Had to pass on this story, in light of the recent post of the Renegage PA attorney, Phillip J. Berg, and his lawsuit to challenge Obama’s qualifications to run for POTUS.
Apparently, Annenberg’s FactCheck has had the opportunity to spend some quality time with Obama’s birth certificate, and has pronounced it legit in every way.
Recently, FactCheck representatives got a chance to spend some time with the birth certificate, and we can attest to the fact that it is real and three-dimensional and resides at the Obama headquarters in Chicago.
We can assure readers that the certificate does bear a raised seal, and that it’s stamped on the back by Hawaii state registrar Alvin T. Onaka (who uses a signature stamp rather than signing individual birth certificates). We even brought home a few photographs.
The certificate has all the elements the State Department requires for proving citizenship to obtain a U.S. passport: “your full name, the full name of your parent(s), date and place of birth, sex, date the birth record was filed, and the seal or other certification of the official custodian of such records.”
The names, date and place of birth, and filing date are all evident on the scanned version.
The document is a “certification of birth,” also known as a short-form birth certificate. The long form is drawn up by the hospital and includes additional information such as birth weight and parents’ hometowns. The short form is printed by the state and draws from a database with fewer details.
The Hawaii Department of Health’s birth record request form doesn’t give the option to request a photocopy of your long-form birth certificate, but its short form has enough information to be acceptable to the State Department.
We tried to ask the Hawaii DOH why they only offer the short form, among other questions, but they haven’t given a response.
This, of course has nothing to do with Berg’s charges of the details of Obama’s birth disqualifying him… i.e. the status of his parents INRE citizenry. A whole other story…
And of course, anyone can forn them own opinions about the examination being done by Annenberg Institute, considering their close relationship with Obama during the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
uh… wouldn’t that be the fox guarding the henhouse?
Hey… if the climate change advocates can whine about science studies funded by oil, and ignore their own science studies funded by alternative energy investment financial giants, then I say what’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
UPDATE: IsraelisInsider takes on FactCheck, their invitation to visit the holy document, the timing, their “lack of curiousity”, and disturbing appearance of “passportgate”.
And what’s below says it all INRE Berg’s lawsuit being an entirely different story…
The issue has never been whether or not Obama can prove U.S. citizenship well enough to get a passport. He gets around just fine, on one passport or another. The issues are where he was born, whether he is a natural born citizen under the Constitution, whether he ever was a citizen of another country, and, if so, whether he ever renounced that foreign citizenship.
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
Annenberg is the same outfit that Obama and Ayers worked with in the big public housing scam back in the day in Chicage. THEY are the ones that certified the fraudulent birth certificate??? Oh OK…I guess that’s offical then.
The question remains as to why Obama issued a fake certificate that was presented to the public.
And, this second certificate was not placed on the Internet as a stand alone close-up, but rather was hand-held at a distance and then photographed from afar. This precludes the same kind of thorough analysis that the first certificate was subjected to.
Besides, this recent COLB is dated June of last year. What? This means we got an intentional fake and then Obama posted the “real” (maybe fake?) COLB later? Sound like Obama. Mind games? … Like notifying his diminishing supporters of his VP choice at 3AM in the morning.
And, why was his sister’s COLB used (her name was found underneath Obama’s) when it is said that she was most definitely born in Indonesia. Is there a bit of fraud here?
More bad news for Obama is that he declared to the Illinois State Bar that he had used no other name(s) previously. This information can be verified simply by Goggling. And, we know that Obama was known to have used other names such as (and his adopted name is) Barry Soetoro. Barry’s Indonesian school registration form reads, “Name: Barry Soetoro”, and, “Religion: Islam.” Google for these facts. Thus, Obama claims he was never a Muslim and also that he never used other names. Not true.
Phillip J. Berg, a Pennsylvania attorney, claims (in his lawsuit to have Obama disqualified as a candiate) that Obama perjured himself by responding “No” on his application to the state bar.
What’s really interesting is that the MSM has done a complete black-out of the news of this lawsuit. There has been no coverage on Berg’s lawsuit except in the blogosphere.
