it’s not your usual “sky is falling” in Iraq crap, its Obama is so cool and McCain is not crap…
Sounds to me like Doug just took a wave from the tossing political sea when he wasn’t expecting it.
This is a great day for our side. No doubt about it!
Milliions of Americans stood up and CHEERED today!
Take that Obama and your Britney Spears Temple!
16 years ago
I cuts both ways, as I see your constant pollianna comments on Iraq outside reality and you’re never able to utter a bad word for McCain, if you ever post about him.
So where does that leave us? In the same place I guess. Accept that now it’s the Repbs turn under the media spotlight for the next week, and you must post on McCain.
That’s why your pissed, I guess. Now we get to “balance” out your thoughts with ours.
16 years ago
We got our bounce, Mike. Let’s see what you get over the next days.
I say she gets nothing or to next to nothing. What say you?
Believe me, nothing you comment on would get me pissed. Its mostly comments to be ignored seeing as how they never offer anything to ponder other then Kos…woops, Think Progess, talking points.
I have never said, nor pretended to be unbiased….you on the other hand have.
you’re never able to utter a bad word for McCain
Check out the John McCain category why don’t you and tell me that with a straight face. Every author on here has problems with the guy, as my many many posts about McCain during the primary attest to, and moan about having to vote against a candidate rather then for a candidate.
Stop digging that hole Doug old chap.
Fit fit
16 years ago
Answer honestly:
Who would you rather see meet with a tyrant, Gov. Sarah Palin or Gov. Mitt Romney?
McCain’s first important decision for his presidency and he goes with a gimmick…
16 years ago
You have got to be kidding, right, when you ask us to answer honestly….especially with the incredibly biased way you have phrased the options???!!! Either you are ignorant, or even worse, you think the rest of America is when you identify Obama as a “community organizer” and not a US senator, not a state senator. Ha, like hunting bears is the way you define S. Palin or that all candidates should have that as a qualification to face tyrants….I would rather have a strong tough leader who also has a brain and wisdom. Please don’t spread fear and ignorance – it does no one good.
16 years ago
WOW … What a great pick!!! America should elect
McCain & Palin for the Whitehouse in November,
for a return to wholesome American values.
An experienced Governor for V.P. vs. a
community organizer for President … I pick Palin.
No Wright, no Farrakahn, no Ayers, no Rezko,
no mean Michelle, NOBAMA
16 years ago
You know the Obama speeches about how fathers
need to be responsible and not abandon their
children’s mothers. What hypocracy for Obama’s
attack dogs to now smear Palin’s family for their
daughters pregnancy.DAILY KOS ARE SCUM BAGS !!!
All you small minded people who are crucifying Governor Palin over the question of her fifth child, are just fueling a vicious smear campaign. Besides, if you want to exhibit your holier-than-thou attitude … why don’t you get even more angry at Obama, Michelle, and their children, for spending 20 years in an anti-American racist church, as well as associations with Farrakhan, Wright, Ayers, Rezko, etc.. These facts are much more relevant to the next administration, than the possibility of a loving mother taking the heat to protect her child and grandchild.
Doug, I have to say that I’ve done nothing but read about the history of Sarah Palin in the past 72 hours. Whether it’s the Trooper’gate, the Bridge to No Where, or that Huffpo attempt to slam her for laughing at the hosts tirade at the GOP Senate Leader, Lyda Green, I’m finding that the woman… while human… exhibits few flaws as a pol.
I already did the Trooper’gate and Bridge to no where. The Lyda Green slam already has me laughing. Fact is, the GOP Senate leader and Palin have been going at it in battles since Palin has been Governor. Green, one of those who’s Senate career has benefitted by VECO donations (can you say “big oil” in your progressive’speak?) has been opposing Palin’s rewrite of the Alaska oil contracts, and against the AGIA.
Green also refused to change a joint session schedule to hear at speech from the traditional 6pm to 7pm, simply in order to thwart Palin catching a 9pm flight to GA to watch her son’s basic training graduation ceremonies at Ft. Benning.
Right now, I’m ROTHLMAO that the progressives are painting a GOP big oil Senate leader, whom Palin is battling on behalf of the Alaskans, as some sort of victim. Granted, perhaps she should have stepped in to stop the radio host’s tirade. But considering her history with the woman, I can see why she’s laughing that a host cuts loose with such criticism on his show. Is this a big thing for me? Hang no… from what I read of Lyda Green, I just can’t put the woman into a victim class.
BTW, Green, still against the AGIA, has used that as her reasoning to not run for re’election. It appears she’s in a vast minority of Alaskans. And since she so vehemently opposes the AGIA, she’s decided to step down at the end of her term.
I suspect Alaskans, except for the personally vicious Dan Fagan and his cohort in scandal, scumbag Andrew Halcro, will be rejoicing.
But as far as Palin herself? I’m finding she’s battling the GOP in Alaska at every turn, fighting government waste, and weathering all the slams by the opposition (which includes not only Dems, but the GOP she’s taking on) with grace and style. She’s a tough cookie, and I can see that McCain views her as a maverick… which is her appeal.
