Yet ANOTHER Obama Position on Iraq to Air Tonight on Nightline

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Just in case you need a program to keep up with his foreign policy resolve, the Washington Post has one for you.

Tonight, Senator Obama’s 2004 Iraq policy will be shown on ABC’s Nightline in a never before aired interview.  In this interview, he further shows that his Iraq policy waxes and wanes with the polls, and that the issue has never been one of substance for him-just political pandering and posturing for power (which he’s finally getting now as the Democratic Party nominee for President). 

“My assumption would be that if we could actually stabilize Iraq, in such a way that you do not have warfare between the Sunnis the Shii’as and the Kurds, some semblance of law and order in that country, then I think that there is no doubt that the Kerry administration is going to be interested in bringing back the reservists and the National Guardsmen who are currently there, but ”
“If all of those things were true, Mr. Obama,” Koppel interrupted, “I think it is also true that the Bush administration would bring the troops back.”
“Absolutely,” Obama said.
ht Hot Air

2008 when running for President himself…

“My 16-month timeline, if you examine everything I’ve said, was always premised on making sure our troops were safe,” Obama told reporters as his campaign plane landed in North Dakota, a state no Democratic presidential candidate has carried since 1964. “And my guiding approach continues to be that we’ve got to make sure that our troops are safe, and that Iraq is stable. And I’m going to continue to gather information to find out whether those conditions still hold.”

The Barack/Bush Iraq policy gets closer and closer.

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Wasn’t Obama suppose to have made a trip to Iraq to assess the situation “on the ground” in order to “refine” his position. He had, at that time, flopped on his promise to bring back the troops in 16 months. And, he went to Iraq, and France and Germany — it seems it was only to show off his “Carnival of fools with patsys in tow.”

One of the many, many, many errors Mr. Obama has made during his campaign was not visiting our injured troops at a hospital in Germany — as he had repeatedly promised that he would. Vanity, it seems, is as close to Obama as it is to John Edwards.

Now, has anyone heard a speech or report from radical, extremist-liberal Obama regarding his “refined” position. I haven’t. Perhaps because it wouldn’t be expedient for Obama to say, “I can’t or won’t be able to end the war.”

And, regarding his comedic acceptance speech:

What a serious lack of decorum Mr. Obama represents. And his poll ratings continue to fall down like water falling from the Niagara Falls.

But alas, the Republicans begin their Convention on Labor Day — a day set aside to honor all former and present working men and women of America. McCain, no doubt an honorable patriot having served with exceeding distinction in our Military, will run the Convention with much decorum, dignity, and good taste.

McCain is the true God-chosen leader to lead our country now. God himself would NEVER promote the killing of his innocent, little children — with abortion or infanticide. Think about it.

McCain has earned the consideration of a vote from each of us. Pure and simple-ANYONE who serves his country as he has done has earned the respect
Obama’s got a 1pt bounce from the convention at boredom arena?! Ugh

Someone’s gonna find footage of state legislator Obama arguing that abortion case in Illinois, and they’ll put a baby doll tossed in the trash w a baby crying sound over it, and that’s that.

Look pro-life/pro-choice….doesn’t matter. There’s a itty bitty weeny teeny bit of common ground, and that is that once that “thing” comes out and is alive…it’s called a human being; a baby, a person, and tossing a failed abortion into the trash isn’t right on anyone’s ground. I mean if PETA won’t let me eat Kentucky Fried Chicken because of the way the chickens are killed, then how can anyone vote for a guy who let’s babies born alive during botched abortions be killed ala a KFC #2 meal?

Obama’s running outta gas. Even Democrats are asking, “ok…we’ve heard CHANGE for the past year now. How ’bout a little more steak w the sizzle buddy?”

This interview illustrates why Ace of Spades has called Barry Soetoro “Captain Bull$h*t.”

The interesting aspect of the interview is the lack of emotion around the Iraq issue and a rather balanced insight into some of the fundamental differences between Neocons and the Dems; namely how dangerous the world in fact is and whether or not the US has some sort of moral obligation (or even ability) to lead in the Wilsonian sense. While a great idea, the League of Nations was a cluster*&%k and a complete waste of time. Neocons get that conflict is not resolved through pleasant afternoon tea parties (unless of course you are dumping it into Boston Harbor). In many ways the Dems lack the conviction to stand for anything because of their incessant need to feel popular. Whatever gets you through the night never rang so true. This 2004 interview spells it all out. When it’s politically convenient, there are no differences but when it feels good, the other position makes more sense. Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, and Syria will eat the Dems lunch in a heartbeat if they control the WH.