In case you were wondering about what that “change” from the “bottom up” means? Just as Obama-Ayers sought to indoctrinate Chicago youth thru the public school system via the CAC, states their similar goals very clearly in a new video. The quest? Mass registering of the youth vote who will “vote progressive” election after election in order to create that progressive/socialist utopia in America.
Oh joy…
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
Besides Soros, where do they find these people?
It’s a common thing to be more liberal in our youth… that “love the one you’re with” ‘tude… and become more conservative as we age. There’s something about discovering that you work like a dog for what you have, and resent having the govt take it away to use as a hand out to someone *not* working like a dog….
So they find “these people” in their youth, while their socialist dreams of utopia are alive and untried. It looks so good in the textbooks, ya know.
But if you indoctrinate the youth early enough with the “social justice” mentality, that transition to conservative as you grow older is unlikely to happen. You will have been raised redistributing income for the good of the community. Lose the youth to this crap, we lose the nation as we know it.
This “professor” Ayers must have one heck of a reading list for his students. Here he is on September 11th 2001 demonstrating what he thinks of this country. No word on whether his friend Obama joined him later in doing the same:
liberalprogressive utopianism.