RNC Convention Update

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A detailed first look at the podium from which our future President will deliver his acceptance speech. Yes, folks, I will be in that stadium, and I just realized I’ve nothing to wear – hello Anthropologie!

The details according to the organizers:

The podium will stand four feet above the floor, where the delegates will be seated. Behind it, there will be a video wall, measuring 51 feet, six inches wide by 30 feet tall. The wall will be made up of 561 Hibino four-millimeter Chroma LED panels, and it will give everyone in the convention hall a perfect view of the speeches and videos that will be part of the program of events.

In the City of Brotherly Love: Mayor Nutter uses Taxpayer dollars to foot the bill for select staff to attend the DNC Convention.

I am one of 150 credentialed bloggers selected to cover the GOP convention in Minneapolis St. Paul. As a democrat and citizen of Philadelphia, I am proud to represent Philadelphia at this political and national event. Both conventions impart information that is beneficial to our city. Through my blogging, I am freely sharing my experiences at this convention with my readers and the citizens of Philly. Yet the leadership of Philadelphia chose to go to ONE convention – and found a way to use taxpayers dollars to finance this trip. Philadelphia does not exist in a political vacuum. In the spirit of bipartisanship, I suggest the Mayor find a way to finance my trip to the GOP Convention.

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What a pleasant sight to see in photos, Skye. Especially with the mayhem and BS we’re about to be subject to the coming week.

And you shall be a great addition to the view!

I’m interested to see how the spectacle called the DNC convention unfolds, Mata.

Wish me luck that my voice returns, and I can get rid of a horrible upper respiratory infection before the RNC….

You’re blogging too, girl… if nothing else, make sure your fingers work! :0)

Oh yes… don’t forget to have some FUN!

Skye we will have to paint the city red together. Woo Hoo. The stage looks pretty cool.

Yes hopefully you will get rid of the infection.

You all have to read this!


Frank Marshall Davis, alleged Communist, was early influence on Barack Obama

A bohemian libertine who drank heavily and loved jazz, he became friends with Stanley Dunham, Mr Obama’s maternal grandfather in the 1960s. Mr Davis died in 1987 at the age of 81, five years before Mr Dunham.

“He knew Stan real well,” said Dawna Weatherly-Williams, a close friend of Mr Davis “They’d play Scrabble and drink and crack jokes and crack jokes and argue. Frank always won and he was always very braggadocio about it too. It was all jocular. They didn’t get polluted drunk. And Frank never really did drugs, though he and Stan would smoke pot together.”

[Obama’s white grandpa smoked pot.]

While his mother was in Indonesia during part of his teenage years, Mr Obama lived with his white grandparents. Mrs Weatherly-Williams said that the poet was first introduced to the future Democratic presidential candidate in 1970 at the age of 10.

In his memoir, Mr Obama recounts how he visited Mr Davis on several occasions, apparently at junctures when he was grappling with racial issues, to seek his counsel. At one point in 1979 Mr Davis described university as “an advanced degree in compromise” that was designed to keep blacks in their place.

[Davis was influential to BHO.]

read the rest of it. Davis talks about having sex with children. Who the hell is BHO?? Is this info new to anyone else?

Skye: I hope you get better soon. It doesn’t look good for someone in your profession to be sick.

As for what to wear at the convention, here is a suggestion:

Skye’s a Democrat!?!

But she seemed so ,,, normal,,,,

Screw you Bill. There’s nothing wrong with being a Democrat. I’m a Democrat. The problem is that our party-the party of JFK, LBJ, Truman, FDR, and others has been hijacked by socialists who put the world over their nation when it comes to national political positions.

Case in point:



Which one recognizes that the American flag is more than just a graphic, but a symbol deserving HUGE honor, and to be treated respectfully in a strict set of protocols?