Wasilla’s paper, the Frontiersman, wrote a glowing endorsement of her. She had favorable winds at her back, and used it to spur the city’s growth as both a council member and mayor.
As for experience in running goverment as an executive, she has it all over any Senator… even McCain. Very different tasks and skills. I suspect that the two of them will complement each other better than Biden (old school beltway politics) and Obama (Chicago politics trying to play “new” beltway).
As far as your prediction she may destablize or weaken McCain, that certainly isn’t the case now. And from what I see of her background and history, isn’t likely to be the case. But, as you said, time will tell.
But if I were you, I wouldn’t be placing any big money bets…. Unless the MSM media can convince the public of a pack of half truths and lies (which isn’t impossible), Palin’s history, and her carriage on the campaign trail will inspire many who were not inspired by JSM alone.
Fit #19…. just to give you my own input…. I would prefer, without a doubt, Sarah Palin facing tyrants. I have never supported the Dem in GOP clothes, Romney.
The next potential commander in chief:
Sitting down with tyrants is easy. You can just “look into their eyes” and “see” into their souls.
You guys have lost all credibilty on recommending who’s best to deal with tyrants.
“You guys” Gosh, that doesn’t sound like someone who listened to Sen Obama’s speech, and let’s not forget that Sen Biden-with all that foreign policy experience….promoted, authorized, and funded the Iraq War, or that a vote for Sen Obama is a vote in support of 2 more years of war in Iraq. I wonder if Obama voters will support the war they vote to authorize for 2 more years? Yeah, right.
fit fit, ask Saddam about that, ask his two murdering sons, right, they can’t answer. Putput wasn’t a tyrant at the time, the communist party has since got to him and he has a choice, just like Hussein O backing democrats, speak the party line or your family dies. Hussein O’s threat to McCain ‘he doesn’t know who he’s dealing with’ didn’t float the boat so now they are threatening everyone who supports McCain. Hussein and his supporters are on the new ‘titanic’ and it was built with a busted hull. I hear the gurgle and screams already….
Gee doug, it looks like Kokon’s scoop must have been a photo shop job, Feb/08 had Kate Bosworth on it.
Here’s the 2008 Vogue covers:
Ya gotta love the hypocrisy of a “progressive” site degrading a woman. That’s like going to a PETA website and seeing KFC ad banners all over it.
About that photo shop:
Can I take doors #3 and #4? Oh wait; I can!
As for Biden’s foreign-policy “experience”, all I really need to know is one of his first considered thoughts after 9/11 was to call for $200 million to Iran, no strings attached.
Yeah, I sort of saw that as a joke, Missy. I assumed many knew it was a fake.
But as i see it, she is still going to be McCain’s Quayle. She supremely unqualified to be a VP.
She’ll easily, almost unconsciously, be dogged by, and portrayed as, a face with a conservative paint by numbers ideology in a dress in a from a sesame street town. When she makes her first big political mistake in this race the McCain campaign will seal her up tighter than an envelope and hold their breath to Nov. This beauty queen mantra will run it’s course as long as the Islamic Obama mantra will.
She will not, as I see it, expand McCain’s base the way Biden will. To the contrary, she may have even destabilized McCain, weakened him. Time of course will time. I’m more than will to entertain arguments to the contrary.
Oh man, I got a good laugh out of that one. While many of us here, myself included, admit we are partisan you pretend not to be while spouting every single talking point from KOS, DU and the Democrat party.
Your always good for a laugh Doug.
I’m partisan. You just had to ask.
I don’t usually read Kos, and the DU, it may surprise you, I have never read, ever.
You don’t read KOS and DU but you do read Think Progress? Whoakay….
No need to ask, your comments over the months have shown you were but your attempts to pretend you are not get kinda old.
Curt, it’s possible to balance partisanship with being reasonable. I guess the hitch is trying to stay balanced, against the waves of the tossing election sea.
Balanced? Are your for real? You have never presented a balanced argument in any of your comments Doug. If it’s not your usual “sky is falling” in Iraq crap, its Obama is so cool and McCain is not crap…
Like I said, always good for a laugh.
Sounds to me like Doug just took a wave from the tossing political sea when he wasn’t expecting it.
This is a great day for our side. No doubt about it!
Milliions of Americans stood up and CHEERED today!
Take that Obama and your Britney Spears Temple!
I cuts both ways, as I see your constant pollianna comments on Iraq outside reality and you’re never able to utter a bad word for McCain, if you ever post about him.
So where does that leave us? In the same place I guess. Accept that now it’s the Repbs turn under the media spotlight for the next week, and you must post on McCain.
That’s why your pissed, I guess. Now we get to “balance” out your thoughts with ours.
We got our bounce, Mike. Let’s see what you get over the next days.
I say she gets nothing or to next to nothing. What say you?
Believe me, nothing you comment on would get me pissed. Its mostly comments to be ignored seeing as how they never offer anything to ponder other then Kos…woops, Think Progess, talking points.