There was however, much to Roger Hedgecock’s credit, a KGO radio station interview Mr. Hedgecock had with Berg on Friday. And, following the interview Hedgecock took phone calls. A caller asked if the lawsuit filed could be summarily dismissed as being frivilous. Mr. Hedgecock, having read the complaint, replied that he thought perhaps it wouldn’t be because Mr. Berg’s lawsuit appeared to have merit. Mr. Hedgecock is an attorney.
Is Barack Obama a natural born citizen? As the Israeli Insider suggests, http://web.israelinsider.com/Articles/Politics/13075.htm, “That question, it now seems, will need to be answered in federal court.”
Here’s the complete information on Mr. Phillip J. Bergs complaint/lawsuit against Mr. Obama and the DNC: http://www.nextgenerationcorp.com/NextGenBlog/?p=43.
i guess i need some one to explain to me something. if he was given indonesian citizenship as a child and was adopted there by lo sortero, would that make his natural born citizenship null and void? and what about the rumors that he wasn’t born in hawaii, but in africa? am i missing something? what does his living in indonesia do to his citizenship and could he have duel citizenship? i would love for someone to explain all of this.
apparently he traveled using his indonesian passport as late as age 20. So when exactly did he revoke that citizenship and become a NATURALIZED US citizen?
Does being naturalized remove your natural born status?
This has been handled so shabbily by the Obama campaign that it naturally evokes skepticism. If a Republican had responded this way, he or she would have been accused, tried, and found guilty in the media, and by now their foreigness would be “common knowledge” just like Bush “jumping the queue” into the Texas ANG… fake, but just “too good not to be true”.
And if a Republican had a paper trail as scrubbed, bleached and sanitized as Obama’s they couldn’t get elected dogcatcher!
Or if you want to check out Berg’s site yourself, check here:
>>if he was given indonesian citizenship as a child and was adopted there by lo sortero, would that make his natural born citizenship null and void? and what about the rumors that he wasn’t born in hawaii, but in africa? am i missing something? what does his living in indonesia do to his citizenship and could he have duel citizenship? i would love for someone to explain all of this.>>
I’ll make a stab at it. There are two possibilities:a) he was born in Hawaii and b) he was born in Kenya. (There are other possibilities offered by different people, but these seem to be the most likely currently)
a)1) he was adopted by Soetoro, had his US citizenship renounced when they went to Indonesia, in order to become an Indonesian citizen(supposedly this was required in order to go to school there).
a)2) In the process of adoption, his original birth certificate was sealed, and a new one – which he chooses not to make public – was issued in the name of Barry Soetoro
b)1) there are supposedly hospital records from Kenya which indicate he was born there, and so far, no hospital records in Hawaii have indicated that he was born _there_. Supposedly, members of Obama’s family in Kenya have stated that they were present when he was born.
b)2) If he was born in Kenya, his mother could not have passed the “natural born” status to him, because she was not old enough at the time he was born to have met the requirements of the law.
A question this raises to me is that the Hawaiian birth certificate being used to establish Barack’s natural born status is his sister’s – who it is stated, was most definitely born in Indonesia. How can she have a BC from Hawaii? And if she can – when she was born in Indonesia, why can’t he, if he was born in Kenya?
If he can prove he was born in Hawaii, then he establishes his natural born citizen status. If his mother renounced his US citizenship, and if he later became naturalized, can he regain his natural born status??
Why doesn’t he simply produce his official Birth Certificate? Berg says that’s all he has to do, and the suit will disappear…so why doesn’t he?
If Obama and Biden are nominated, and Obama is disqualified, does Biden become the Dem’s Presidential candidate?
wow, i think we need to get one of the better investigatorsfrom FA on this. i have no idea how to dig or even opost a link, but this has way to many questions to it. if all is on the upa nd up with obama, why not just put it all out there and dispell any rumors, they must be loving”the attack”. this is crazy. anyone else would have had to show much more proof.
Update for you all:
According to Israeli Insider, Hawaii has now confirmed that the COLB “birth” certificate being circulated as Obama’s is NOT the original.
Of course we still won’t know anything until at least November 18th when it goes to court.