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Yawn. More out of context video factoids in lieu of any sort of discourse.

But I certainly understand why you run these video snippets. Republicans are disheartened and it isn’t going to be easy building on the ‘accomplishments’ of two, count ’em two Bush terms. There aren’t any. A badly damaged economy. A military stretched to its limits, bogged down in two wars half way round the globe paid for by our credit card.

It can’t be easy mustering much enthusiasm for John McCain. He’s not much.

In fact, reading this and other Republican blogs I’ve yet to see any.

Oh well. The Republican message has long been one based on fear mongering.

2008 will be a low water mark for certain in Republican campaigning.

Wow… and I thought our other pet troll was the master of projectionism and distortion!!! Arthurstone almost has him beat.


Thanks much for descending from your usual low orbit around Neptune to share your verifiably wrong pontifications with us.

How about this Bush accomplishment, which you managed to conveniently forget: no 9-11’s since, well, 9-11.

“Badly damaged economy?” Ummm, how? Things can’t be that bad: I don’t see no Okies cramming the freeways in their beatup trucks, desperately heading out to California to find work picking oranges. You also must have been taking hits off your bong when this news came out:


Only in America could a 3.5 – 4% annual GROWTH rate be considered a “recession.” Europeans would be dancing in the streets if they had these kinds of numbers. Last U.S. unemployment number was 5.5%–that’s only bad given that unemployment in this country fell not so long ago to around 4 1/2%. Most anywhere else in the world that would be considered “more than full employment.” Unemployment figures throughout Europe are TWICE ours. You must have very high standards, huh?

For an education, try checking out the Department of Labor website:


“Military stretched to its limits?” And your evidence for this is….? My son is in the Army (10th Mountain Division) and I recently received a notice from his battalion commander indicating it now has no forseeable plans to deploy to either Iraq or Afghanistan. If anything, my son was genuinely disappointed since he really wanted to go. So tell me: if the military is “stretched to the limit,” why isn’t my boy already in the pipeline to Iraq? Gee, could it be that, just maybe, we’re winning with the troops we already have in-place? We’ve still got troops in Kosovo–one of Bubba’s legacies. Beats the hell out of me why they’re still there, but we can’t be that short of troops if we can spare folks for that mission.

You whine about “our credit card” paying for Afghanistan and Iraq. Lemme tell you something, sweet pea, if you think the current wars are expensive in blood and treasure, they’re still a hell of a lot cheaper than dealing with the aftermath of Al Qaeda nuking a major American city.

If nobody has recently reminded you that you’re an idiot, pray allow me to have the honor of doing so.

Heh. Heh.

As I wrote it won’t be easy building a campaign on the Republican achievements over the past 8 years. Nor is it going to be any fun at all running on John McCain’s record.

Thanks for proving me right.

You know the saying “fight fire with fire?”

Well, in Arthur’s case you got to fight bile with bile. And this instant classic does it best:

I’d pay good money to see Harriet Christian take down “Arthur” (that’s not his real name by the way, he’s an art dealer in Seattle).

this just in for Green Dems–off the Economist — no estan verde para mi, compadres


yo quiero verde!

we need jobs here, don’t we.

If we work on “green” things we can solve things, in my opinion. Does anyone know how green the Repubs are?

Also there is something very comforting about your Wild West Website. One Hundred years later can we go back? Please? To a simpler life.

More Congressional leaders refuse to publicly support McBush:

(The Hill) At least 14 Republican members of Congress have refused to endorse or publicly support Sen. John McCain for president, and more than a dozen others declined to answer whether they back the Arizona senator.

Many of the recalcitrant GOP members declined to detail their reasons for withholding support, but Rep. John Peterson (R-Pa.) expressed major concerns about McCain’s energy policies and Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.) cited the Iraq war.

Bush is TOXIC (Gallup: 25% favorability); McBush has tested positive for toxicity: Republican senators (aka political experts) are reacting.

The economy of Obama’s countries he wants to model the U.S. after: 8% unemployment in France, $7.50 (or higher after the strike) a gallon for diesel in Spain, a butter shortage in Japan (yeah the stuff spread on bread) and 7% inflation (possibly rising to 14% by the end of this year) in Russia.

More dems refuse to support obambi.

{{Rep. Travis Childers, elected just weeks ago in a Mississippi special election, hasn’t endorsed anyone in the presidential race yet. “We have had our head down at work, trying to get our feet on the ground up here,” said Childers’ chief of staff, Brad Morris. “The presidential politics just has not been on our mind.” }}

{{Rep. Heath Shuler, a freshman Democrat from right-leaning North Carolina, has also been too busy to endorse. After Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton carried his district in the North Carolina primary, Shuler said he would cast his superdelegate vote for her at the Democratic convention.}}

{{Rep. Dan Boren, a Democrat from a conservative Oklahoma district, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he won’t be endorsing Obama — the GOP is enjoying the show.}}

National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Ken Spain said that Democrats who don’t endorse Obama “wrongly believe that by disassociating themselves from Obama that they can escape any criticism or comparison in terms of their liberal positions on issues like their shared support for government-run health care and massive tax hikes.”