I have never said, nor pretended to be unbiased….you on the other hand have.
Check out the John McCain category why don’t you and tell me that with a straight face. Every author on here has problems with the guy, as my many many posts about McCain during the primary attest to, and moan about having to vote against a candidate rather then for a candidate.
Stop digging that hole Doug old chap.
Answer honestly:
Who would you rather see meet with a tyrant, Gov. Sarah Palin or Gov. Mitt Romney?
McCain’s first important decision for his presidency and he goes with a gimmick…
You have got to be kidding, right, when you ask us to answer honestly….especially with the incredibly biased way you have phrased the options???!!! Either you are ignorant, or even worse, you think the rest of America is when you identify Obama as a “community organizer” and not a US senator, not a state senator. Ha, like hunting bears is the way you define S. Palin or that all candidates should have that as a qualification to face tyrants….I would rather have a strong tough leader who also has a brain and wisdom. Please don’t spread fear and ignorance – it does no one good.
WOW … What a great pick!!! America should elect
McCain & Palin for the Whitehouse in November,
for a return to wholesome American values.
An experienced Governor for V.P. vs. a
community organizer for President … I pick Palin.
No Wright, no Farrakahn, no Ayers, no Rezko,
no mean Michelle, NOBAMA
You know the Obama speeches about how fathers
need to be responsible and not abandon their
children’s mothers. What hypocracy for Obama’s
attack dogs to now smear Palin’s family for their
daughters pregnancy.DAILY KOS ARE SCUM BAGS !!!
All you small minded people who are crucifying Governor Palin over the question of her fifth child, are just fueling a vicious smear campaign. Besides, if you want to exhibit your holier-than-thou attitude … why don’t you get even more angry at Obama, Michelle, and their children, for spending 20 years in an anti-American racist church, as well as associations with Farrakhan, Wright, Ayers, Rezko, etc.. These facts are much more relevant to the next administration, than the possibility of a loving mother taking the heat to protect her child and grandchild.
Doug, I have to say that I’ve done nothing but read about the history of Sarah Palin in the past 72 hours. Whether it’s the Trooper’gate, the Bridge to No Where, or that Huffpo attempt to slam her for laughing at the hosts tirade at the GOP Senate Leader, Lyda Green, I’m finding that the woman… while human… exhibits few flaws as a pol.
I already did the Trooper’gate and Bridge to no where. The Lyda Green slam already has me laughing. Fact is, the GOP Senate leader and Palin have been going at it in battles since Palin has been Governor. Green, one of those who’s Senate career has benefitted by VECO donations (can you say “big oil” in your progressive’speak?) has been opposing Palin’s rewrite of the Alaska oil contracts, and against the AGIA.
Green also refused to change a joint session schedule to hear at speech from the traditional 6pm to 7pm, simply in order to thwart Palin catching a 9pm flight to GA to watch her son’s basic training graduation ceremonies at Ft. Benning.
Right now, I’m ROTHLMAO that the progressives are painting a GOP big oil Senate leader, whom Palin is battling on behalf of the Alaskans, as some sort of victim. Granted, perhaps she should have stepped in to stop the radio host’s tirade. But considering her history with the woman, I can see why she’s laughing that a host cuts loose with such criticism on his show. Is this a big thing for me? Hang no… from what I read of Lyda Green, I just can’t put the woman into a victim class.
BTW, Green, still against the AGIA, has used that as her reasoning to not run for re’election. It appears she’s in a vast minority of Alaskans. And since she so vehemently opposes the AGIA, she’s decided to step down at the end of her term.
I suspect Alaskans, except for the personally vicious Dan Fagan and his cohort in scandal, scumbag Andrew Halcro, will be rejoicing.
But as far as Palin herself? I’m finding she’s battling the GOP in Alaska at every turn, fighting government waste, and weathering all the slams by the opposition (which includes not only Dems, but the GOP she’s taking on) with grace and style. She’s a tough cookie, and I can see that McCain views her as a maverick… which is her appeal.
Wasilla’s paper, the Frontiersman, wrote a glowing endorsement of her. She had favorable winds at her back, and used it to spur the city’s growth as both a council member and mayor.
As for experience in running goverment as an executive, she has it all over any Senator… even McCain. Very different tasks and skills. I suspect that the two of them will complement each other better than Biden (old school beltway politics) and Obama (Chicago politics trying to play “new” beltway).
As far as your prediction she may destablize or weaken McCain, that certainly isn’t the case now. And from what I see of her background and history, isn’t likely to be the case. But, as you said, time will tell.
But if I were you, I wouldn’t be placing any big money bets…. Unless the MSM media can convince the public of a pack of half truths and lies (which isn’t impossible), Palin’s history, and her carriage on the campaign trail will inspire many who were not inspired by JSM alone.
Fit #19…. just to give you my own input…. I would prefer, without a doubt, Sarah Palin facing tyrants. I have never supported the Dem in GOP clothes, Romney.