Inquiring minds want to know… the man who touts he can “unite” the nation and “restore” the US image to the world (whatever that’s supposed to mean…) could have easily “united” his own deeply split party by simply choosing the close runner, Hillary, as his Veep.
He didn’t…
We all can come up with many reasons for “anyone but Hillary”… But notice that the media just fawns over Biden, yet no one points out that a true “uniter” would not have snubbed Hillary.
Care to do the job the media won’t, and reconcile the “uniter” image with his Veep choice? It’s a double dare here… you may have to think like a mesmerized “tingle up your leg” journalist. But I’m curious if any FA minds out there can think of a way *any* choice BUT Hillary is a plus for Obama.
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
It’s not all candy canes and chocolates, but if you were to remove the media hype, their endless yearning for some kind of drama, I’d say liberals are quite united this year.
In any case, the race/game begins this week and we’ll be better able to gauge unity after the reps have their convention.
i live in apretty liberal state, much to my dismay, and the dems here are really split. so many say they would rather have the democratic party come to an end than see pelosi continue as speaker of the house and obama as president. hillary supporters feel that the party heads had this planned from the beginning to give her and other candidates false hope. the obama supporters say that its a god given thing and obama is great and hillary has sour grapes. that is the unity i have seen. then you have the repubs and indipendents that are loving it. we are hoping for the huge split, it is fun to watch, you start to wonder if they will eventually eat their young.
Tell ya what, Doug. I’ll research that separation of 4th media branch of power with that of the voters and reserve opinion on that feeling of “unity” until after the convention. Because from the visits to liberal sites I’ve done, I’m not seeing that the “non unity” is media induced.
[“I’d say liberals are quite united this year. “]-doug.
Reuters, August 25, 2008 10:44PM EST (Show Time)
HEADLINE: “Backers of Hillary Clinton cloud Obama show.”
This headline does not give a fuzzy-feel regarding ‘Unity at the DNC.” The hundreds or thousands of DEMOCRATS outside of the DNC venue demonstrating against Democrat ills does not give a fuzzy-feel regarding “Unity at the DNC.”
There’s also a large group of former Hillary backers that have decided to vote for McCain. Not a fuzzy-feel for Democrat unity.
The Democrats (Hillary supporters vs. Obama supporters) are quite DIS-United. No doubt about it.
The liberals in my neck of the woods can’t stop yelling at each other long enough to figure out what the other is saying. It’s a beautiful sight. Many plan on voting McCain instead of Obama. Thought I would never see the day …
Because Barry is not nor ever has been a uniter?
Would you want those two next in line if you “had an accident”????
I believe he’s a united by default and halo rather than by action or record, but-well, I guess there’s no real record of him uniting or doing anything deliberately. I mean, I can’t think of 3 things the man’s done in his life that CHANGEd things for people.
The big confusion for me right now re Obama is Biden. (recall if you will that I liked Biden back when I liked Edwards… 2004, before someone pulled them aside cut off their balls and they started to pander to the KOSsacks and Olbermanns of the party).
When the DNC says McCain is too old, can’t the RNC say so is the guy who’s one Skinhead’s bullet away from being President?
When the DNC says McCain voted for the war, the RNC already says, YEAH! And so did Joe Biden
When the DNC points to Biden’s best PR moment when he said America should be against torture so that people like his son don’t get tortured when captured (his son is a soldier), I have to wonder what the point is? I mean John McCain (who also has sons in the military-sons who fight as opposed to Biden’s son who was at little risk of being captured by Al Queda on duty in the Pentagon) isn’t exactly gonna raise his hand and object. ‘Cause he can’t ‘Cause HE was tortured, and has been THE most outspoken guy against torture out there.
That are these guys thinking? They’ve got a rock star candidate, and they’re killing him with poor guidance. Sad day for the misled left everywhere. Maybe we shouldn’t call them protesters in Denver, but funeral marchers?
I live in Blue, er New Jersey and in my town, I have seen only one obama sign and one bumper sticker. I am sure there are others, but if this guy is so great – why does he have far, far fewer signs than swift john kerry had?
Also have to note that I have only seen one McCain sign/bumper sticker as well… the populace is REALLY excited over the candidates this year!
The Clintons were not willing to open their skeleton closet to vetting without a guarantee of getting the nod. Vetting her without accepting her was impossible.