Responding to the news of Boren’s non-endorsement, Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor noted in an e-mail that “Obama has a long history of working across the aisle to get things done and … he’s worked with some of the most conservative members — including Congressman Boren’s Republican colleague from Oklahoma, [Sen.] Tom Coburn.”

But Boren isn’t the only congressional Democrat who won’t be endorsing Obama.

{{A spokesman for Rep. Tim Mahoney (D-Fla.) told Politico on Thursday that Mahoney will remain neutral.}}

{{ So will Rep. Jim Marshall, a Democrat in a conservative Georgia district.}}

{{Louisiana Democratic Rep. Charlie Melancon has yet to endorse Obama. Until Thursday, neither had newly elected Louisiana Rep. Don Cazayoux. }}

{{There aren’t any.}}-Bush accomplishments that is.

You may have missed the liberation of Iraq and Afghanistan and the birth of two new Middle East democracies thanks to Bushes war.

Yet another possible “under the bussee”. No doubt this fellow wasn’t the person Obama thought he was either…


Mark J 911 happened on bush’s watch and he was totally asleep at the wheel. He was repeatedly warned about attacks from airplanes and ignored them. To say that there were no other 911’s after that makes Bush very unremarkable since every president dating back to the war of 1812 did not have an attack on the mainland during their watch. They were also able to achieve this without trampling our freedoms in the process and nonstop fear mongering.

Your remark ‘How about this Bush accomplishment, which you managed to conveniently forget: no 9-11’s since, well, 9-11.’ is like saying I haven’t burned down any houses in the last 7 years since I burned my own house down smoking in bed.


Bush very unremarkable since every president dating back to the war of 1812 did not have an attack on the mainland during their watch.

That’s an asinine remark. When was al-Qaeda formed? Have or have other plots not been foiled since 9/11, thanks to Bush-era decisions to engage Islamic jihadis?

They were also able to achieve this without trampling our freedoms in the process and nonstop fear mongering.

And what has Obama done to scale back on Bush-era policies that “trample our freedoms”? Have there been “nonstop fear mongering” in the last 2 years in regards to jihadism, Art?

to my critics :

1. Mark J 911 happened on bush’s watch and he was totally asleep at the wheel. He was repeatedly warned about attacks from airplanes and ignored them.


Details please.


this is just one of hundreds of links which can be found on Google if you’d bother to look which obviously you haven’t. This was widely reported but since Fox News didn’t break the story obviously it could never be true to a person of your mentality.

2. Bush very unremarkable since every president dating back to the war of 1812 did not have an attack on the mainland during their watch.

That’s an asinine remark. When was al-Qaeda formed? Have or have other plots not been foiled since 9/11, thanks to Bush-era decisions to engage Islamic jihadis?

so what ? they were terrorist instead of an invading foreign army what’s the difference ? It still doesn’t change the fact that Bush failed to protect us. It wasn’t as if there was there was no knowledge that al-Qaeda was out there trying to hurt us. Anybody even paying even slight attention to the news would have known this. He was also warned about the danger posed by al-Qaeda from the Clinton administration as they left office and was also briefed by the CIA as well about the potential of an attack from them. But hey those weeds on the ranch need to be whacked ! Like Reagan said ‘facts are stubborn little things’

3. They were also able to achieve this without trampling our freedoms in the process and nonstop fear mongering.

And what has Obama done to scale back on Bush-era policies that “trample our freedoms”? Have there been “nonstop fear mongering” in the last 2 years in regards to jihadism, Art?

Well I’d have to agree with you on this one unfortunately but given the economic crisis plus the two wars of choice he inherited from Bush , Obama had a pretty full plate to deal with over the last 2 years. He still has 2 years left in is term to change/improve/reverse the knee jerk Patriot act though I doubt it will happen especially since Repubs control the House now.

We had this conversation with Gaffa before my computer crashed and I was unable to respond, prior to that I had researched the Condi Rice/Richard Clarke testimonies, interviews, etc. and found that the only thing the Bush administration had to go on was that August 6th memo. All the information regarding prospective attacks with planes, etc. was not yet given to the Bush administration prior to 9/11.

In addition to that, Richard Clarke gave an entirely different testimony to the 9/11 Commission in closed session than what he gave in public. Per John Lehman. Bookmarked all of it but lost it in the crash. 🙁

We should have a link for idiots like Art. It would be called “Frequently Claimed and Disproven Lies from the Left.”
We’d save ourselves a lot of time and avoid having the same debates over, and over, and over…

Art won’t likely be back, Aye. It’s just another clulessly smug leftist unthinkingly regurgitating what it was fed.
To examine it’s beliefs could reveal that it isn’t the intellectual and moral superior of us “cons” and that would be devastating to it’s ego. That is why lefties like Art have zero introspection.