Some good audio from the John Gibson show today, which I’ve snipped down to about 10 minutes which deal almost exclusively with the experience argument. Plus the ignorant callers that John seems to always get and always entertains.
[audio:]Also, this environazi website put together some facts about Palin that terrifies them, but which make me feel even more strongly that she is the right person for the job:
- Opposed a statewide ballot initiative to prohibit or restrict new mining operations that could affect salmon in the state’s streams and rivers
- Has pushed to build a natural-gas pipeline from Alaska’s North Slope
- Got the state legislature to pass a bill to provide each Alaskan $1,200 to help with energy costs
- Sued the Interior Department over its decision to list the polar bear as a threatened species
- Has proposed eliminating Alaska’s gas tax
- Has pushed to open Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling
- Has created a committee to forge Alaska’s climate-change strategy, and has made Alaska an observer (but not a member) of the Western Climate Initiative
- Opposes a windfall profits tax on oil companies
- Was the ethics commissioner of the Alaska Gas and Oil Conservation Commission from 2003 to 2004
- Lifelong angler and hunter
- Husband is an oil production operator for BP on Alaska’s North Slope
- Started Alaska’s Petroleum Systems Integrity Office, an oversight and maintenance agency for the state’s oil and gas equipment, facilities, and infrastructure
- Chairs the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, a multistate panel “that promotes the conservation and efficient recovery of domestic oil and natural gas resources while protecting health, safety and the environment”
- Believes intelligent design should be taught along with evolution in science classes
Man o’ man, she is looking better by the minute.

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The Pebble Mine is problematic, at best. Purported to become one of the world’s largest (if not THE largest) gold mine, they’re looking to build a massive dam affecting a natural salmon run.
I’m with her against purely emotionally based barriers to such development. But this one is a pay me now or pay me later problem.
I really don’t see anything bad on that list about her. Nice try, Gristmill. Nice TRY.
Man, that’s NOTHIN’!
Barack Obama was a community organizer!
They forgot she opposes putting the polar bear on the endangered species list, cause they are such a problem in western and north western Alaska.
Outstanding! Sarah is the shit!
Good to go, except for the last one.
RE: the “creationist” thing? That’s been debunked. She does not want to have it taught in science class (her dad was a science teacher!), she said that if it is brought up in class via the students their debate shouldn’t be shut down. She sees no problem with all sorts of information explored in the class.
Look at the pictures of the sludge run off into the fishing areas and drinking water near Pebble Mine. Palin’s husband is big oil and she is an anti-environmentalist.
Obama has twelve years of legislative experience–8 in the state, 4 federal. He also has a law degree and was a constitutional law professor. As gov. she had 50 employees. Obama’s campaign has 2500. Her budget as gov. per year of about 12 million is a third of Obama’s budget per month on the campaign. She is on tape saying that she doesn’t know what the VP does. She opposes choice even when the health of the women is at stake.
But oh yeah, she’s a hockey mom. Let’s give her the red phone!
Ummm, Dorie….
Check out Pebble Mine a little more. Northern Dynasty doesn’t even finish the environmental studies until TWO THOUSAND TEN (2010).
It’s still 2008. The Pebble Mine doesn’t exist, yet, other than on paper.
Here is a fine example of resume inflation.:
Obama has twelve years of legislative experience–8 in the state, 4 federal. He also has a law degree and was a constitutional law professor. As gov. she had 50 employees. Obama’s campaign has 2500. Her budget as gov. per year of about 12 million is a third of Obama’s budget per month on the campaign. She is on tape saying that she doesn’t know what the VP does. She opposes choice even when the health of the women is at stake.
Dorrie, you have your talking points backwards, and you’re babbling, girl. Do allow me to clear the air for you.
Palin is on record that Pebble Mine will not be permitted if it will harm fisheries.
When she met with the mine officials, she made them quite aware of the same:
The opponents and proponents have battled it out over Measure 4… a ballot measure meant to halt the mine prior to permits, proposals and studies. The measure lost, 52-52%.
Now, let’s talk your boy, Obama. From the same link INRE the measure voting, plus at Digital Journal. Turns out he opposed Measure 4.. which would halt Pebble Mine. DOH!
You may have to chew on that one for awhile, eh? This obviously doesn’t fit into your automatic assumptions.
Lifted Obama’s talking points almost word for word, Jerry. Congrats on your memory ability. You too, Dorrie. Both of you … your cut and paste skills are just awesome. Did you even notice you’re both word for word?? Oops… the Obama sting team is out in force. A little originality in presentation would go a long way, ya know. Helps the “almost credible” bit.
Legislative experience (of which Obama has little but for his years in the IL Senate… he’s been campaigning for the majority of his first Congress stint) is completely different than executive experience. One writes laws… the other administers the business of keeping a community, county, state or the country running smoothly within the budget parameters their legislators dictate.
Obama has minions that run his campaign and staff for him. I laugh when people think he’s hi tech because he text messaged his VP choice. You don’t actually believe Obama typed that message himself at 3AM and sent it from his personal cell, do you? Don’t get me wrong. I’m sure he knows how to text. But just how much of his campaign do you think he actually administers? Hang, he’s even got speech writers. Do you think he oversees the production of his campaign stop? Plan his appearances at the DNC? I doubt he even laid out the interior of his personal O Force Zero.
And INRE the budget size, it isn’t the amount of zeros behind a number that matters in a budget. It’s the balance of income to debt, profit to loss. And we already know by Obama’s economic, energy and tax plan that math isn’t his forte.
Nice try… don’t fly.
hey mata i got into an arguement with someone about obama’s speechs, they were convinced he did because he went to harvard(not sure what that has to do with it) and is a professor. it is my humble understanding that he has speech writers for his campaign, he may bounce ideas off of them bu they do the writting. i also thought the professor thing was more an honorary, once in a while kind of thing. did he ever actually practice law? are his credidentials for show?
Here’s a Sun-Times late 2007 article about BHO’s brief and not so experienced law career. Mostly did the background work of research and drafts. Intro’d clients and stepped aside to let the trial lawyers take over. Only one appearance in the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals that we know of.
And I’m unaware of any professorial status… honorary or whatever. He may have done some teaching, but then I don’t know about that section of his career.
They all have speech writers, including His Messiahship. Rarely do they discuss them… would ruin da image, ya know. Pat Buchanan was a speech writer for Nixon, for example. I know Chris Matthews worked for Carter, but don’t know if he was a speech writer. Many of them surface later in the game in other more prominent positions.
There’s usually a bank of ’em on staff, but the one I know of for Obama is a young mid-20s guy named Jon Favreau, his head speech writer. There’s another two that I just found in a Jan 2008 NYTs article…. since you sent me on the hunt…. :0)
Obama did write his 2004 keynote speech at the DNC, but then he wasn’t as busy a guy then as he is now. But of course, I’m sure his following are convinced Obama sent that text message from his cell personally…. sigh.
BTW, Luva… I did find that Chris Matthews was a former speech writer as well… just not sure if it was for Carter or Tip O’Neil. Thought that was his function, but wasn’t sure.
Dorre, the numbers you stated for employee and budget was as mayor. Do you honestly beleive that the state of Alaska only has 50 employees? If you are going to argue against Sarah Palin, get you facts right.