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Obama’s Afghan/Pakistan Policy same as “current doctrine”; Bush Doctrine

Time and again, Senator Obama’s been asked how he would get Osama Bin Laden in the lawless (sans-sovereign) tribal territories along the Pakistan/Afghnistan border; what Senator Obama calls, “The Central Front in the War on Terror” (Bin Laden, Al Queda spokesmen, terrorist group leaders, and subsequently the Bush Administration all called IRAQ the Central Front, but recently Al Queda’s been driven from Iraq, through Iran, through Afghanistan, and into the tribal areas). In one of the Democratic Party debates Senator Obama said that if he had the chance to get Bin Laden, he’d ask the Pakistanis to do the job for us, or at least for their permission to capture/kill the most wanted man in the world, and the person that Americans hate more than anyone else since Hitler. IF the Pakistanis refused to kill him for us, and they refused to let us kill him or capture him, then Senator Obama has said that he would unilaterally take action irregardless of the 178 million Pakistanis, their nuclear weapons, and the hundreds of thousands of terrorists in Pakistan seeking to die in battle against the United States.

Wait…isn’t that the Bush plan? Isn’t that the kind of warmongering that President Bush does? Did the Democratic Party nominee for President really say there’s times when it’s ok to take military action inside someone else’s (faux) sovereign territory?

Why yes he did say that; yes, it is the new Democratic Party position to unilaterally take military action-to go it alone.

Any doubts, fas forward to about 3:40seconds into this interview, and watch as the Democratic nominee for President-a man campaigning with the word “CHANGE” emblazoned on every podium, every bumpersticker, every campaign button, everything possible…is asked whether or not his strategy/policy for getting Osama Bin Laden is the same as President Bush’s.
“Isn’t that the Bush Doctrine?”
“Y-y-yes. I do believe it is the current doctrine.” But under President Obama see, it would CHANGE because it would called,

The Obama doctrine.

Gosh I’m impressed.

Seriously, this man is going to be George Bush III, but he can tell Democrats that the right thing to do is [insert Bush policy of choice here], and the most enraged Bush haters in America will vote for the same policies in a different man. No. I’m sorry, I was wrong. It’s not the man. It’s the political party.

If politicians lie, spin, distort, misled, trick, and tell us things that aren’t the truth, then are you gullible enough to believe Barack Obama is an honest man, or do you have the courage to ask what he’s lying, spinning, and misleading you about? Be brave-ya only have to try and contemplate it.

The courage to wonder

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