Flag Day in West Chester, Pa

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Absolutely fabulous turnout for the West Chester Flag Day Rally! At least 150-200 patriots celebrated Flag Day with the Sheepdogs!

We were lauded by State Representative Curt Schroder, who presented to the Chester County Victory Movement a U.S. Flag and a State Flag. His speech after the presentation should be required listening across America.

Two notable bloggers attended as well – Thus Spake Ortner from The Sniper and Jonn Lilyea from This Ain’t Hell. Both have written concise and illuminating blog posts on their experience in West Chester, Pa.

Irish Thunder, an AOH pipe band, made an impressive show on the sidewalk of the Courthouse this Saturday. They, along with the Knights of Columbus Color Corps, lead a parade of patriots to the Knights hall for the after rally party.

George and Laura took time from their hectic schedules to stop by and pose for some photos:

The aerial group shot was taken by the uber-talented Sean, you can view more of his photos HERE. Not to be outdone, NeoCon has produced a remarkable set of images from Saturday’s rally, you can view them HERE. Of course, I had taken a photo or two which can be viewed HERE.

West Chester’s Daily Local ran a front page article on our rally – you can read all about it – HERE.

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What an excellent outpouring of true American patriotism. My hat is off to the fine folks who organize, coordinate, photograph, blog and especially PARTICIPATE in this inspiring example of grass roots American support for our troops and for VICTORY in the war on terror.

You folks make us proud and you prove over and over again that one or two people can make a difference and that our voices need not be silent!