FiveThirtyEight has a post that goes a long way in explaining the selection. It has to do with net positves on favorable/unfavorable of the different Democratic VP choices. While Hillary was number one among Democrats, Biden was number two. But he was number one among Independents. Guess where Presidential races are really decided…
Lets see didn’t want to be vetted, didn’t want to open closet, and yet you knowing all this, continue in that party. Fit fit that post tells us all a lot about you.
I’m not a Democrat. I do vote Democrat 90% of the time. This fall I’ll be voting straight Dem ticket except for Lindsey Graham for US Senate.
Mr. Phillip J. Berg, a Pennsylvania attorney, has filed a lawsuit/complaint against Barack Hussein Obama claiming that Obama is NOT a U.S. natural born citizen.
Hear his discussion:
Complaint and details:
Personally, I think Carl #6 nailed it on the head… BHO is not, and never was, a uniter. Succinct, and no argument from me. Now if the rest of the world can “get it”. It’s the quintessential move, proving there’s not a “uniter” bone in his body.
Fit Fit, if BHO gets all the Indy’s, but only half the Dems, he’s still in trouble. No matter what, he needs all the DNC at his back. Trading half the Dems for Indy’s is not a winning combo.
Scott, you have an interesting theory on a united America with Obama. If I understand you correctly, you believe that the Dems will be happier than a pig in a blanket to have a DNC POTUS, plus own all branches of Congress (*and* the unofficial 4th branch, the media…). Therefore whatever their
fearlessspineless leader does, they will unite and follow along without a wimper.Further, since you believe that Obama will do no different than McCain for the global war on Islamic jihad movements, you figure GOP and DNC will both be happy and objections to US actions will no longer be challenged. You’re banking on the DNC gleefully following an Obama CIC into military action overseas.
I’m not sure I totally agree with you there. I think Obama’s CIC leadership will turn more isolationist in design. He will depend heavily on UNSC and NATO… which is a course of inaction. His potential handling of Pakistan/Afghanistan, and his plans for withdrawal while ignoring Petraeus, may not pan out to be what you believe. Only time will tell if he’s elected.
If it is an Obama presidency, the majority of the country may indeed end up uniting over time in venom for his socialist policies… just as Italy did when they threw out their socialist President, and reinstated Berlusconi after only a couple of years. It will only take a few heirs, giving up 45% in estate tax to taste the disgust of a tax heavy Obama admin. So perhaps you may be right.
Then again, reversing such policies with our socialist heavy Congress could prove very difficult, if not impossible.
However Obama’s deliberate refusal to unite HRC voters by offering her Veep does not bode well. This is a man concerned with self, determined not to have the Clinton duo breathing down his back. He chose his Oval Office environment (sans Clintons) over the desires of half his party. I’m not sure that, given the country’s reins, he may continue to throw most of his party “under the bus”, as so many like to say. He’s already proven that he’s far more guilty than Bush of the accusations of “not listening”.
Wow. What a convention!
I have changed my mind. I don’t believe, as I said earlier, we need to wait to see what the Repbs. do at their convention, to see if their is unity (a poll pump) for Obama. I believe we will see a bump before the Repub. convention.
Todd’s right, too:
McCain and his message will appear wilted and hollow when the two conventions are contrasted.
Wow! Doug is enthusiastic about Obama! Shocker!
To top it all off he is a downer about McCain….will wonders never cease?
Uh, yeah.
“Wow, what a convention”…???
When the band’s last strains echo away, the “last call for alchohol” sings out and the bar lights go up…..
Dang, you’re easy, Doug. As well as your cohorts. Easy to understand that with a mass of 65,000, enthusiam is hard *not* to have. Any large sports event has the same effect. But then, you wake up the next morning. How long does that euphoria last?
Perhaps long enough to get a bump in the polls before the reality sets in.
Obama is what he was last Sunday night. A candidate with a socialist agenda and an eye on spending lots of US tax dollars on his pet projects. He is still a walking naive for US business, and our foreign policy.
What we have learned this past week is that the DNC know’s how to spend big donor dollars on a flashy, and very expensive party. Obama, frugal and responsible are not thy names. It’s all about pomp, circumstance and show.
But dress up a pig, and it’s still a pig.