New information out today about the relationship between Barack Obama and Ayers, the Weather Underground terrorist. But first, I have to include this new ad from Obama which highlights his relationship. A very stupid move on Obama’s part, but he has made a career out of stupid moves.
Transcript of the ad:
With all our problems, why is John McCain talking about the sixties, trying to link Barack Obama to radical Bill Ayers?
McCain knows Obama denounced Ayers’ crimes, committed when Obama was just eight years old.
Let’s talk about standing up for America today.
John McCain wants to spend $10 Billion a month in Iraq, tax breaks for corporations that ship jobs overseas, selling out American workers.
John McCain, just more of the same.
What a red herring. The point in this controversy is not when the crimes by Ayers were committed. Rather its about his friendship with the man even though the man was a terrorist. Now the Annenberg papers reveal more about this relationship:
The minutes of the Annenberg Challenge meetings show that during a June 1995 meeting, Ayers was credited with having “worked diligently” to support the effort. More than a year later, Obama pushed the group to be bolder in its reforms.
“At the end of five years, will we have broken the mold? Not much seems to be bubbling up that is inspiring or substantive,” October 1996 minutes say, paraphrasing Obama.
More then working diligently to support the effort, Ayers was the founder of the group as his resume tells us:
Co-Founder and Co-Chair, Chicago School Reform Collaborative (The Annenberg Challenge), 1995-2000.
They obviously worked together, even working together on the Woods foundation a few years later, and the fact that he would have any relationship with a man who compares 9/11 to what the United States has done in the past speaks volumes about his character:
I think every American that I know was weeping over the next several weeks, and devastated and shocked. Was that an act of pure terror? It absolutely was. And there are many other acts of terror carried out by our government, even recently, that, that are comparable,
These words were uttered in 2004 and it shows Ayers isn’t shy about speaking out. Are we to believe this Ayers is not the Ayers Obama knew? The same excuse he has given for every badguy Obama had a relationship with.
Baloney. Obama knew the kind of man Ayers was and is. As he knew the same about Wright, Pflegger, and Rezko.
Tom Maguire on another point the Annenberg papers reveal. The fact that the man with no experience has experience at failure:
…at this point we don’t know the full extent of the Obama/Ayers relationship. But at a minimum, I expect that the campaign is uncomfortable with the reality that their man of almost non-existent executive experience was in fact chairman of a high-profile belly-flop in education reform. I doubt that soccer moms or anyone else will be thrilled to learn that Obama hung with unapologetic terrorists, talked about school reform, and achieved nothing.

See author page
Ayers is a pissant in the world of terrorism. The Weather Underground were really just a bunch of bored suburban flunkies, more effective at blowing themselves up than real terrorism. The only thing scary about them was how stupid they were.
Because of the incompetence of the Ford adminstration, Ayers was never convicted of anything and has wormed his way back into society. Not just in “shady Chicago politcal circles” either. Hell, he was considered a “distinguished scholar” at the University of South Carolina (here in me and Mike’s stomping grounds). This is after his 9/11 comments.
Should Ayers be more shunned for his past? Absolutely.
But is he a legitimate terrorist or a just another GOP bogeyman? I think he’s just another pathetic sixties radical, a loser who should be forgotten not feared.
Charlie Black scares me more.
Notice that Obama and his flunkies do not address that FACT that Obama’s campaign began at Ayers home. I ask, if Ayers is not repentant that he attacked our Capitol and instigated hatred and bombings of police stations, what might he be willing (or planning) to do via Oama?
The Obama “gang” does not refute the fact that he a friend of Ayers and defends his character by saying that Ayers is “mainstream.”
Can we please get Obama out. He can go back to Illinois and weave baskets for Trinity Church.
Obama has many friends: ????
Story details:
Next thing you know we’ll hear Osama Obama was buds with Timothy McVeigh.
Obama is nothing but a Chicagoan political thug.
Over at GatewayPundit we see that O’Bomber will be annointed on a stage designed after a Russian cathedral.
OK, so if O’Bomber will become the Democrat candidate for first officially Communist president, or should I say “emperor?” (Tsar, in Russian), of all “57 states”, it is only appropriate that we give HIM a hearty Russian (last)hoorah, in honor of his 57,000 Megatons of incompetence!
So, here’s to you, … “Tsar O’Bomba”
….is everyone ready for the “change?”
