This is just classic. Obama finds himself either tied with McCain or losing in the latest polls and he goes on the attack accusing McCain of basically being a….get this….elitist.
Pot meet kettle.
The Obama campaign seized on the house issue Thursday with an ad called “Seven,” claiming that’s the number of houses McCain has. The ad closes with a shot of the White House and the narration: “Here’s ONE house American can’t afford to let John McCain move into.”
McCain spokesman Brian Rogers said in response: “Does a guy who made more than $4 million last year, just got back from vacation on a private beach in Hawaii and bought his own million-dollar mansion with the help of a convicted felon really want to get into a debate about houses? Does a guy who worries about the price of arugula and thinks regular people ‘cling’ to guns and religion in the face of economic hardship really want to have a debate about who’s in touch with regular Americans?
“The reality is that Barack Obama’s plans to raise taxes and opposition to producing more energy here at home as gas prices skyrocket show he’s completely out of touch with the concerns of average Americans.”
At a campaign appearance in Chester, Va., on Thursday morning, Obama said: “Somebody asked John McCain, ‘How many houses do you have?’ And he said, I’m not sure. I’ll have to check with my staff. True quote: I’m not sure, I’ll have to check with my staff. So they asked his staff and he said, at least four. At least four! …
“If you’re like me and you’ve got one house – or you were like the millions of people who are struggling right now to keep up with their mortgage so that they don’t lose their home — you might have a different perspective. By the way, the answer is: John McCain has seven homes. So there’s just a fundamental gap of understanding between John McCain’s world and what people are going through every single day here in America.”
Oh please, please, please keep mentioning that one house you own. The one you brought with the help of convicted felon Rezko. The one that highlights your friendships with criminals, terrorists and corrupt politicians.
The MSM being the ever present lapdogs for Obama they are helping anyway they can. Here is In From The Cold:
A recent segment on “Inside Edition”–the syndicated news magazine that has offered fawning coverage of Barack Obama–offered a guided tour of John and Cindy McCain’s luxury mansion in Arizona. For only $12 million dollars, this home can be yours, the reporter intoned.
Only at the end of the segment did “Inside Edition” reveal the truth. Senator and Mrs. McCain sold the home two years ago, for under $4 million. The new owners have it listed for $12 million, and the next buyer will purchase it from them, not the McCains.
But that distinction is lost on the MSM, which is making Mr. McCain and his homes the issue of the day. That’s why the “Inside Edition” piece and the campaign trail question were anything but a coincidence. Talk about McCain’s real estate holdings has been swirling for days on the liberal blogs, and Frank Rich of The New York Times recently described the Senator as an “elitist.”
McCain is hitting back with this PDF on the facts of the Obama/Rezko ties. The class warfare crap will work with those on Obama’s side already, those kind of liberals eat that kind of stuff up but it comes down to this. McCain paid for his homes. Obama needed help to buy his (a home worth $1.6 million dollars by the way that comes equipped with 4 fireplaces and a wine cellar holding 1,000 bottles of the finest) and the help he received came from someone convicted of wire fraud, mail fraud, corrupt solicitation, and money laundering.
The man makes close to 4 million a year, lives in a mansion described by the WaPo as “a house with six bedrooms, four fireplaces, a four-car garage and 5 1/2 baths, including a double steam shower and a marble powder room. It had a wine cellar, a music room, a library, a solarium, beveled glass doors and a granite-floored kitchen,” and he wants to call McCain elitist? Is McCain making what the regular joe makes? Nope. Neither does Obama. But you will never hear McCain talk about those bitter rural folks clinging to guns and religion.
What a boneheaded move by Obama.

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i guess there is also no distinction that the money really comes from mccains wifes family. mccain has been in service to this country most of his sdult life and he married well, he didn’t brag and ask for sympathy when his wife suffered a stroke. obama begs for sympathy if some one says they don’t trust him, he says they ar eracist. give me a break. grow up obama and get freakin real.
The guy is a Admiral’s son of an Admiral’s son, and with the obvious exception of his days in Hanoi, probably has lived a life as pampered as it gets. McCain knows as much about the common man as Obama know about AWACS.
You got to admit “At least four” is a horrible answer to come from campaign staffers who had time to think about it.
it does make McCain look bad in my estimation. But should Obama really be talking about this with his house tied to Tony Rezko?? I think not.
Nice try, Barry Soetoro. We’ll stick to the issues because no matter how many homes McCain owns, it will never make up for the fact that you have not served the United States military. John McCain has served honorably and is a true patriot.
Mr. Obama is not a patriot and he has just enough experience to be the junior janitor at the Chicago Public Library.
Down with Obama. Long live America!
Video Tour of McCain’s Multiple Houses
John keeps his money seperate from his wife. His name probably isn’t even attached to some of the property the McCains have. Not only that, she is probably the only one that sees the paperwork.
Hitting back on Rezko might work, but it sure didn’t do bupkiss for Hillary. Obama has sat down with reporters answering every Rezco question they could come up with for well over an hour…
I think this is really bad for McCain. I certainly don’t think they want to get into a debate about who is richer (McCain is, really) or corruption (Keating Affair is mostly forgotten at this point.)
He’s the better president, but he needs to change the subject back to security, surge and drilling.
His campaign is panicking by responding like this; they shouldn’t be and don’t need to.
