The Typical Obama Supporter

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I understand the topic of the day is Hillary’s speech last night but I want to go back a day earlier to Michelle Obama’s speech and bring up some John Gibson audio. Gibson was asking his audience if Michelle’s speech, dress, and demeanor was an act to appease the white voter out there, to make her less like a angry, bitter black women and more like Clair Huxtable. This is the typical response he received and its typical of the Obama supporter:


He also had on Juan Williams who got a little emotional after the speech on Fox News. He said it was mostly because a black woman was up there at the DNC as the possible first lady and that the Obama household was what a household should be. A married couple raising two beautiful children instead of the typical gangster crap we see in the black culture today.

All of that understandable. But on the Gibson show he didn’t pull any punches about Michelle being a bitter angry black woman:


Both audio segments are short but well worth the listen.

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the woman is the first clip answered her own question, if she was smart enough to vote. i don’t think she is. she could not answer a simple question about obama’s platform or any of his stances. not a single one. ask me why mccain and i can tell about his military knowledge, his stance on abortion, housing all that, very scary that uninformed people will be allowed to vote.

Classic! The woman also could easily reflect a majority of white voters as well, they have no idea what, who or why they are voting for someone.

That clip should have its own place permanently in the side bar….

Clip #1 is a good illustration of,

“In a democracy (”rule by mob”), those who refuse to learn from history are in the majority and dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.”-third world county’s corollary to Santayana’s Axiom,

…coupled with massive sublteracy.

One of the very good resons the Founders were wary of democracy and chose instead to found a representative republic (which has, of course, gone by the boards in today’s atmosphere of manipulation of the mob by politicians *spit*, Mass Media Podpeople and Academia Nut Fruitcakes).