I’m not a fan of wearing the flag, but this young lady is not (no stars), and at least she’s wearing the pattern w respect, grace, and not….well…

…not trampling on it

The American flag is not a cloth, or a rag, or a mere banner. It is everything that half a billion Americans have believed in, which hundreds of millions fought for, which millions died for all put in a physical, color pattern for us to remember that which makes us Americans; that we believe in a creator, and that this creator made us all equal at birth (not necessarily throughout the rest of our lives though), and that every single human being (not just those lucky enough to be born between the oceans, between Canada and Mexico, or in some US protected area) all human beings are endowed by that creator with the right to live, to live under a govt of their choosing, and to pursue happiness. We take those feelings, and convictions and we illustrate them with words and with pictures. The words are the documents of our founding fathers, and the pictures….

…those are red stripes of blood, white stripes in pursuit of peace, 1 stripe for each state/group of people who were brave enough to face a superpower and declare those inalienable rights. There’s a blue field filled with white stars recognizing the creator and the inalienable rights that come from that blue field. Yes, I know there’s other interpretations of the symbolism on the flag, rivers, colonies, etc., but you put one of those pieces of cloth on a building like the Capitol or White House, and then tell people to defend it, and they will. They will because the presence of the flag above says, THIS is a place where those ideals are held in respect.

Or you could burn it, burn the symbol of the ideals, toss a bomb at the Capitol, and call yourself a 21st Century Democrat.

Yeah, too much coffee. I know. I’m just pissed off because we might get a President who (ignore for the moment whether he’s got the balls to order men and women into battle or to try and deter an enemy by threatening to use nuclear weapons), this guy doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to look at a friend standing on the American flag, and say, ” Hey bud, you’re my friend. That flag is special to me. Please don’t stand on it. Please don’t burn it. And, again, we’re friends, so please don’t tell people that all of America’s problems stem from a group of people with a different skin color or a different religion, and please don’t ‘damn’ the country I love.”


Mr Obama doesn’t have the respect or balls or political courage to say those things to his friends. How hard is it? How hard is it to say that the flag means something, please don’t stand on it or burn it or spit on it or fly it upside down?

If you can’t lead your friends to stop defaming America, then how can you get hostile leaders and entire nations to do it? C’mon, how’s that work? There will be protests this week at the DNC convention. The flag will be defamed-guarantee it. Will The One ask them to stop? Will his request be answered? How’s that gonna work?

The One takes the stage and says, “Friends, last night some people took out their political frustrations on the American flag. It was [insert “burned” “spat upon” “urinated on” “trampled” or other here], and I’d like that to stop.” Gee, ya think the people who tanked up their cars w $4gal gas and still think Operation Iraqi Freedom was about oil not freedom will listen to him? Ya think the thousands of Jihadis around the world will say to themselves, “Gosh, ya know…this guy is a great speaker. Put away the gasoline Mohammed”?

No way.

He’s a great speaker (when given a speech), and great at taking other people’s speeches and making them sound inspiring. Joe Biden is cut from the same cloth-he can give a great speech as long as it’s someone else’s. But neither man, put in a situation where he could either disgrace and dishonor the flag or be tortured would deliberately choose torture over disgracing and dishonoring-not the cloth, but the flag; what it means to them as individuals, to people, and the hundreds of millions of American people who saw it as more than just 3 colors in a neat pattern.

Mr Biden, if you spit on this flag, and denounce it, I’ll stop torturing you and let you go home to live happily ever after, OR I’m going to have you beaten by several men every day for the next several years. Which do you choose? Biden’s out-the-door!

Mr Obama, if you spit on this flag, and denou- Sen Obama’s already out the door

Mr McCain, if you spit on this flag, (spit hits captor instead, and years of imprisonment, torture, follow).

