Hillary caves… incomplete roll call vote planned

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Instead of risking being seen as the candidate who tore the DNC officially in two, Hillary’s team caved in during negotiations with Obama’s representative, David Plouffe… agreeing to an incomplete roll call vote.

Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama worked out a convention city deal to limit the divisive roll call for president, a step toward an uneasy alliance of former rivals and their still-bitter supporters.

Many Clinton backers said Monday they were not interested in compromise and wanted a prime-time celebration of Clinton’s nomination fight. Clinton herself said she wouldn’t tell her backers how to vote.

Democratic officials involved in the negotiations said the deal would let a few states cast votes for Clinton before a move to declare Obama the nominee by acclimation.


The voting could perhaps end with New York, when Clinton herself would call for unanimous nomination of Obama from the convention floor, Democratic officials said. The officials spoke on condition of while the deal was being finalized.

In odd contrast, Pelosi still believes there should be a full roll call. And I have to say, this may be one of the rare moments I agree with the Speaker.

“I can’t imagine not going into a convention and hearing ’Alabama!’ and the whole world looking up to see what comes next,” she said. “But as typical of these roll calls, at a certain point, somebody has the votes and the protocol and graciousness come through and that will have its own dynamic.”

A shortened roll call vote will only further alienate the Hillary supporters, who already feel disenfranchised from their party. Obviously, the appearance that “every vote must count” is another victim of the Obama candidacy. Not only will they not be counted, the top players will go the extra mile to make sure they don’t even have the chance to vote.

Then again, with a candidate who’s legal team utilized rules and details in order to eliminate all primary competition in his first IL Congressional run, this can not come as a surprise.

What does come as a surprise is that this style of political campaign strategy is becoming acceptable as not only the norm, but seen as wise.

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But you have to understand that Pelosi may think that Hillary actually won!

They need to change their party name to “totalitarian” insteadof democrat.This is Chicago politics at it’s finest. The idea that the Obama thugs threatened the Clinton delegates will resound. Do these people not realize the delegates will go back home and tell anyone who will listen about the strongarm tactics and intimidations that went on at this convention? The socialists and communists have infiltrated the democrat party. This year they have dropped the pretense of being a democratic party and have announced their coup publicly. Any moderate democrat who stays in this party deserves whatever he/she gets. The pathetic thing is that they will take the rest of us down with them.

I still cannot believe half the country support a guy off the streets who knows nothing about every day America or what it takes to run this country. Who spent his entire childhood in a muslim country in the muslim faith. Who grew up in a communist household during his teen years. Most of us have our characters in place by the age of 10. What does that say about Barack Hussein Obama? But then I was amazed that almost half of the country supported a known liar and traitor four years ago. My only conclusion is that democrats are crazy and have a death wish.

I saw on another site that Emil Jones, Obama’s Chicago mentor and the guy who put him in the senate, will retire from the Illinois senate, he says, in January. Wanna bet he will plans to be in Washington still pulling strings on his puppet. Obama owes this guy bigtime. Will he be the power behind the throne? Will Black Liberation members fill the cabinet and upper reaches of the bureaucracy? And will they continue their strong arm tactics in Washington itself? Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.

I kind of wander whats going to happen if they call for nomination by acclimation and someone objects. Do they have to have a roll call vote of all the states on that motion? That would sort of defeat the purpose of acclimation. Or does Barack as party head get to make the rules as he goes?

The traditional roll call of the states is one of the best parts of any convention. How do they plan to get around that without causing even more bad feelings?

It’s becoming painfully obvious that the more Obama tries to hide his so evident weaknesses, the more transparent they become.

Let the games begin. The Dems have veered so far Left and have the epitome of Chicago tactics running things now. Get the popcorn readyfor the Hillary supporters to raise hell after the Converntion.

This should serve to stir up the PUMA and other disgruntled Democrats even more? Perhaps their disgust will peak. Are the Obamaites really afraid that Hillary may win the nomination? I’ve heard that many of Obama’s delegates, with all that’s known now about Obama, will defect. With what’s been going on that may be exactly what might happen.

Doesn’t Barack Hussein Obama realize he’s a loser.

Obama has is, without a doubt, the worst Democrat candidate ever.

Philip J. Berg, Esq. Files Federal Lawsuit Requesting Obama Be Removed as a
Candidate as he does not meet the Qualifications for President.


Text of S. Res. 511: A resolution recognizing that John Sidney McCain, III, is
a natural born citizen.


I just heard that Obama may be nominated by acclimation. Does this still allow for the opportunity for the delegates to change their mind and vote for Hillary by acclimation.

This is incredible. But remember, Obama is a radical socialist. He belongs in Russia, where he can feel at home.