Wow McCain has 4 houses. I really do not know what the hell that has to do with McCain being President oin the US. How many houses did the Gigilo Kerry have, or the Kennedys. What in the hell does it matter.
My dad has 3. One in St. Louis, one in Phoenix and one in Aruba. My dad is a down to Earth guy that is retired now and does not like to be where it is cold. So he lives here in St. Louis in the Summer and then goes back and forth from Phoenix to Aruba during the winter. He comes back to St. Louis for Christmas though.
I think having 4 houses owned by your wife is not as bad as getting help from a convicted person to get a house.
Yeah, but most people only have one. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with being rich or marrying rich. WHO CARES?
But to not know how many houses you own… To have to ask your staff… Look, it was just a terrible moment.
The strategy is NOT to make it into news. The strategy is to change the subject.
Obama is trying to make issue out of McCain’s wealth, as if there’s a problem with being wealthy.
Success for others is a problem for Obama. Does he want everyone to have the same level of income? Everyone should strive for mediocracy?
Sounds like communism.
Stix72 – Make that 7 houses, not the paltry four you mention. And by the way, didn’t McCain define rich as making $5 million a year? By that standard Obama isn’t close to wealthy.
I think the unspoken subtext is supposed to be the age issue. Look for jokes about needing Lieberman to whisper answers in his ear…
This is the first incident that has me honestly thinking maybe he is having some issues with age. There is definately a pattern starting to develop.
Wow you actually did not get the joke with the $5 million. Wow just amazing. Look at his whole answer, not the sound bite from DailyKos or DUmmieland
Who cares how many houses he has. It has no influence or baring on how he would be as a President.
Yes I do think it makes McCain look bad, he should know how many houses he has.
And Obama can not remember how he voted on Abortion bills. So is he also getting Alzheimer,too. He can not remember what his handlers tell him from day to day, how many different versions of why he voted down the Born Alive Act has he had just since the Saddleback debate thingie. That is another area Obama does not want to get into.
Well at least Fit Fit recognizes that Obama doesn’t know the first thing about an AWAC. Nor much else related to the military for that matter.
Since much of Cindy McCain’s property are investments, rentals and a home for their daughter it’s stretching the truth to say McCain has 7 houses. How many of those has he actually lived in?
And isn’t it nice that Cindy McCain bought a home for their daughter. Don’t you wish Obama would do something to help that younger half brother who lives in a shack in Africa?
Mike, do you really think the McCains have the moral high ground when it comes to treatment of half siblings in the family?
The number won’t matter in the longer run. The not remembering will. As I said, this isn’t about having so many houses that he can’t remember. It’s about being so old that he can’t remember…
fit fit, he doesn’t own any of the houses. they are owned by his wife, and several are owned by family trusts. not a single one of them is in his name. there for him not knowing isn’t a big deal, they aren’t his. how many houses does bill gates own, maybe you can find out and report back to us. could be you are pissed your parents never bought you a house.
And this brings up another point: Obama was very pissed off that we conservatives attacked his wife for her hateful views towards the U.S.A. He made the point several times that we should lay off her insinuating that she is out of bounds.
And yet, here’s Obama subtly trashing Cindy McCain in this attack on her husband.
Obama is a typical lying Dem who daily demands more from others than he is willing to do himself.
Let’s not forget that Michelle Obama is one of Obama advisers.
I got the “joke” stix. McCain was being flip and that’s the problem. He looks to be unaware, elitist and uncaring. Great virtues for president huh?
Wow a President with a sense of humor we can never have that. Why is it that people on the Left do not have a sense of humor???
No clue what this has to do with the price of apples. I know many in the “not rich” category (per Obama’s standards) that own multiple homes. They use that as investments instead of (or supplemental to) the stock market.
Come on now, Fit. You’re not actually suggesting you were considering a vote for McCain, are you?
fit would never lower to voting for mccain, fit is only trying to change our minds. sorry, no need for the liberal mind control crap around here, we can all think for ourselves. do enjoy reading your shit fits though.
Not voting for McCain, just comfortable with the idea of him being president.
I know that no matter what, we will get some sensible immigration reform. Millions of new voters will change the electorate, sending the current version of the GOP to the dustbins of history. I know no matter what, our troops are coming home from Iraq.
I really think he’ll go back to being McCain 2000 if he gets the nomination.
But the senior moments are starting to concern me. It will probably be alright, considering how much supporting staff a President has.
Don’t mess with John – I bet he did it on purpose so he could release this ad today -;)
Housing problem –
By the way, anyone who is the Chairman of a foundation that spends $110 Million in 5 years on schools and gets no results shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near our tax dollars. Using the tax returns found in Steve Diamond’s blog post, I computed that in 1998 and 1999, the foundation gave out almost $20M in grants, and based on some of the grant receivers, I came up with a student population of 2,000 students (of course, we can’t know for sure unless they release all of the documents), this amounts to $5,000 per student per year. They could have given each student $5,000 towards a private school education and had much better success.
Follow his links for more info:
Liberals are the biggest bigots I know.
Philip J. Berg, Esq. Files Federal Lawsuit Requesting Obama Be Removed as a
Candidate as he does not meet the Qualifications for President.
The LA Times among others reported that Obama really smashed into McCain with the housing gaff. Hmm RCP has Obama up .1 since the gaff for a total of 1.4% over McCain. If that was hard hitting, we might be missing some of his lighter blows.