It’s not about Democrat or Republican. It’s who is the better American. Who respects the flag enough to get others to respect it (or at least their friends!), who loves what it stands for enough to be tortured. Who will fight for it, who will not. Who will die for it, who will not. Who understands it’s more than a rag, and who does not. Who cares if the “star-spangled banner yet flies” and who doesn’t care enough to say, “Hey man, stop that.”

time for cup-o-jo2

iwo jima flag which flew over island where thousands of Americans were killed

Wow, Scott. I agree with you 100 percent about the flag and what it stands for and Obama and what he stands for whatever that is. My question to you, and Skye, too of course is: If you can’t vote for democrats what is the use in calling yourself a democrat. As you say, the party has been taken over by communists and socialists. I used to be a democrat. Was one for decades but when I realized I could never ever vote democrat again I changed my affiliation to independent. When I thought about that for a while I thought what was the use in calling myself an independent if I could not or would not democrat. I might as well call myself a republican. Never mind these tiny parties that crop up from time to time. We are a two party system. Even voting for candidates in the house and senate are as good as voting for the socialists since the democrats vote en block adhereing to party lines. And the locals also adhere to party lines. So, you ask what is wrong with calling yourself a democrat? Why call yourself a democrat if you can’t bring yourself to vote for them?

However, I will say that I never voted for a democrat nominee for president. Always republican. It was local politics for governor that turned me and thousands others against the democrat party in Alabama when the party took away the nomination from an duly elected nominee and gave it to someone else.

Barbara, the only chance for real change in the DNC and in the Democratic Part will come from Democrats. For example, a Republican goes to a DNC convention watch party, and says, “I’m not sure Obama would fight and die for the flag the way John McCain has and will.” That person’s comments are dismissed. They’re not in the party, so no one in the party cares. On the other hand, a Democrat at the same DNC convention watch party says, “I dunno if Obama is really concerned about being President as he is about getting to be President.” It’s worded differently, but the message is the same, and the audience listens.

Honestly, I think there are thousands of Americans who have truly EARNED the job of President. McCain is one of em. However, my pigeonhole perspective tells me that Obama could actually be the better President-not because of what he says, how he says it, what he’s done, what he hasn’t done, or any of the things that make McCain the man who earns the job. No, imo Obama might make the better President for 2 simple reasons:

1) He (and most Presidents anymore) are riders of history-they react to it rather than have the political courage (or lack of political smarts) to take charge, take action, and deliberately change the face of the planet and our nation. FDR had the courage. Bush didn’t have the courage until about 9:11 on 911, and after that, I think he lacked the political smarts to do much other than to very boldly and strongly react to the attacks and endeavor on changing the face of the world and the US. Obama….no way. No experience because he never had the balls to do much more than be a community organizer in Chi-town. No political accomplishments because he never had the political courage to be a maverick and dare say something that was/is even an iota shy of pandering to his party. Confused? My point is that since Truman (save perhaps Reagan) Presidents have chosen to react to history rather than to step up, risk low approval, lose political capital, and take action that would make a difference. They ride the river rather than steer the boat. McCain will definitely try and steer, but he’d bring with him a divided crew-half of which will not only refuse orders, but work against them. Obama, on the other hand, will certainly not take office and suddenly change the pattern and tenor of his entire life by suddenly going about plans and actions that will actually change the planet and the US. No, he’ll ride the river….until…

2) Only the dead have seen the end of war-Plato. Every President kills people in battle-Scott Malensek. There will come a time-there ALWAYS does-when a President Obama would have to steer the country away from the rocks. When he does….there will be no opposition to military action from the right (a lot of “I told you so’s”, but not opposition), and he CAN lead the left into war. He’s already saying he will with his warmongering promise to send more and more troops into Afghanistan, and to unilaterally, attack a sovereign nation (Pakistan) just on the chance of getting one tall Arab guy who has lost several fold of his power over the past 7yrs; he’d risk nuclear war to do this. Is it just talk? No. I don’t think so because Obama is a rule-by-poll guy, and no way can he stomach the kinda reports that have plagued GWB, Clinton, Bush Sr, and even Reagan’s legacy; “You coulda gotten Bin Laden and you chose not to-you let him get away.” Obama does not have the mettle to take that kinda accusation. So when the boat heads toward that rock, and he can either attack in Pakistan or let UBL go, he’ll hit Pakistan because it’ll be the popular thing to do, and he can lead his crew-people on the L and R-to support him.