This is hard to believe. That a very basic, traditional vote at a convention will be knocked out. Hillary supporters should file a protest. The DNC rules allow for the opportunity for delegates to change their vote to Hillary from Obama. Will the Dems respect their own rules?

And, why doesn’t Hillary strongly protest and hold her ground — in the name of Democracy. I guess it’s because these are all birds of a feather.

If Hussein O wins we can ’round’ file our copies of the constitution.

If they stop at New York (preceding alphabetically) will Hilary be in the lead at that point?


Don’t you think this qualifies as family business? Should Republicans be telling Democrats how to run their party or their Convention?

FA bloggers cheer deliriously at any signs of Democratic discord and holler totalitarianism when the Democrats display unity. Oh, well, I guess that way whatever happens you can get your warm fuzzies and high-five each other or altenatively prophesy the coming Sovietization of America. Whatever makes you happy.

But you’ll have your Convention. Then there is the general election. That’s where you get your chance to argue your case in front of the American people. But until then I guess you have to have something to talk about on this blog. Pass the popcorn.

Did you notice you didn’t get a whole lot of comments on your posts about internal Pakistani politics? Guess why?

Hint, it wasn’t that there was something wrong with your post.

But Curt’s random picture with funny faces on Hillary and Barrack yielded a whole Animal House full of puerile flatulence and fellatio jokes. I fled the pollution early on, but I see it ran to 43 comments, before someone apparently deleted it. To FA’s credit, I might note.

Anyway, thought I might troll on by and say “Hi.” Since I was in the neighborhood.

O’Bumbler – But Hillary, you said you would stop the roll call yourself, and insist they annoint, uh, I mean nominate ME.

Hillarity – What’s that, Obie, I can’t hear a word your saying over the shouts of my supporters. And besides, I’ve got this terrible case of Laryngitis . . .

O’Bumbler – But you promised!

Hillarity – So, sue me.

If her supporters want her bad enough, and put up enough of a stink…, and if she doesn’t do anything to get them to stop…

I think that no matter what she agrees to before hand, when it comes time to play she can do whatever she wants if she’s holding the hand she seems to be holding. And, if he is at all perceived as attempting to strong arm her, his campaign is in the toilet.

if she caves the very little respaect that i had for her will be gone, gone, gone. obama’s new book should be “the audacity to rewrite history”. what an ass.

I ASK, why don’t the rules that the dnc have gone by for so long matter whent he messiah comes into the picture. do they really intend to rewrite their rules and such for the benefit f obama?
btw, i did spell check on obama and it really does replace it with osama….creepy.

Sorry Mata, but the reality is that they hold by the saying You don’t HAVE to fool all the people all the time – just enough of them to gain the necessary competative edge.”

As long as they can keep the con going, it doesn’t matter that we see them for what they are, as long as enough people believe them, especially judges who they need to keep ruling in their favor, or at the very least, not against them.

From my teachers I learn that… “It’s the nature of good people to DO good.” That tells me all I need to know about the Leftists.

have a friend who is a die hard dem and he did a blog about hillaries supporters being whinners and how they lost and obama won fair and all. made me sick that a pepperdine educated lawyer was so freakin liberal. he is jewish and doesn’t care about the stuff obama has sais=d, or biden, yet he seems to be following blindly. makes me wonder if they give out liberal kool aid that never leaves the system in college, if so i am glad i never went. you have to wonder how so many highly deucated people can be so shortsighted.


I have a few far Left friends and we never discuss politics. I like to discus it, but they prefer to steer clear of the topic. We get along pretty well that way, sort of.

Some of them are pretty smart people, too, so I don’t know why they buy into those idiotic ideas, especially when they are otherwise decent people, although I think the reasons are mostly emotional. For example, one woman I know has a deep need to identify with her parents who are Lefties, though also otherwise decent, mostly.

(Those I am criticizing for being morally bereft are the leaders who bear the responsibility for deceiving people when they know their “solutions” don’t work, or they should.)

As to being at risk of becoming a Lefty in college, it depends on who you are when you get there, where you go, what you major in, and who you associate with there.

As to the need to go to college today, it is important for high tech fields, and being certified competent to say, practice medicine, design a building safely, etc. But if one learns a trade, one can make a pretty decent living, sometimes even better than a lot of college grads. One fellow I know got a BA in philosopy, and he ended up working in a shoe store. Not that working in a shoe store is a bad thing, but spending all that dough to get through college is kind of the wrong way to prepare for it.

Besides, if you want to go to college as an adult there are lots of programs you can get into in your spare time, to upgrade skills needed to change fields, or to make more money in the field you are in, or just for fun.