Obama’s plans increased pressure on Iran… uh huh

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While BHO was dancing thru some additional states for last minute pre-convention campaigning, he was asked about the rumors that Israel had “green lighted” an attack on Iran prior to the Nov election.

Tough response from Mr. “Talk to the bad guys”.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama pledged Monday that he would step up diplomatic pressure to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons before Israel feels that “its back is against the wall” and might take military action.


“I will tell you having visited Israel just a month and a half ago, their general attitude is, ‘We will not allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon,'” Obama said. “My job as president would be to try to make sure we are tightening the screws diplomatically on Iran, that we mobilize the world community to go after Iran’s nuclear program in a serious way. … We have to do it before Israel feels its back is against the wall.”

But of course, why would we believe the int’l community has been serious up to now? Until the man that Pelosi says was sent to us by God gets in the WH, I’m sure all “serious” negotiations, and IAEA inspection reports, are merely window dressing. Obviously, all the “serious” stuff is on hold until he obtains the Oval Office.

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You by now know that our problem with Iran has nothing to do with the infant Iranian Nuclear Fuel Cycle. If not, may be you should read the following book:

“A Century Of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order”, by William Engdahl, is a perspective on oil and politics, and how the two have been linked for the past 100 years.

This is a great primer for anyone interested in preventing wars and understanding the role of men who shaped the last 150 years of our history especially in the Middle East. The book is revelations to the crimes that were committed and were allowed to kill thousands incent people under a bogus banner of rightness and democracy. Please read excerpt of this book in: USA and England: reshaping the Middle Eastern landscape

USA and England: Reshaping the Middle Eastern landscape

The book is about Hitler, Germany, Israel, Iran, Russia, France, England, and USA.