So we have a guy who earned the job, is more than ready to do it, has a history of bi-partisanship, but can’t unite the left


a guy who has as much experience as any other Joe Schmoe at being President, has almost zero experience in bi-partisan efforts, has almost no accomplishments to speak of in his life save getting elected Senator via uber pandering at a time of incredible national divide, but he gives shivers up Chris Matthews’ leg, makes the KOSsacks, DNC, Hollywood, and even isolationists and socialists feel all warm and buttery (-sorry, already getting ready for the taste of popcorn next week).

Gonna be good. Either way, America cannot win, and cannot lose. We will have a capable manager, or an inexperienced manager who is a good leader (soundbites rule the nation).

I’ll probably vote McCain just because I think he’e done more than enough to deserve my vote of support and he’s very capable of being President, but I believe that if one wants nationa unity…then Obama’s the guy.

Nothing will make President Bush looks smarter, his actions look braver, his accomplishments shine brighter….than an Obama administration, and 35wks after Obama’s taking office, the 911 denialist primary point of deliberate ignorance (the “it happened on his watch” bit about GWB) disappears. Any recession that starts on day 1 of Obama’s watch makes GWB look good. Any attack on the US 35wks into Pres Obama’s watch makes Bush look good. Airstrikes on Iran, war w Russia, whatever….as long as it happens after 91109…..it’s Obama’s fault.

Who cares about fault? We all should to a degree-not because it fingerpoints a person or a party, but because it erases the spin about an action, event, or strategy. For example…Pres Obama is elected. In transition, he gets briefed on Iran’s nuke program. They show him the laptop, the captured blueprints on how to make a bomb core, the captured plans on making a bomb, the pics of ballistic missiles being modified to ironically fit new warheads that match the plans down to the 1/16th of an inch. They play NSA phone intercepts of Iranians discussing how the bomb making is going. They show sat pics of what look like missiles. They show JSTARs radar images of Russian convoys loaded w ballistic missiles heading to the peaceful nuclear enrichment plants. His staff shows him IAEA reports that say it looks like Iran’s making nukes. Would Pres Obama go to the UNSC for the 28th time re Iran’s nuclear program? Maybe, but if the UN’s 2002/03 inability to deal w Saddam didn’t make them useless, and their 27 examples of saying “STOP! Or we shall say ‘STOP’ again!” didn’t make them useless, then Obama’s going there once more wouldn’t just put a nail in the coffin, it put a checkmark on a B2 bomber pilot’s checklist. Would he go to NATO which has failed in Afghanistan, failed in Georgia, and gets more and more ineffective by the DAY! Maybe, but it’d be another checklist on the bomber pilot’s pre-flight list. Obama could do all the things that the left rants should be done, but on the right….people don’t hide behind the illusion that all the problems in the world stem from an inept, appointed American President. The right recognizes bad guys. The left needs to be reminded (note, in their 2008 DNC platform….there is no longer a War on Terror. It’s over to Democrats). No, President Obama would come to office with a pre-bombing checklist to appease his base, then he’d have to order the strikes or let Hezzbollah have a nuke, or any of the other dozens of Iranian backed groups-including Al Queda.

Fall back to the question asked by Charlie Gibson at the debates about what to do when a nuke goes off in an American city. It takes months to do nuclear forensics (might not even be possible if other nuclear targets are hit and thus mix up the radiologicals or if the forensic faciltiies themselves are hit). Obama said he’d retaliate. Ooooo, there’s a stretch. Ya mean the American people would support such a thing? LOL What a political no brainer. The real question is…what if he found out the nuclear material was Russian (nuclear material given to Iran is from Russia btw), but that test results are mixed (because IAEA was never backed by UN etc to do intrusive investigations in Iran and find all the production facilities). Would he nuke Iran? Would he nuke Russia? Any tacit action (airstrikes) would lead to escalation. How could he take action with no way of knowing if there was a nuke hidden in every American city?

Obama’s transition would be the biggest eye-opening cold shower a President has ever had, and it’d be followed (as has already been promised by Obama) by a continuance of Bush’s foreign policy: in Pakistan, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, towards Iran, etc.