Actually, the Weatherman were active mostly in the 1970’s (and up to 1981), not the 1960’s as the ad would have you believe. In 1981 Weathermen members knocked over a an armored car and stole $1million and proceeded to kill an armored car guard and two coppers. They also tried to kill hundreds of Army officers at Ft. Dix, NJ, but the bomb exploded in the Weathermen bomb factory (apartment) killing three Weathermen members (yay!), but you’d never really know that for the “objective” Wikipedia page…
Ayers and the rest of these socialist terrorists were killers and O’Bama is cozy with them.
It doesn’t say very much for him.
You don’t suppose that’s what this logo is alluding to, do you? It looks just like the begining of a stylized nuke explosion to me.
Fit and all… Ayers terrorism is the least of the concern when viewing Obama’s relationship with him.
What *is* of concern is Ayers attitude towards education being “teaching and learning… education… is linked to social justice”. (about 1:30 into the video of Ayers’ interview with a Venezuelan education official)
Ayers found a new way to reach his goal. He takes his radical street revolution for a Marxist America to the classroom. He realized… as he said “early on”… that the key to achieve a socialist America is not to influence existing adults, but to nurture and indoctrinate the youth and future leadership on his Marxist ideals. He is busy breeding the next generation for socialism.
The Annenberg Challenge allowed Ayers to funnel money to political operatives that were supportive of that same vision thru the LSC.
Obama’s problem is not that Ayers is an unrepentent terrorist. It’s that Ayers is still an active socialist – tho non-violent – and very busy filling the schools with Marxist propaganda. Obama is on record as an the eager beaver in lock step, using his chair powers to provide the cash to aid Ayers’ agenda.
Ayers is a dangerous man to have in our eduction system because of the ideals he wants to instill in our children. Obama shares that ideal and that makes him dangerous. Moreover, the documents prove Obama funneled cash (to negative results to boot…) in order to realize that socialist/educational agenda.
So I’m very disappointed the ad is missing the main point, and not attacking the heart of the problem. People will easily discount Ayers’ past with his… on the surface… educational devotion. But it is that shared devotion between Ayers and Obama that is the issue.
the liberals will only see what they want to see, they won’t look beneath the surface because if they do they will realize that they have been lied to. its never pretty to see that and nobody likes to be disappointed so its far easier for themt o kepp their heads in the sand.
The Ayers is an un-American anachist. He and anyone that associates with him has no reason being anywhere near the White House. Period.
Thanks for setting the record straight Fit Fit. Another GOP bogeyman is about it.
The righties are scrambling trying to find something to hand on Obama. So sorry for the righties if this is all they can come up with.
Of course they really don’t want to talk about policies or anything that matters.. Just spew is all they do. Just like the right wing talking heads.
OK… so let’s talk about stuff that matters!
Obama’s voting record in the U.S. Senate was ranked by National Journal as the MOST LIBERAL of all Democrats in the U.S. Senate. He selected a running mate with the third most liberal voting record.
If Obama and Biden were honest about what they believe and what policies they would support if elected the American people will resoundingly reject them.
And neither Obama, nor Biden have shown the judgement on foreign policy and National Security issues that are so central to the challenges we face today especially with a resurgent Russia invading their neighbor and threatening the peace of Europe.
Biden doesn’t even know that the Iranians are not Arabs.
Ayers, Wright and Frank Marshall Davis are simply a way for voters to discover the REAL Obama and hopefully will lead the electorate to ask the important policy questions that Obama and Biden would prefer not to answer.
Mata, check out #8. Very interesting blog to nose around in. Steve Diamond is the blogger.
RAP, I think you’ve got the market cornered on spew. Sheesh!
Mike that is where you righties are so wrong!!! the American people do know where they Obama and Biden stand on the issues that count… And that is why they will vote for the Obama, Biden ticket!! Mike you have had your head leaning to the right for so long you don’t even see how bad the republicans have become. More Senate seats and more congressional seats will go to the democrats this election season too… The republicans have had their day and they blew it totally.
They no longer have the respect of the American people.
Hey Missy
Yes maam… already familiar with Diamond and did a post on him and the CAC back on Aug 21.
Also have linked another of his today’s posts in my new post today, Obama sends minons to beseige Kurtz/WGN Radio” today. He has an better than interesting report on Kurtz’s interview with Milt Rosenberg last night.
Real American aka Sky55110, the lack of respect is not limited to the GOP. The nation is disgusted with the DNC as well. To present your party as above reproach is absurd. And your predictions? We shall see…
Thanks Mata, just got back in town Sunday and missed your Diamond thread. Don’t like to miss your stuff. That goes for all the other hosts in here, too. Been reading so much today the old eyes are blurring a bit.
BTW, saw a lovely little lady with silver hair pulling out of a park entrance on a Harley in Iowa on the trip out. Were you in IA a couple of weeks ago? Just kidding!