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Be sure to ask people how they feel about the new AGW plank in the GOP platform.

Me and Chad and the rest of us are going tobe staying at a bar in Minneapolis now. Or at least that is where our headquarters is going to be. They are also putting us up in a Apartment that is close by.

The bar is called Centerfield.

Great Fit Fit had to bring up Manbearpig n the GOP Platform.
I will tell you that I think it is a bunch of BS and that is why I was not for McCain in the first place. I knew that he was drinking the Goracle’s cool aid on Manbearpig.

Half man Half bear Half pig. Next up, some straight talk about those “undocumented Americans”.

The AGW plank? They put that stupid shite in so liberals and undecided’s will vote for them.

What I want to know, what color toga will fit fit be wearing tonight?

Toga Toga Toga Toga.

Had to do it

Do you mena illegal aliens Fit Fit

John McCain will address the fact that we have a large number undocumented individuals living in the United States and working in our economy.

-From the McCain Website…


One of the reasons I was not a McCain supporter in the Primaries.