Nothing would make Bush look smarter/rhetoric of the past 7yrs from the far left look more ignorant) than those weeks between the victory balls in November and Innauguration day when Democrats realize the foreign policy they’ve so vehemently and effectively opposed and weakened over the pasy 7yrs….is now the one they’ve elected, but w a D next to his name.

Man, I can NOT WAIT(!) till the spin starts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s gonna be a YouTube bonanza!!!


I too and a FORMER dumbocrat! I registered in that party when I became old enough to vote at 18. WHY? Because the rest of my family are dumbocrats, and Dad had me convince that the dumbocrats “are for the working man” (not true, obviously, but Dad was a union man most of his life!). As time went on, I noticed that the dumbocrat party didn’t share the values that my parents instilled into me, and one day I gathered up the courage to go down to the Elections Office at City Hall and ask “what do I need to do to get out of the dumbocrat party?”. The nice lady there gave me a card, asked me to fill it out, and check off the “unenrolled” block (that’s what Independents are called in Massachusetts!). Leaving party politics was one of the most liberating things I’ve done in my life! Today I’m a proud Independent who votes for the candidates who most share my values, regardless of what party they belong to!

Scott: I still haven’t forgiven you for voting for a Democrat for Congress in 2006. I blame you for Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and high gas prices!

That’s FINE Mike. Man, there is so much more you could’ve added to the list. If that’s all that I get blamed for….whew!

This year, I’m caught in a real rut. Rep Tim Ryan helped get Akron the earmark to make it easy for Goodyear to relocate/move/update their world HQ and keep it here in Akron. W/out him…Goodyear would have left. Ryan’s (R) opponent is a no-name, but claims he’s a fiscal conservative/anti-pork guy. We vote for HIM….and my wife (who works at Goodyear HQ and supports the 4 of us) loses her job, and FA loses me to a real job instead of stay-at-home dad.


re gas prices….a REAL REAL REAL capitalist/conservative would’ve seen the writing on the wall in Oct 06, invested in oil, and made an absolute KILLING (like Pelosi, Kennedy, and others have done).

Scott, so your basic premise seems to be that only Obama can unite the country because his supporters will refuse to do the right thing if their guy isn’t the leader. I can’t fault the logic, but pardon my language: that s*cks.

Skeptic …..I am an avid gardener-not necessarily gifted, but avid. Best of all I love my roses. Some of them are purely intoxicating, and when the wind blows the right way you can smell them across the street and in the neighbors yard while having a beer. Of course, if you want your roses to smell that good and look as beautiful as living rainbows, then you’d better be prepared to get pricked by some mean ass thorns, and bleed. And you gotta be ready to put your hands into a bag of stinking goo that came out of a cow’s ass, and don’t even get me started on the water bill. Point of course is that it sucks, but it’s reality, and we have to look for the small little part that does look nice, and does smell nice. In the case of Obama uniting a population that hails Paris Hilton, respects Madonna’s political propaganda as fact, and doesn’t have the balls to bleed or the courage to stick their minds into the goo that is real contemplation….unity is truly a rose.

ohhhhh, and mind you….not only is it the most beautiful red, white, and blue rose with the sweetest smell, but that unity, that flower of America scares the living shit out of dictators, tyrants, and others. There’s nothing the world fears more than awakening a sleeping giant. Ask Yamamoto.

Ah, gardens, I always enjoy long walks in Longwood Garden or the neighboring Wintherthur Garden and Estate.

What I have observed walking in these immaculate gardens is the constant upkeep, mainly constant weeding.

An invasive weed can obliterate the most carefully planned or unified garden. Good politics, like good gardening, require constant vigilance and weeding. Being a garden enthusiast and good citizen I will act to promote constant political weeding. Over the course of a decade, the Democrat party has allowed weeds to take root and choke a once vital political party. Voting liberal dems out of office and marginalizing the political power of this party is the only way to fix this problem. To be sure, there are viable democrat politicians somewhere in the party, getting rid of the ‘weeds’ will encourage their political growth. Politicians, Dem or Republican, that put country before party are what will unite this nation. Accepting weeds in hopes of creating a healthy united garden is always a bad idea.